"In 2012, there were 3.2 million farmers, ranchers and other agricultural managers and an estimated 757,900 agricultural workers were legally employed in the US. Animal breeders accounted for 11,500 of those workers with the rest categorized as miscellaneous agricultural workers. The median pay was $9.12 per hour or $18,970 per year."

So, let's say we gave all agricultural workers work for $9.12 an hour and we wanted to raise their wage to $15 an hour.

$15 - $9.12 = $5.88

$5.88 an hour times the hours per year comes out to a $12,230.4 increase per worker.

Now times the number of workers in ALL of agriculture, 3,957,900, comes out to $48,406,700,160 per year in higher wage cost.

Now, $48,406,700,160 divided by the U.S. population comes out to $151.79 a year in extra food prices per individual or $607.16 per four person family.

Keep in mind, this was with 3.2 million farmers (not ranch hands), ranchers and mangers factored in. Let's try just workers this time, yeah?

$5.88 × 2,080h × 757,900 workers = 9,269,420,160 a year in food.

Now, divided by the population, the new prices are 29.0668553151 extra per individual now.

So, food would only rise $29.06 dollars a year or $116.36 for a four person family.

Now, are you telling me people couldn't afford $150 with that wage hike?

Other urls found in this thread:


You might even be able to avoid the price increase if you killed Porky and took his property, making it so that price wasn't beholden to whatever generated the most profits.

That's true.

But let's have some fun!!!!

To further explain this, according to PewHispanic, only 4% of illegals work in agriculture:

With 11 million illegals in the U.S. with only 4% in agriculture, that's 440,000 workers total.

For shit and giggles, let's say illegals make $1 an hour and if we hired American we paid the medium wage of $9.12 an hour. That's a 800.12% increase in wages.

So, $8.12 x 2,080h = 16,889.6 a year in higher wages per worker.

16,889.6 x 440,000 = 7,431,424,000

7,431,424,000 ÷ 318.9 million = $23.30 per individual or an increase of $93.2 a year in food prices.

Let's do a more realistic wage now and say illegal immigrants get $4 an hour in wages.

Let's only an increase of $14.69 a year per individual or $58.77 a year per 4 person family.


b b but that's thinking with your brain user, not your heart. all of those poor mexicans will be out of a job and we took their country away, so we owe it to them to harbor their criminals and let them vote illegally, don't we?


This isn't an accurate way to asses the total increase in food cost. You have to factor in other things like grocery store employees, people working in transport, and people working in food processing(like canned tomatoes, ect).

Keep using that brain, pol.
Keep using it..

