*getting back

In the US a substantial increase in the minimum wage should have been implemented in the late 90s (I wrote a dissertation on just that back in 2000) when inflation and growth were doing the right things instead of "the great moderation" but it turns out Greenspan was a trickster and a fraud.
Who knows what would happen if it was done today - the economy is frail, but if they can print trillions of dollars and not bat an eye then why not do this too?
Fuck it, it's broken now anyway, who cares?

You guys do realize the OP says NOTHING about raising the minimum wage, right? It says "[let's say we gave all agricultural workers work for $9.12 an hour and we wanted to raise their wage to $15 an hour.]" The reason why I brought $15h into it is to incentives people to work in agriculture. Hit cntrl-F and see if it says anything for yourself about minimum wage.

I worked for a year as a farmhand making $11 an hour. I now work in construction as a GL.