Bill Gates and 4bn in poverty
Bill Gates and 4bn in poverty
And as Jason Hickel points out, this $1.90 is ridiculously low. A minimum threshold would be $5 a day that the US Department of Agriculture calculated was the very minimum necessary to buy sufficient food. And that’s not taking account of other requirements for survival, such as shelter and clothing. Hickel shows that in India, children living at $1.90 a day still have a 60% chance of being malnourished. In Niger, infants living at $1.90 have a mortality rate three times higher the global average.
Yes slum populations are increasing exponentially and super slums will become significantly for frequent when mega cities in Asia and Africa start to become more prominent.
Poverty to Gates is literally people starving and sorting eating each other. Poverty in reality is people going hungry, people eating substandard diets with no nutrition, children being underweight and suffering from immuno-deficiency diseases due to pre-natal malnourishment. Poverty is rolling blackouts, food shortages, open air sewage, shanty towns, massive landfills next to neighborhoods, cholera infested water and massive rates of infection by preventable disease and parasites
We will witness Elysium levels of poverty in the next 50 years. Gates doesn't care because for porky the future is bright. He can live till he's 130 and enjoy the finest medical care, diet and living situation any human has ever had.
Reminder that the Gates foundation is welfare capitalist propaganda and is used to enrich his family and friends and launder drug/weapons money.
income inequality is good, as it increases competition for enterprises.
do you like it in the ass too?
it's not domination if an inhuman system dominates you and not other people
Haha, one day I'm going to be the top, just you wait and see.
it's pretty funny they were able to pull the reduced poverty scam and basically everyone believes it.
and it's nearly 100% because of china, not the rest of the world, and doesn't reflect actual poverty, just people literally starving to death
There have been so much Ted Talk and Silicon Valley shilling of this idea the poverty is going to dissapear if we stay on our current trajectory. It is one of the most effective psyops of all time.
it always seemed rotten to me, although I believed it. I still thought it was limited and would have diminishing returns over time
I know this sounds autistic, but could you stop posting those pictures? I've seen mkre of these kinds of posters since the hacking. Someone is just going to pop up and accuse us of "broscialism", hatred of women or something else.
And beside, people only post unrelated pictures of lightly dressed women when the actually content of the post isn't interesting through by itself.
Shoud we uploads cuteboys next time?
Do you even need to ask?
You get capcucks coming in here all the time with this shit. "Capitalism just pulled a billion people out of poverty checkmate atheists."
Yeah, they might be relatively more wealthy than the peasants were a few decades ago, but where did that wealth come from?
From the west, you fucks! Don't you think it's a strange coincidence that Eastern living standards rose at approximately the same rate that Western living standards fell? Isn't it curious that wages for western workers stagnated while wages for eastern workers grew tremendously? Maybe offshoring and the gigantic transfer of wealth from one hemisphere to the other had something to do with it!
thanks man
Although I have long stopped carring about said pictures not that I dislike them, I just don't see the benefit unless you are at pol or b, I for one welcome my identification as a brocialist!
If the alternative is tumblr feminism…
I'm a Brocialist, and I'll you that right now
I believe a man should fap to what he wants and see tits big as cow.
shit taste my man
b is best, c is max.
Is this a joke? Who gives a fuck? Holla Forums has more Women on it then /r/socialism. Maybe Women find it condescending when faggots like you step in to defend their sensitive sensibilities. OP has a tradition of making posts including thenextrecession articles and lewds. I for one like these posts, go back to reddit.
I didn't know how to make it work.. Am not good at lyrics.. Tell Banko to write a brocialist song or something
I kinda get where you're coming from, but i don't think it really makes any difference, it's sort of a tradition for article threads
If I agreed to it on a voluntary contract, yes.
life isn't fair, deal with it.
too shortsighted. You're not being dominated by the individual interaction, you are dominated by market competition, which isn't voluntary. You are forced to compete by the market, rather than freely working at your own way and to produce what you want (communism, which is distinct from state-socialism. it is production to share with everyone who wants it, like free software, which is a form of work for the commons. but capitalism invades and destroys the commons, historically through state violence)
shocking rebuttal
how will he ever recover
Someone being rich/poor is not an argument…….. besides, if you invented the most easy to use operating system, basically invented a dumbed down computer so that mass population can use it, who can blame you??
One of the most fundamental thing with all left wing ideologies, is their implicit utopianism. Ask any leftist you ever saw in your life 'ok that all sounds good, but how do you manage scarcity? What if there's not enough shit to go around? Let's assume worst case scenario instead of constantly assuming best case scenario, what do you do then?' and they all go quiet.
Market/capitalism with all its flaws has this shit fixed, so does even feudalism, hell even fascism, all of private sector today, and every corporation too. There's a hierarchy. There is a system. There is a protocol. Everyone knows what to do. At least they know who starves first, who starves in the middle, and who starves last.
All these leftist theories always assume bullshit like 'we are all good!' and 'humans wont do corruption!' and 'there's enough for everyone!' and other bullshit like that. Too utopian.
You talk to the homeless, to prisoners, to war vets, to survivors of all kinds, they all tell you the same thing: no one was there when they were surviving, there was no communisms when they were starving, its all bullshit.
You talk to corporate tyrants and economic dictators, they are basically exactly the same, they came to the exactly 100% the same conclusions, just trough smarter methods.
Go back to Holla Forums and take your skinhead tier rhetoric and strawmanning with you.
actually, feudalism is the only system that works. I mean, think about it, if we let farmers start their own businesses, then they'll eventually mismanage something, and the system will all come crashing down. no, its much better that we have a king who can just make sure everything goes according to structure, even if that means we have to live in destitute poverty for most of our lives. at least we have security
This is quite literally not an argument.
It is a fundamental fact of reality that people starve.
How do any of your sheltered ideologies deal with this most fundamental fact on Earth?
Not a single text on this subject. Half if not 90% of capitalisms are all about scarcity management, who gets how much, and why.
Now lets go to left wing texts:
Factor in that scarcity is a thing. I am not talking about… diamonds and other purely symbolic things that have no application other than industrial drilling. I am talking about zinc, tungsten, copper, crap you NEED to reply to this post.
I'd be shit at hunting, my eyesight isnt the best, I dont even know which mushrooms are poisonous. I cant even make clothes I am wearing right now. I really wouldnt know how to make them. Without capitalism, imperialism, hierarchies, and exploitation,
Fine I will read it and reply later on. I study math at uni and we tend to agree with Einstein/Feynman and their saying 'if you cant explain it to a 5 year old/if you cant explain it in a few words, you dont know it yourself' but oh well. No one gives a crap about social sciences and their findings, because they are contradictory and almost never make any accurate predictions but whatever. Hard science keeps its text short even when it goes to prove its shit, but nevermind I guess. I will read your trillion words text to find something I dont know.
All I know is that there's 7 billion people on this planet. Without radical depopulation, you cant have your rainbows and happy thoughts ideologies going on. It literally goes against physics. Cant feed a trillion ppl with 2 breads. Someone has to do the dying. And left wingers dont know who.
So if tits can attract male attention to these articles and the board, is there some equivalent we can use for women? They tend to be less about anatomy, more about behavior than men, maybe like romance novel covers or something.
and you guys call us cucks
maybe I could respond to your argument if you were making one. instead, you're autistically screeching that scarcity occurs, which poses absolutely no substantial philosophical problems for socialism. then, you said that all technological development has occurred under capitalism. do you want a medal?
The guy who cured polio made the cure part of the Commons
Thanks communism
Is that why 'murican TV is filled with stronk men and anime with pretty boyz?
It's not though. If we're talking stereotypes it's more a mix of shlubby fat guys with hot wives and well-groomed, well-dressed, high-power men.
we all live on the surplus value of the whole society
by increasing productivity of labor
anyway, your screeching is annoying
Malthus said what you're trying to say long ago
and he did it far better and without sucking bourgeoisie cock
How does anyone deal with scarcity of basic goods in wartime?
there are only two options.
either the market reigns and profiteers hoard goods to sell to the rich at gouge prices
or there is rationing on a per capita basis
while scarcity is a thing, all goods must be rationed by some mechanism.
Ever hear of the siege of leningrad?
they made the right decisions there
the city never fell
yaay now we are all dirt poor and dying equally
yes, some dumb bimbos with fake tits make money by being dumb bimbos with fake tits
yes, some people exploit.. simple folks, let's call them that, some people are parasitic and exploit simple folks who are given more rights under capitalism than they'd make for themselves in the jungle, and more than enough to defend themselves effectively but fail because they are retards
but belief that the west is some sort of ball and chain gulag where you absolutely can not move from the place you were born into, is absolutely false
large majority of the upper class and 1% actually provides some sort of
to society, unlike the rabble
Thank you for proving my point. Long proofs are considered…. ugly. Let's just call them ugly.
Schrodinger, Einstein, basically all of them simplified some of the most important equations known to humanity to just a few letters..
Also, proofs are always secondary to axioms, and all of them tend to be extremely simplistic and 'short' in nature.
And this why I'm hopeful about the next economic downturn; these idiots deserve to suffer.
I am an Ayn Randist kek
I really believe that in case the rabble ever gets uppity, all the rich people and elites would just use their above average intellect to organize and escape with all their skills and knowledge to their magic mystic island that has no rabble and basically create communism for the rich over there. And all the poor will be utterly fucked because lets face it: your average man in poverty, and also 90% of the society, all have it much better than they'd have it in the jungle.
The poor arent oppressed, or stolen from or whatever; THEY HAVE NOTHING OF VALUE TO BEGIN WITH.
Wanting more is not an argument.
I don't think that guy's a Holla Forumsyp, he's probably the one bragging about his mad bitcoin cash and Bill Gates' Autism Level, most Holla Forumsyps legitimately believe they're being fucked over, they just blame the wrong people.
It would take much more social engineering than what's currently happening to get the entire population to be complacent about their own living standards falling too much (or at least that's what I want to believe)
They have their labour. Is porky porkson III, esq. going to fix his own plumbing?
If the world really worked on labor theory of value, China and India would live how Europeans and North Americans live. But they dont.
Listen, anyone can do fucking plumbing. You can train animals to do half the jobs low wage shitters are doing. I am an electrician, so I'd know a thing or two about doing retarded jobs.
It's the airplanes. Hydroelectric dams. Curing diseases. A machine gun. There will always be a difference between the rich and the poor, because there will always be people who can do these and those who cant do them.
Human beings arent robots or cloned in the same factory. Some people are simply born unable to bench 200 kg. Some people will simply never grasp and apply advanced arcane mathematical analysis and vector space theory from linear algebra or whatever. Doesnt even matter if they get the perfect conditions to try it.
so why is it that labour is being outsourced to china and india as fast as porcine hands can shift it?
You know what would happen in ayn rand island? All their goods and services would be imported, and all their income funnelled in from property in the outside world.
Stupid work is stupid. You can make a robot do it. This is why I see the future as just the porkys and zero working class people alive. Working class people are, simply and bluntly put, inferior. If you cant compete in the marketplace for a finite amount of jobs, I dont know what makes you think you can compete in the world for a finite amount of resources.
This really comes down to where do you think mathematicians, engineers and so on go for you, porky or working class. Whole service sector can be automated, but so could whole financing sector. Now service sector is obviously working class, financial sector obviously current porky.
But what I think is, both porky and working class, both financing and service sector will be wiped out by the new sector and only sector, sector more competent than both, a sector that would be independent from both. I dont know what to call it but mathematicians, engineers, scientists, programmers etc.
Source: all of the most successful private sector fortune 500 companies are engineer ran tech groups. Facebook, google, toshiba, panasonic, audi, general motors, general electric etc etc etc.
These engineers are both a boss and a worker. He is richer than some capitalist countries, yet doesnt rely on exploitation. He also gets 100% of his labor. And he is pushing everyone else out.
Just because Chinese workers create surplus value doesn't mean that they are the ones who own all of the surplus.
That's like saying the proletariat should be rich because they create all the surplus, when it is usually the capitalists, banks and managerial classes that extract a lot of the value from the production process.
The wages the chinese receive are usually pretty low and the margins the intermediate factory owners run on are pretty slim. But even then they are rapidly growing in wealth.
The current problem with China is not that they have too little capital, but that they are becoming too rich to keep acting like America's labour pool. In fact, China is actively devalueing its currency, lowering the value of previously obtained wages and profits relative to the value extracted by westerners, so it can keep its production based economy.
This is all basic economics.
I like engineering tbh, but I definitely wouldn't do it, if it wasn't well compensated.
Some people will never grasp Marx. Like you, you illiterate nigger.
Dollars to donuts you don't know what the labor theory of value is or even how to explain it.
What's your explanation by the way for the fact that China and India were civilizations with advanced technology and culture when Europeans were still living in huts made out of their own shit?
Honestly, when I see a pair o' 3D titties on Holla Forums my brain just goes "Oh hey, it's news time". Aside from the occasional "Post communist qts" thread, that's the only titty posting I see.
So I see all you've ever read was garbage highschool text books that are 10 years out of date and recycled memes from the mid 20th century.
I much prefer all them all to starve so we can have more coffee shops
Holy shit, what a load of incoherent bullshit, I think you may be struggling with definitions here.
What you're calling porky is simply a business owner/manager (bourgeoisie), and the working class (proletariat) are simply those paid a wage/salary by those that own/manage the enterprise, class isn't determined by profession and it certainly isn't determined by fucking sector. Profession doesn't mean shit: if you work for a fucking business that you don't own you are being exploited, as is the case in all of these tech companies that you fetishise. Facebook, google, toshiba, panasonic, audi, general motors and general electric all rely on exploiting large numbers of workers in order to turn a profit, and the engineers employed by these firms certainly don't get "100% of their labor", if they did these firms wouldn't be able to turn a profit and would be pushed out of the market.
Why don't you actually read a book rather than throwing around terms you obviously don't understand?
is the first image of an Asian girl? I need to know.
I wonder how does it feel to be a pretty girl with awesome big tits.
No it actually doesn't reflect people literally starving to death, that was the original basis but then they changed it to dollar values because there wasn't any decent progress on the "people not starving to death" front
This is the site where commies post lol
you seriously have brain damage
I'm entirely sure you haven't talked to any of these.
I wish you would have said this at the beginning of your faggoty rants so then everyone knew already not to waste their time reading them.
That's good to hear! Perhaps you would like to read some words of wisdom from him:
I'm thinking tits will do just fine.
When was the last time you talked to a woman in real life?
Want to make anything appealing to women? Make it interesting and funny. Yeah, I know, that also applies to men, except you should probably avoid bimbos on sport cars.
imagine actually thinking this.
Even for a "muh enterprising industrialist" randroid classcuck, shouldn't you have better taste in porky robber barons?
Nah I dont care. I dont believe in magical fairy giving everyone infinite free magical rights everywhere, righting every wrong, fighting 'injustice' whatever that even is anymore, or fighting 'the system' and replacing it with ???.
Lol, I dont care. The system, market capitalism, is fair enough for my personal tastes. I was born in the west. Not in Best Korea, a son of a guy who got sentenced for 4 generations. I am 'free'. I have… enough human rights. I mean I do want more, I always want more, but I doubt I'd be able to have more of this magical justice or human rights alone in the jungle.
Impotent rage at robber barons is inferior to just becoming one.
Congratulations, this is the most cucked post on Holla Forums.
Dammit guys, who here dropped the ball on distributing the Communisms?!
Gates is a thief, he fucked over all the people who invented the things he sells, he sells worse versions of everything he stole, his imposition of property and capitalism on the freewheeling computer industry fucked it over, he and all the companies he's associated with (IBM, Intel, etc.) are laser-focused on promoting mediocrity and derivation over superiority and innovation, because it secures them power and wealth. He is a boat anchor on human civilization.
He is the most stereotypically parasitic capitalist imaginable.
Ok, fine, but still, this thief, is he rotting in prison or is he filthy rich.
I just lost it, I got bored of reading Marx and all others, I cant care anymore about what is right, what is wrong, who is a thief, who is a parasite, blah blah yada yada. Because when I look around me, none of that is.. none of it exists anywhere. 'Thieves' live extremely well if they pull it off, or rot in prison if they fail. That's how it is everywhere. I am sick and tired of the theory. In practice, it's different.
I have problems now I need to solve. I am sick and tired of people promising space communisms and rights and justices everywhere, when in practice there's just none of that shit anywhere near me.
I dont care. You cant enforce any of your shit. You can just talk the theory, you cant set up the experiment. You can just find excuses, you cant find a way. You can just say things, you cant do them.
Really impotent rage at robber barons is inferior to just becoming one. If your theories are correct, lighting would struck them or something, but there's no such measurable lighting anywhere.
Join or start a labor union, get involved in party politics at the local level, recruit your friends, you can fix real problems around you.
Remember today's 1st-world nations jumped up from living conditions equivalent to modern China, clear to their present form in a single generation, because people cared.
Never get blackpilled.
We're all in prison. They just maintain it and get more comfortable cells.
Also you sound kinda like a faggot.