This is a thread for the discussion of the hack and subsequent leak of Holla Forums data and to make the Holla Forums...

This is a thread for the discussion of the hack and subsequent leak of Holla Forums data and to make the Holla Forums userbase aware of the existence of Sunshine.

The /sudo/ thread on Sunshine can be found here, as well as more detailed information about the program.


As well as bringing Sunshine to light, the Holla Forums hacker has made public the usernames and email addresses (if a mod had one attached) of every Holla Forums board owner and the volunteers for every board. The mod team can attest to the veracity of this information.

8ch and therefore Holla Forums are at risk of being compromised, infiltrated, or being taken down. That is why we want to remind our users about and if anything happens to 8ch or Holla Forums please go there.

Other urls found in this thread: pdfs his ggrevolt horror aethism

But how do I know it wasn't a getchan/bunkerchan shill who stole it all and wants to redirect traffic?

can we just go POUM and merge bunker- and getchan?

Because all other boards are also compromised



Someone from one or both of those chans who wants more traffic

I hope you guys weren't dumb enough to use your main email to login.

Holla Forums simply isn't viable any longer. We have to abandon it as our home.

I disagree, I support properly organizing bunkerchan and getchan, but giving up on Holla Forums is simply not an option.

I liked the 'bunkerchan as vanguard, leftypol as frontline' idea

What boards do you post on?

fuck your picture it's alive

Give us a better place to goto then.

Post somewhere that has as good of software (same feature set) with the same reach and I'll be right behind you.

Until you can, Holla Forums is where I'm staying,

Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and a handful of the porn boards

lynxchan has more features

That was an AND statement, not an OR. Both cases need to be true.

Same/better software
Same/better reach

Remove the music.


What about Better UI, than bunkerchan, same open development as bunkerchan, and access to Holla Forumsyps and others.

AnkaĆ­ mi konsentas kun tiu ideo.

Site is slow af, and dead af. Literally the opposite of what I'm asking for.

Endchan is a honeypot, full of cp

I was there for a brief time when kc went down and didn't see any cp, are you sure you aren't thinking of masterchan or some other pedochan?

I thought by reach you meant access to retards we could convert, which we aren't going to get at all on bunkerchan.

How can we be sure BO is BO?

Nice try CIA, but no srsly I haven't seen any either

but still the best place to go is a site run by comrades for comrades

I agree bunker is ugly and has bad software.

By reach I mean reach to normies and pollacks. Ultimately I don't think we're going to find a good alternative to Holla Forums. Although I think a leftypol on halfchan might be a nice place to shit post, so take my words with a grain of salt.

They probably are thinking about master.

You're litterally chattin' shit

wat? (?)
It's a bit slow right now, but I'm upgrading the server midnight to make the site faster. It might work for you guys, but bunkerchan is probably better overall pdfs his ggrevolt horror aethism

It's not that really inactive, but it's not that great either. Certainly not like here.

Thanks for making this thread. It's much better than the BO feeding the paranoia.


Lynxchan has the cleanest code of all.

It's cleaner, and the chans running it weren't literally shutdown for half a week by a hacker.


That doesn't make bunkerchan nay less ugly

That's retarded af user. also runs on Lynxchan, UI is exactly 8ch.

Show me where I said that's impossible.

Play host to both harder-core pol retards and baphomet and you're going to get hacked.

Space_, stop sperging, I'm sure lynx is good code, but the layout makes it look like it's not.

link to this? wanna see how fucked i am

So cripplekike confirmed for CIA agent?

As one of the co-admins of GETchan, I'm completely okay with this, even if Holla Forums doesn't decide to migrate. We're stronger together. Only reason we haven't is because it would just entail /GET/ becoming a board on Bunkerchan rather than a real merger. Still, would love to see it come to fruition.

Endchan also runs lynx sexy af ui, bunkerchan is shit not lynx.


The risk is greater for a attempt but the level of retardation in your code base is entirely the determining factor.

Quit being mongs and learn to theme switch.

That picture is unsettling.

Make the default theme that. Some newbs don't know how to theme switch. Also get rid of automatic music

Do you have access to the mod chat? We need to talk

Honestly this spacey, also tor posters can't change the theme.

Not sure. I don't come here often, so I've never even heard of such a thing.


(without js) also music should be a part of Bunkerchan classic theme, if you do this.

well shit

If you're that same volunteer who posted on /GET/, just head on over there again and try making a post. You should have gotten a one second ban with my email.


Someone's 'bout to get purged

Don't we have a tox chat?

Ayyy that's me fam.


Why? Who told you this? Where is your prior evidence to it being true? Voat and all the other irrelevant sites aren't mentioned by anyone, all they did was hoover up the alt-right and die. Get a brain exodusfag.

>closed source/secrets file leak (with datamining script):
>Holla Forums configs leak:
>mod/user accounts data leak:
>staff private messages leak:


It's full of "An"caps no thanks.

What about the idea to get a board on halfchan? Is it possible? Is it even a good idea? I mean there's a general sports board and one for alternative sports so why not a board for alternative politics?

neither beneficiary from the term of organization(unlike Holla Forums, hotpockets must answer to the central site-wide power), nor possible(they would only make it as a containment board if left-wing autism started leaking on every board)

Tonight, the hacker released the IP addresses of Holla Forums mods.

freech is amazing fam.

This is good. Holla Forums staff should've given up Holla Forums to the userbase long ago, there were many attempts to leave it too.

No, "we" don't have to do anything that "we" don't want to, you fuck.

Normies might know of Holla Forums as that pedo/Trumpcuck/gamergay hive.
Might being the keyword, because google has blacklisted this shit hole and literally no one care.

Pollacks are utterly pointless to argue with since they have no intention of speaking in good faith.

Can we consider negotiations with 420chan admins for a possible migration there?
It's big enough for Holla Forums to stay alive and it doesn't have too much of Holla Forums influense so in theory it seems like an optimal variant to me.

I'm not leaving.

damn son

the owner of 420chan is a cuck faggot that will sell us all down the river for being "brocialists"