commushits btfo'd
*sips tea*
The communists believe that they have found the path to deliverance from our evils. According to them...
I am not reading that. Saged
Stoped right there.
Read Zizek, or GTFO.
Not even a paragraph in and it's obvious the person who wrote this has never read much less understood marx
so this is the Diamat power? Not bad.
really gets the noggin' joggin.
Google Murray Bookchin
Ironic that you mention zizek, can you guess who that paragraph is from?
Human nature arguments are usually made lazily, but dismissiveness toward all psychology on the basis of "muh human nature" is pretty dumb.
Its Freud but its still shit. Communism doesnt end politics and neither is it dependant on everyone being nice to each other. Also its blind to anthropological knowledge that shows that the family can exist in vast variations and levels of rigidness.
You must be great at parties!
except the communist project seeks to abolish family, and marriage and an end to politics as a whole, have you read lenin?
Stopped reading there. It's all just made up isn't it?
definitely less asshurt over having to read a single paragraph like you champ. Is this your 3rd year repeating Sophomore English?
Whose anal property are you, OP?
Seriously though, thanks for coming, the fact that you've taken the time to read some shit-tier ideology and come over from Holla Forums to paste it here suggests that you may have the bare minimum of brain function necessary to do some real learning. I'm too tired to do more than phonepost a basic reading recommendation at the moment. Other posters are doing a good job of covering the basic falsities present in your copypasta, though it may be difficult to find readings based on greentext alone.
You seem to have some odd illusions about pre-class society and the historicity of the family. I recommend that you read Engel's Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State. Surprisingly, it still accords quite well with extensive subsequent anthropological research.
If anything only one of those things would be abolished under Communism and that's politics (outside of localized commune politics)
The rest of what you listed is litearlly from muh culturla marxism meme.
No why should I, but if Lenin indeed thought that then he was even more useless than I thought. Also abolishing family in its current sense does not mean that no other social relationship not completely created by material necissity will take its place.
A single paragraph that reads like a description of our purple sun on a warm janualy's noonight.
Not everyone has the time or will to entertain your wishes.
straight from the communist manifesto, and state and revolution
so pure intellectual posturing?
Yes things dont just disappear they mostly get replaced or integrated, truly magical isnt it?
yes pol everyone is out to abolish family
Nope, the Communist do not seek to abolish the family but however create a communal family were family goes beyond genetics.
You obviously haven't actually read Marx and probably get your info from conservashits deliberately taking Marx out of context. Same with marriage, Marx himself was married and had children.
Nope. I think humans are fucking awful and we need to hand over control of our civilization to superior machine intelligence as soon as possible. Communism is an ideal system, but humans need to be fixed (or at least subdued) before it can be implemented. Capitalism is fucking awful, but it's unsurprising that a fucking awful species has settled on a fucking awful system.
I'm a communist in the long term and a transhumanist in the short term.
>you obviously don't understand the esoteric thoughts of Marx like I do!
WTF I love the """traditional""" nuclear family now!
You can defend the family on grounds other than its being traditional.
I don't understand why this is even a point of debate. It's like arguing over which color underwear would be worn in a communist society.
Just leave it for people to decide for themselves. The state has no business interfering in things like that unless there is strong scientific evidence to back it up.
That's good because the nuclear family is hardly traditional.
The keyword, in case you couldn't tell, is "this" Marx wasn't referring to literally all families only a certain type of family.
Also, putting child raising more into the hands of the communityhas a number of other benefits. First, it enables parents to participate in public life more no longer will people be held hostage by the need to constantly tend to their own children. Secondly, it reduces the overall amount of labour required to rear children, as there are certain economies of scale to take advantage of when the community is able to pool the required work. Thirdly, it greatly reduces the likelihood of neglect and abuse creating problems for society down the track in the form of damaged anti-social adults. Everybody's either experienced or heard of cases where an ordinarily good kid lumped with shitty parents has all of their potential drained away by the experience. When childrearing is conducted by the community, the ability of a single person to fuck things up totally for the kid is similarly reduced. A similar argument applies to abuse from authority figures. If a child has a strong social network they can trust, the ability of some pedo priest or parent isolating the kid and secretly abusing them is markedly reduced.
In summary, abolishing the family will likely greatly reduce the phenomenon of shittily-raised kids. I envision a glorious future in which nobody is psychologically damaged enough to ever consider liking anime.
Yes you have, you have deprived people of monopolistic control over resources and the means of production and subsistence, which is the basis of their domination of he rest of society. Social hierarchy emerges in situations where one group controls the flow of the means of human existence, thus making the others dependent on them. If you abolish this control and transfer ownership to the entire population, then nobody is dependent on the minority.
All that bullshit about human selfishness and aggression is irrelevant in the context of a socialist system. As the saying goes, "if a white man wants to lynch me, then that's his problem, if he has the power to lynch me, that's my problem." Human selfishness is irrelevant when a would be oppressor lacks the capacity, means, or institutions necessary to dominate the rest of society.
It's another Holla Forums troll doesn't understand basic Communism episode everyone.
Property is property. It is still denying access for others to produce and apply their labour to the land and capital.