How bad are the camps?
I heard women are forced to eat their own children
How bad are the camps?
I heard women are forced to eat their own children
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The army's diet consists of babies
babies are the one true revolutionary diet tbh
Seriously. Do you think the camps are real?
worse than gulags, not as bad as Auschwitz
Phil pls go
The real question is how do we export this diet of babies to the rest of the world
Absolutely. If you are a party member, you get to rape your choice of nubile qt traps who will give their entire body for the revolution.
Cowards the lot of you. Oh let's hide literal genocide and oppression with whimsical humor xd xd
dozens of survivors of managed to cross the border tell of the horrors of this camps. It has already been spotted via satellite. Its real
Kim is the embodiment of evil and the brainwashed nk people believe he is god!
Stop defending this monster just because he happens to be communist
Okay how is communist first of all
Any pics of these camps that are not big foot tier?
you need to go back
God damn it I mean "How is NK communist first of all?"
Auschwitz > gulags. German concentration camps did gave you quick, painless death if you stopped working, in gulag the only thing that could kill you was hunger/cold
Do you have any non-imperialistic sources to back your claims up about those "camps"?
Yes, a quick and painless death after you were tortured and starved to death and then cremated while possibly still being alive.
Nazis didn't execute everyone they didn't like right away. Go to dachau or Auschwitz or anything and look at the various torture rooms.
Also maybe check out some videos like this german song:
The reason we're skeptical is because the West loves to use the most dubious, but sensationalist claims made about their enemies by defectors as propaganda. Half the Soviet population was in a gulag (during Operation Barbarossa, no less), Idi Amin kept the heads of his enemies in the fridge, Saddam Hussein helped his sons run their own personal rape gangs, etc.
The closest thing I've seen to evidence of this massive prison camp is a blurry picture of a clearing taken from space that doesn't even look like it has buildings inside of it.
Have you seen the footage from the camps?
Both the living and the dead are little more than skeletons. Starvation is one of the worst deaths one can endure.
No different from Holla Forumstards laughing about the holocaust.
Kill yourselves.
There are actual prison camps left behind from the Holocaust and mountains of documented evidence.
Here we have the word of the most sensationalist defectors (who more often than not get paid huge amounts of money to say bad things about the DPRK) and a blurry image that doesn't actually show anything.
while that is true, if the camps aren't shit why doesn't NK release footage about them? or do they, but it fails to penetrate our filter bubbles?
it's the same like if ukraine didn't shoot down mh17 why doesn't the us release their satellite footage? if al-qaida didn't bomb that supply convoy in syria why doesn't US release their drone videos?
I forgot prison should be a holiday
Because I'm sure they'd be more than willing to spread footage of them abusing/torturing tens of thousands of their own citizens.
Get a fucking clue, imbecile.
How the fuck should i know, I'm not korean. Besides, people with chinese eyes are inferior so it's ok.
Nice propaganda but there is no evidence for your claims and neither from the Red Cross at the time.
People starved because of the Allied bombings cutting of food supplies.
Where are the proofs, Billy?
suicide is always an option.
Nothing bad happened in Auschwitz
What camps? stop buying into neoliberal propaganda