Why doesn't Holla Forums learn a trade?
why didnt you learn a trade Holla Forums? dont tell me you fell for the college meme.
Why doesn't Holla Forums learn a trade?
why didnt you learn a trade Holla Forums? dont tell me you fell for the college meme.
would've been more valuable that 90% of high school. I would still like my BS in computer science.
But I am learning a trade.
Because its free, more fun and pays more with less manual labour.
what are you studying?
Because I wanted to be a scientist, which requires college.
Because I'm bad at math and I find manual labor tedious.
so are you a scientist?
spoken like a true millennial
If so many people become independent contractors it'll just lead to market saturation and there won't be enough work for any individual to earn enough to hold up. The whole "learn a trade" meme is dying. In my oil field town the market for welders is so oversaturated people will laugh at you if you become just yet another certified welder who'll be lucky to get hired anywhere. The oil companies sure aren't expanding enough to create nearly enough jobs for everyone now, oil and gas needs to die anyway and the corporations liquated in a Socialist manner to the masses.
Still studying, still a lot of school ahead of me because graduate school is basically necessary too if you don't want to just be a lab technician.
Honestly might I'm still not all that sure of what I want to do
not an argument
t. millennial
i think the word you're looking for is "skilled labour" and yes, it is more valuable than menial labor, in any society.
ok, so what would you have anons who are working in retail or the food industry do?
i could have sworn that hispanic immigrants have been coming into the country and becoming middle class within a generation thanks to trades.
*first generation immigrant millennial*
theres a difference, NEET
Not in a Communist society
Collectively own the enterprise
Immigration to the US is declining and social mobility for most Americans has been declining as well immigrant or not.
we dont live in a communist society. this thread is trying to help anons stop being exploited right now.
you here that guys, make sure to go to work tomorrow and seize the deep fryer! and the ice cream machine! and the soda fountain!
i think you need to spend less time reading theory, and help people improve their situations.
t. millennial
Don't worry, everyone will just get STEM degrees and it'll be fine.
You said any society, don't strawman cause you got BTFO.
Yeah, cause the welfare state of the last century has totally eradicated people's problems….yeah no free market Capitalism has done to improve people's lives than welfare or charities (who just pocket most of their donation money) an radical overthrow over property and class would do more than either of the former.
Trade workers are part of the petite bourgeoisie.
I'm a true blue union tradie and I make more than any of you, and 15 times as much as Juan down the street who does the same exact work for a private company
Americans have to pay money for apprenticeships? wtf you guys are truly the most cucked people ever, here you get payed for learning a trade…
I work a blue collar job but my main passion is volunteering for my union. Every victory against porky makes work struggles worth it.
you can get apprenticeships as well
And life is all rainbows and other pretty stuff…
Until you have to work for a corporation, cause they are cheaper than you, and welcome to capitalism, faggot.
but you don't have to work for corporation. ive been an AC repair man for4 years, and ive done freelance work since i finished my schooling.
freelance contactors are actually wayyyy cheaper than companies. companies have over head costs, taxes, insurance costs, etc. i dont. i make 2-3k profit everytime i install a new AC system and like 500 just for a tune up.
you have no idea what you're talking about. you work probably work retail.
Not everyone can be an AC repair man though. The vast majority of jobs (under Capitialism) will always be shitty unskilled labor jobs.
It's not defeatism, just a fact. It's not like the economy can support 10 million AC repairmen. The market will only support a certain number of workers in any given field.
Good Man. I'm trying to start a union at the company I work at rn, but its temp work so people don't want to stir the pot and get fired.
I already did.
I'm a machinist.
And then there were too many AC repairmen, and a AC repairs corporation was formed, and you had to join it or starve…
You know….. Like when Megalomart started selling propane in King of the Hill?
And that's how the movement died. Cause people have families, and if they get fired.. there are so many outhere waiting for a job..
But I forgot!
Revolution in the first world is not happening cause people are doing fine! Right?
Welding a shit. HVAC/R master race.
Then become a freelance mechanic, or flooring, or painter, or electrician, or plumber, or computer technician, or programmer, or chef
Just don't let yourself be exploited
I wish I would have gone into a trade right out of high school, but I bought into the college meme. I'm in too much debt and I actually enjoy the field I'm going into (education), so I'm not going to change now.
You don't get it, do you?
The more Capitalism goes on, the more the "small bussiness" meme will die. Capitalism is doomed to end up in a Cyberpunk dystopia. (Not that we're not already in one) And even if you are "self-employed" you'll either barrely survive, or you'll have to enter the workforce of a big corp, cause they will be cheaper and able to advertise themselves and so on.
It's not a matter of will. It's how the system works.
You big baby.
We live in capitalism, every working person is exploited.
because we don't live in a communist society.
if we did i'd gladly give up doing my masters, as should all of you.
HVACR is not for me man. When I run my own small company I had to routinely screw people over to make ends meet
But working for a hvac company was even worse. I remember once on the hottest day of the year I was forced to turn down an old lady with a skin issue for replacement of her condensor and I just told her to go to the library. Felt like shit after
Was never able to get into the union,mostly because I didn't know anyone on the inside.
Anyways, I just do maintenance now. Not as well paid, but it feels great not to have so much pressure on top of me
You're made into a machine no matter what. Removing the boss may make things better in some circumstances, but not in the aggregate.
Jesus, the state of modern unions is dire.
are you Holla Forums LARPing as a leftist or?
Well I even learned and made a solar panel, also I learned household and Industrial electrician.
I was going to learn SMAW, Gas welding and Basic Electronics, but I recently moved and I feel depressed to live so far away from where I used to live.
Such is nature. Is a caveman oppressed by mother nature by having him hunt or starve?
You utopians are something else.
I work when I want
For how much I want
For myself.
What if I work for myself?
Sort of, you kind of force yourself to work to live. And then again, not everyone has the luck to be petite bourgeois since that implies you have enough money to buy up some means of production.
I hope you millenial anarchists track and kill all the gardeners when the revolution comes
Lmao. So basically mother nature is oppressive. God forbid anyone ever have to do something to live!
That's not what I said. Read Capital or watch the "Law Of Value" series. SNLT (socially necessary labor time) acts back down up the laborer when their labor-embodied-in-a-commodity is sold on the market and sends back down a price signal. It disciplines the work done according to circumstances such as the available capital and the labor market and many other things. In the end, though, it commands the worker what to do in a way that furthers the larger process of capital accumulation for its own sake.
only if you plan to lose your stuff, starve, etc - you're told what to do by the market, and it doesn't matter if you tell yourself that that's consistently what you want, because it isn't
For as much as the market will hand back to you
For capital accumulation and the furthering of a cancer-like self-replicating system which turns people into machines without purpose in life other than to produce more and more.
Lol I don't have to read shit m8. I own a 10 acres of land and work for myself.
Literally google Marx. This is the most ridiculous defense I have ever heard.
Learning a trade is a porky meme.
It's finally starting to dawn on dumb lumpenproles that's a degree isn't a ticket out of the capitalist meat grinder and they're scrambling to find another way out.
If enough proles learn a trade without unioniozing one of two things will happen
1. Porky will keep wages low with immigration, wage collusion or just plain letting proles compete with each other.
2. Porky will modularlize all trades and make all trade work unskilled labor the same way fast food chains destroyed almost all skilled cooking jobs.
And yes any trade can be modularized. Volkswagen already has a modular platform on the market now where different front rears and middles of cars can be plugged into each to make different cars.
For example a front module with a big engine can be plugged into a two seater cab module to make a sports car. That same front module can be plugged into a 7 seat cab module to make a van.
Sounds like an labor aristocrat
I'm 4 quarters away from a chemical engineering degree, fully financed by the government but with $15,000 in subsidized loans (I had to take a 5th year or else it would have been $10k). After graduating I will likely go to Rojava through TEV-DEM to help build their oil refining operation.
The appeal of precarious work perplexes me.
Me too, I'm trying to organize everyone into joining the IWW's telecom-workers union.
I work as a sysadmin at a somewhat rural ISP that's a subsidiary of the local power coop. (sounds cushy, but on call 24/7, salaried/exempt means no on-call pay/time management and no overtime ever)
We get paid shit, and there's very little respect for any of the non-executive staff when we aren't putting out fires, or directly saving the company from embarrassing shit.
We're also in a relatively isolated area, and getting fired means that most anybody would have to move to find fulfilling work again. (I mean, I wouldn't mind working at the grocery store, but come on.)
Our management staff has a bad taste in their mouths from dealing with disgruntled or dysfunctional worker's who hid behind their shitty union rep in the lineman's union. This combined with the fact that they're all terrified of gommunism doesn't help.
I'm proceeding cautiously to say the least.
The other option is waiting for everything to blow up and get absorbed into the coop.
we need more people like this user
Cut the cord. If you leave to do something great, like helping to build a stable home for the Kurds and keep leftism alive in the Middle East, you can return with your head held high.
Sysadmin here.
I kind of want to do something similar, but with telecom infrastructure.
Used 900MHz gear is pretty cheap, has a decent range, and is pretty resilient to rough topography, good for rural networks.
3GHz is nice for higher speed requirements, but is somewhat more expensive, because lightly-licensed spectrum in the states.
It's more complicated for me. My mother died when I was very young and my grandmother raised me. She feels super hyper protective of me and I would feel terrible leaving her. She has her daughter to take care of her, but fucking hell, you can't just tell your family you're going to join some armed leftist struggle group in the middle of a warzone…
At the same time I can help the people of Rojava who are literally being shelled by artillery. There's nothing for me here in my country, I'm just studying shit I don't like and will likely be unemployed on graduation because my country's economy is shit.
Fucking hell…
And capitalism, guided by its internal laws of motion, will come and bite you one day. You just wait.
Germany: You work for 2 years or more in some shitty firm with some shitty employer that will bleed you and your labor dry even in the most simple and retarded profession as long as he can, asking you to work 60 hours a week for less than minimum wage. The expectation is to be thankful for this unending generosity of his, after all in today's labor market there are only 2 million open positions. I actually would want to learn a trade if I could do it at my own pace, I'm a first learner and would be done after a few months, but not like this.
Your grandmother protected you as a child, but you will fail her as an adult she raised? There comes a point in everyone's life when they need to step over the threshold and into the world. If you are scared then tie a rope to your door so you can find your way home, but you must confront the world. If you don't you will descend into a life of drudgery and spite. Don't become overwhelmed like the liberals of my country and violently lash out at anything the establishment would not approve of, if Rojava is too far then join some domestic socialist organizations. Maybe you aren't ready to become a revolutionary in a foreign country but you could lend support to your own country's left wing organizations. Not every soldier in the worldwide left wing movement needs a rifle.
Maybe I should have but it's too late now, I got a 2:1 in journalism and I have depression, fat chance of me ever getting a job. I might as well have just blown the 50k on drugs, maybe then I would be dead.
Thank you user. I am tired of half-assing and self-doubting constantly.
I'm going to take a month after exams and really think about my decision.
Me and my uncle laugh at trade cucks all the time. They get old and their bodies are all fucked up meanwhile my uncle had cushy office jobs and at 60 looks like a guy in his 30s.
Technically yes. He already has it much better that being a low waged lawnmower working for a boss.
Tbh if I had an option I'd rather work for market directly than for some guy who works for market and gives me crumbles in return.
I'm this guy and let me tell you that it isn't fun and games at all. When you're self employed, especially if it's skilled labor you are responsible for everything, the insurance, taxes, finances, dealmaking, investments etc.
What I ended up doing is spending day after day trying to keep everything in order because I didn't want to pay someone to help me out. A lot of times I'd have to underbid to find work and sometimes i'd go almost negative per job
Also there's the fact that you NEED to screw people over to stay afloat. It just isn't possible to survive as a completely honest contractor
It just isn't worth it. The pay is definitely better but personally I would rather just do my honest work for 8 hours and go home and not have to worry about shit
You have no idea.
I didn't join the local because they don't have a contract with the shop I'm at, and the 2 older guys who are actually members told me not to bother since the union wouldn't back us if push came to shove, the only reason they're even still paying dues is because they've been members for years and will be retiring soon, and will be getting a pension through the union.Nobody else in the shop would even consider joining the union at this point, and I really don't blame them.
Labor unions in the states are a fucking joke.
I don't want to work tho
I'm an electrician and it's fucking shit I would of taken a cushy liberal arts degree over this anyday
Being an electrician is chill as shit fagget.
If my trade had women working in it, it might be enjoyable. It's all dudes all the time. It's not right. It's fucked up.