Big Bang Theory analysis

How accurately does the big bang theory depict class struggle?

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what the fuck

Oh, you mean, "we are all middle class and we never talk about economics" the anime?

fuck off

bazinga LOL

The main characters are all college educated yet are clearly seen in a living situation that is less than ideal to them. This is a reflection of the real world decline of the middle class. In the earlier episodes they have no romantic relationships owing to the solitary nature of their hobbies, and, even though they consider each other friends, frequently argue and berate one another, possibly the result of their inner anxieties and misanthropy left upon them by capitalist alienation.

This was probably not an intentional choice by the writers as the later episodes throw all possible value this show had a social satire down the drain.

I call shenannigans.

the big bang theory's pure commodity hyping that blurs the line between pop culture reference-based 'humour' and shameless product placement like nothing before. 'Nerd Culture' is probably the defining cultural phenomenon of late capitalism. The big bang theory started back in 2007 and probably heralded a new era for the saturation marketing of 'nerd culture'. Looking back, it's shocking how quickly this happened, reddit was only a tiny digg clone back in 2007, there was at most only one superhero themed film coming out every year and they where pretty much seen as kid's stuff. 'nerd culture' really blew up thanks to the internet, growing into a full blown cult of the commodity divided into a thousand sects, all worshipping the same god under different names.

fuck off



The struggle of a Pajeet, a faggot, a Jew, a retard, and a woman

They are all lower middle class btw(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

That's a big bait you got there OP


Adjuncts do get paid shit tbh I don't recall if they were tenured or not.

Big Bang Theory is like blackface for nerd culture. Most people I've seen who watch the show are not actually nerds, but they consider themselves nerds because they watch this filth. Somebody call Ebola-chan, there's work for her to do.

what did he mean by this?

Basiga benny XD

OC for you.


are there no flattering images of fat italian man?

Aren't they all .PhD scientists or something?
How the fuck are they lower middle class?


He wasn't as fat before. Sitting in prison got him fat, but he still went back to engineering after being stripped of his ability to militate.

nerd culture was always a marketing ploy. it's among the crudest forms of commodity fetishism, feeling special for liking the same things as everyone else.

It's a shit """"""""""""comedy""""""""""""" show

not originally. the first "nerd cultures" were single young men reading comics, discussing science fiction, or playing tabletop games together in an effort to combat loneliness, isolation and alienation; these men were social rejects, unwanted misfits, hence 'nerds' and 'geeks.' later, capitalism found a way to misappropriate their aesthetic, commodify it, and sell it as a fashionable product and costume to people who, ironically, would have been the ones to reject those nerds and geeks in the first place. now you have attractive and popular young women proudly calling themselves "such a nerd lol xD," when they wouldn't go near an actual nerd if you paid them. it's astounding, really

They weren't, plus it's pretty much stated that the nerds don't live together for any financial reasons and could easily afford to live alone, while penny is constantly behind on rent and has to borrow all the time.

this user gets it
fucking nerd culture has been commercialized to hell and back just for profit

The problem was it was a culture based around consumer goods to begin with and thus made to be commodified from the start. Sure, it didn't start that way but it was more inevitable than any other identity.

Well still, things like big glasses, parted hair, and enjoying solitary activities have essentially been made into the equivalent of a Halloween costume for anyone to pick up as they please. It's not what nerds buy it's their style that's seen the worst of it.

probably true, but it has to be said that there's a real difference between the "nerd" of today and the nerd of yesteryear. before, 'nerd' and 'geek' were words others called you; now they're words people call themselves. if you had told someone 40 years ago that, in the future, being a nerd would be considered cool, i don't think they would have believed you

But is nerd culture really more commercialized than lets say, punk rock, or goth or hip-hop?
Sure, nerd culture is based around books and TV-series more than music, but I don't see why that makes any real difference.

That's because people like cool toys and fancy gadgets, and it's been long enough that people realized the parts of "being a nerd" people actually didn't like were the autism and unimpressive physique and we have new insults for that

that's my point. they've taken the parts of "nerd culture" that normals eventually came to appreciate (like computers, games, comics, etc), while leaving the parts they don't like (social rejection, isolation, nonconformity, intellectual pursuit), which were the very things that created and defined 'nerd' in the first place

that was the real "nerd culture;" the people and their shared experiences


yeah, it's way more popular and profitable by at least an order of magnitude. There might have been some sort of DYI ethos in the 50s-60s sci fi community, but 'nerd culture' as it exists now basically focuses on worshipping the most popular brands around. Instead of buying star wars merchandise and writing fanfiction, it would be wiser to create our own culture; the corporations have displaced all traditional mythologies and replaced them with their own privatised versions. Much of the richness of folklore has been lost. Throughout history, humans have used myths in order to understand their world and to dream of better worlds. There's something rather limiting about global mass culture, the same stories repeat again and again. Campbell's Monomyth- the hero's journey- is only one among thousands of narrative formats, yet it is everywhere in mass culture. Superhero narratives have obvious fascist implications, it's no accident the genre's boom coincided with the so called war on terror. Superheroes preserve the world as it exists from mindlessly and pointlessly evil outside threats, much like the modern security state, but they never use their powers to create a better world.

Some of the mayor global brands, like Star Wars and Harry Potter have even attained a quasi religious status among millions of people. Just like kids in pre modern society where raised on folktales and bible stories, we were raised on Pop Culture, it's the main mechanisms through which our society reproduces its values.

More profitable yes, but hip-hop culture is at least as brand aware and glorify the rich to an extent that at least rivals, if not exceeds the same trend in nerd culture. And punk rock is more a esthetic of consumer products than anything else.
I think you're absolutely correct when talking about pop-culture as a whole, but I don't think abandoning nerd culture is necessary, is it not better to try and redeem it? Surely there are plenty of nerds out there that are sick to their guts of hearing the same story again and again, people that are more than ready to reject the worship of star wars and other franchises? I think re-branding main stream nerd culture as inauthentic, and promoting DIY-culture and alternate literature as the "pure" and "authentic" form of nerdom, would be better than risking alienating all these people how now call themselves nerds. There is plenty of anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist and egalitarian aspects to nerd culture.

MTV's Downtown was a better despite airing half a decade earlier. Big Bang Theory is superficial in both class and nerd culture.

Ah yes, the struggles of a bunch of commodity fetishising man children

Thx comrade

Looks good. Will check it out.

"i'm making pie"
"oh ur making 3.14 haha? BAZINGA HAHA"
lmao fuck off with this shit tier pseudointellectual show

U are welcome. Will put it in my web-shop soon.

According to the mainstream, disagreeing with them is autism.

This. Especially intellectual pursuit. How many of these nu-nerds have any knowledge about anything scientific, or even knowledge of the forms of media that they claim they suddenly love after disparaging them for decades? Most of these people are fucking awful at video games, for instance.

As for the original thread topic, the concept of the Big Bang Theory could have been a good show if it wasn't done in a way that adds up to, well, nerd blackface.

I prefer the term "Uncle Tron"