Former Holla Forumstard here, how do I overcome this hurdle? I would say I am a liberal now. I have read a ton of revolutionary literature and I can't make the final leap because of these 2 questions.
Tfw you want to unite the working class
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Embrace state atheism.
To be fair, Muslims do this too.
The vast majority of the world is religious
I don't understand what your image is supposed to convey. Is nationalism good?
I can't believe you left out the increasing secularization of the west.
many western christians and jews segregate religion and politics, except the religious right types who would replace religion with other traditional spooks if they had to.
Religion is nowhere near the force it was.
They appear to have more than Westerners.
That's a property of Abrahamic religions and a lot of religions in general.
Realize that false consciousness comes in various forms and that you have no choice but to wait until capitalism erodes the fabric of old traditions and when the proletariat starts doubting its conditions of existence you may make them aware of their position as revolutionary subject.
Christianity does not teach a natural hierarchy, on the contrary.
It's Judaism and Islam that seem incompatible with socialism.
Epic raid Holla Forumsro
Christianity has been used to religiously justify hierarchy though. Divine Right is a thing.
What did Bordiga mean by this?
there will always be one cucks
It's not even a raid. It's more like a spastic fit because he wasn't getting enough attention.
The only reason I haven't deleted his posts outright is because he's publicly shitting on his pants and he should endure the embarrassment of being such a fucking idiot
Yeah but (and I hate to say it) it's 2017, such talk is dismissed even by the Catholic Pope himself, whereas the same kind of thinking is embraced by Talmudic and Muslim scholars
With what are you having trouble understanding?
Yeah, it's totally only the Muslims and Jews that have hardline classcucked crazies.
The USSR still managed it, despite most people being religious. Meanwhile, my country (the Netherlands) has a large atheist/irreligious population but no proper separation of church and state.
Muslims, Christians, and Jews are reactionaries. But US Imperialism doesn't help either. These radical movements in the Middle East wouldn't (or barely) exist without the US aggression. Movements however like the WBC are a result of retarded fun, and will be exterminated. Traditions like circumcision are disgusting. Guess who invented circumcision? Jews. Who invented stoning gays and children? Christians. Who invented the mass organization of women oppressing, circumcision, and suicide bombing? Muslims.
Is that why the jews control everything, Holla Forums? Because you're made to serve them?
First day back and the autists arguing with shitposting have already arrived
Fuck off to reddit you faggot
Isn't he basically saying that educating and organizing should be the primary activity of the communist movement, and that anyone who chooses to do literally nothing to avoid useless activism is a moron?
Stick around and you might learn something.
They are literally fighting for freedom of religion
You act like there could even be a system where everyone has an equal say, where everyone is the ruler
Goodbye order, goodbye structure hello chaos
And in something like this some weak beta bookfag will not survive, only the strong will survive and they will reinsitute a hierarchy
That's correct.
Why did you ask us what Bordiga meant when you can deduce it very well yourself? More pressingly, I wonder why you asked us this in a thread not on the subject of Bordiga or even the Italian communist left.
You're not uniting anyone in fact you are tearing the world apart. If you really wanted unite the working class then you would be on the a board with edglord pseudo-commies.
I want to remove kebab just as much as the next red blooded America but they are actually good at revolution its just not the kind of revolution you want. They will revolt like no oe has ever seen for an islamic cause. Nobody wants socialism. You will never find enough people willing to take part in your communist LARP cause nobody wants it.
I'll go one step further and say hierarchy is a naturally occurring phenomena. Its just that you worthless fucks are the plebs at the bottom not because of any oppression. Its you fucking suck you fucking suck hard m8 you fucking suck bad you need to just fucking die and get out of everyones hair
Apes are hierarchical, ants are hierarchical; lions are hierarchical. You stupid fucks have to accept the fact that you are the betas and make peace with it.
You never will so kill yourself right now.
This isnt even liberalism
skimming through Rules for Radicals isnt "reading tons of revolutionary literature" die you fucking LARPer
You are truly a fucking idiot cause you will never be able but you are going to try regardless like a persistent retard.
Go back to pol
fuck off phoneposter
Have you ever interacted with working class or poor people in America ?
Especially in the south and Appalachia
My God we are classcucked
Go back to pol
There are many anarchists, socdems, leftcoms, libertarians, etc here
t. I've never read leftist literature and resort to straw manning and ad Homs
Consider suivide you faggot
every person who does not use board names with forward slashes is a newfag and his opinion is irrelevant
To demonstrate that even Mr. Armchair himself would not agree to the degree of insane passivity recommended in this retarded meme which consist of nothing but a meaningless word salad of various phrases LeftComs like to use.
You retards make me laugh at how fucking stupid and poorly read you are.
You should read up on sikhism quite possibly one of the most class-cucked things around
This is your brain on Holla Forums
OP here, I should mention I wouldnt even ask this but the religious population is so large that it must be addressed eventually. Would you just force them to convert to atheism at gunpoint?
Either reform the religion so that it best suits socialism/ anarchism/ communism, or ban it.
Bring back Liberation theology famalam
Listen faggot I've mowed lawns, dug ditches, worked manual landscaping, been in the military and currently operate dozers, loaders, graders and other construction vehicles and equipment for a living. I came from nothing but a poor family. And I know communism is the future. Go jerk of to blackedposting if you continue being a class cuck
Could your insults be any more predictable?
How relevant are these specific Talmudic or Muslim scholars to the revolutionary potential of their respective religious groups? Orthodox religious groups are always reactionary, regardless of faith. I think the jews and muslism are strangely mystified in the west, of course the extreme ones capture the imagination and media notoriety but even in Israel the ultraorthodox are a small (albiet growing) minority group. Their influence on the overall revolutionary potential of these groups isn't relevant imo. Should also remember that Islam as a political force in the modern world is a very very recent development, from maybe the Iranian revolution of 1979 on.
Are right wingers mentally deficient?
Pls move out of your pol echo chamber and your parents house before you talk about politics again okay? Thanks friend ;)
There's no reason they can't keep their religion to themselves. All churches, temples, mosques and so forth shall be turned into libraries and public utility centers. Anyone that wants a space to pray in will be provided with a closet from which to do so.
Those that attempt to institute religiously based means of control over others shall be encouraged to reconsider via hard labor and revolutionary education. Those they prove recalcitrant shall be united with their supreme being of choice at government expense in the most expedient and humane way possible.
Nice projection dere bud
Well duh
anyone reading your posts can tell you're retarded.
it is a possibility, however one has to note that overall religiousness also weakens with the weakening of pre-capitalist relationship between people. Just look at Japan, there was hardly any anti-theist rhetoric present since the establishment of capitalism and yet, with the rapid advance of the capitalist society Japs simply stopped giving a shit about organized belief systems
Coming from your comments ITT I can understand why you think that
You mean being BTFO and depending of the help of the SAA and the RAF?
They were too busy starving and throwing themselves in front of superior german engineered tanks. Congratulations on their yet another failed attempt at kikerism.
nice bait bud
You should pay attention in class or else you'll fail kid
You do realise there were no famines after Russia prior to the ones that did occur?
You can't be this retarded
But hey better forget all those famines caused under capitalism?
Nice to see that they take credit for the SAA work. Lazy commies.
cough cough bread lines cough cough
Lol, the T34 was the best tank of the war.
Nice kike influence on the economy there
As far as I remember, under british rule they weren't shitting in the streets.
that was meant for
Never change Holla Forums
But that's the reality user.
Umm.. really makes me think.
I'd argue further but I think it would be ableist of me to debate retards
Reminder that the only reason Christian terrorism is so much rarer is because actual Christians are rare
Kurds worship Apo now instead of Allah
which is a vast improvement tbf
Where did anyone suggest to do nothing?
OP, your still thinking in terms of race like a Holla Forumse.
islam and judaism are religion but under those spooks there still are working men, the issue is not that they don't have revolutionary potential but how to take the spooks off them.
No, the reason is because Christians own F16s and they don't call it terrorism.
What Church the ideology is ding dong deaderino
The documentary that second clip is from is extremely disturbing.