No wonder GG has literally no merit as a movement. It was never about gaming journalism, only about Jeezus and keeping women in the kitchen.
BTW, Gerstmann told GG to fuck off.
No wonder GG has literally no merit as a movement. It was never about gaming journalism, only about Jeezus and keeping women in the kitchen.
BTW, Gerstmann told GG to fuck off.
Gamergate wouldn't have happened with Zoe Quinn either if she didn't use her connections to try and remove any discussion of it on the largest message boards on the internet while simultaneously smearing anyone even the slightest bit critical of her.
So why don't you post this in the GG thread on Holla Forums instead of acting like we give a shit?
Zoe Quinn was a cunt. SJWs are just as bad as anything GG put out
in the beginning I thought GG was just for lulz
GG took of because of Streisand effect.
The persons involved in the Gamespot debacle had at least the intelligence of not using all the connections they had to shut down every comment on the case.
Why didn't #gamergate blow up via twitter during the Kane & Lynch debacle, back when twitter just started? Gee, take a guess, OP. People like you are the reason that today even games with small levels have huge markers telling you where to go.
How is a 6 a low score?
I think I'm a third worldist now
No. Stop it.
Blockbuster games are rated on a different scale, where they're "expected" to get an 8 or a 9
It can throw off the metascore metric and fuck up things for publishers. A 200 million dollar game being rated "average" can throw a spanner in the whole works.
I remember when Halo 2 came out and that piece of shit expansion pack got perfect scores. Wew, lad.
On the one hand, you are absolutely correct and gamergate was garbage, especially the "muh ethics" shit. There was never ethics in gaming journalism, everyone always knew it, and no one ever cared.
On the other hand, gamergays are incorrigible and why the fuck did you make this thread? You are just going to draw a bunch of apologists, and conspiracy theorists out to spew their idiocy.
There's plenty of third world in the western you faggot. Please grab a book and stop using so cringey terms.
Literally every gamergater is a fucking retard. It was pure idpol garbage from the beginning. It was never about "ethics" or whatever.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Wow, it's almost like Gamergate was linked to growing political polarisation that wasn't apparent seven years ago
Thanks for your valuable contribution.
Generally 3-4 is in the range of "literally unplayable" a 0 would be something that doesn't even start.
Six is basically the bare minimum a finished product can get.