Neoliberalism is creating loneliness. That’s what’s wrenching society apart
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what's so funny, smug anime girl?
you're not even real, fuck off
wew lad
Is it neccessary to call it neoliberalism, and not just modern life?
t. neoliberal
good one user, sure showed me
posting on a chan sure doesn't help
Yeah, neoliberalism is shit, only thing worse right now is neoconservatism that wants to spread neoliberalism world wide.
thanks for reminding me modern life is influenced by neoliberal economics i almost forgot
and i'm sure carpet blaming everything on it will definitely improve your analyses
Ah! But, you shee, wasn't it modern life before the Chicago School? Yet hasn't this modern life changed?
Are we not to call the socioeconomic system by it's name, but rather use the abstruct term "modern life"?
I wonder who would benefit that…
it sure helps me
until someone starts to post smug anime girls that look at you as if they're better than you
sometimes I want to take a deep breath and scream into their faces
similar things are happening in china, i guess they have neoliberalism too then
Yep. They do. You are right. It's unvirsal. The TTIP and so on, was part of it, it was held back, but I don't see it staying that way for long.
This is sad man. Everyone suffers from Capitalist alienation, but I feel its specifically hard on Women because of how deeply social they are.
Not having a family and close relationships is hell, but it can truly break Women as people. Its even sadder that Women are taught to blame the emotional pain they suffer from Capitalism on men which just causes even deeper alienation.
They don't. The economy is heavily restricted in lots of areas, and there's virtually no safety nets, and industrial regulation is almost ad hoc.
Just because they have similar technology, consumerism, and are part of the globalised economy doesn't make it neoliberalism.
we're exporting manufactured loneliness and boredom to the rest of the world. don't worry we'll be in good company soon. There won't be any happy people left so no one will know that they're miserable. Or they won't have the image of happiness to contrast their state of being with. It'll all be ironed out by techno-capitalism, rest easy.
Population density via over-urbanization = pathological behaviour
Pleb animals tbh
Anyway, fuck people, not even being edgy here.
yeah putting the root of major social problems in the dominant politico-economic order is really silly
Outside of some of those economic restrictions, you just described neoliberalism.
And it should be noted that those economic restrictions are being eased. In other words, its neoliberalism.
We will wrench neoliberalism apart.
Heck, it's doing a pretty good job by itself.