What does Holla Forums think about her imminent win?
What does Holla Forums think about her imminent win?
It would certainly shake things up
Marine Présidente, Mélenchon en prison :^)
She's another kike puppet, but I suppose it's a step in the right direction. Maybe it'll pave the way for an actual nationalist to get into power.
I wished i could put corrupt faggots like on gulag. One month of hard work and you would become a decent hard working person.
great for accelerationism
Lotta talk coming from a leftie. I bet you've never worked in your life.
I think she's about to see how fascists meet their ends at the hands of communists.
Unless ofcourse, it's against other right wingers, AKA, great days are ahead of us! GLORIUS POSADIST FUTURE!
France is going to end in a Nazi masturbation fantasy by 2020 hopefully she wins so the French can actually organize enough so they aren't wiped out.
Trendy neolib muslims seem a bit worried.
That's what you aut-rightists said about Trump, and look where that got you.
That was also said about Trump, and surprise surprise, he's all about the establishment now. If le pen wins, she'll drop the facade and fall in line like they all do, and nothing will change.
Realistically, as much as I'd like Melenchon, it's gonna be Macron. She has a good shot of winning the first round, but she's got no shot in the second.
Have they really thought this strategy through? Let's suppose that this actually happens and European Muslims return to the Middle East, whether expelled there or, in ISIS' fantasy, returning to be a part of the Caliphate. It's not as if ISIS is just going to stop in the Middle East, since they allegedly want an apocalyptic battle with the crusader nations or whatever. If an actual caliphate were to threaten expansion into NATO, the US would likely take the kid gloves off and bomb them into oblivion. Then again, ISIS aren't the smartest bunch.
You don't understand accelerationism. That's exactly the point.
I'm not able accelerationist autist, but Trump is living up to his promises by those cultists.
This. The primary goal of today's accelerationism is to destroy the center left. The easiest way to do that is to associate their policies with reactionary right wingers so that liberal institution have to either go left or perish. Once the center-left is dead the actual left can move in.
It's already happening. Trump is already Radicalizing the masses and his first 100 days are the worst historically for any administration.
Trump morons call this winning.
It's not working though. Liberals are already praising him for Syria and will probably openly embrace him when he invades.
The belief is after you polarize the west against muslims, muslims will in turn be pressed into their particular strain of fundamentalist islam and then in the great battle of civilizations islam will win because god's on their side
The Muslims should go for it imo, the sooner the Islamic cancer is purged the better
can someone make one of these with "Days with winnning" and keep the rest
thanks in advance