Anti-war movements

How come there are so many anti-war movements across the entire left and right political spectrum but they never seem to be successful? I mean in the past milions of people protested against the wars but they never seem to stop them from happening. Why is that? Why are we so powerless at stopping large scale military conflicts?

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False flags work wonder. That and neocons and neolibs

Also, military industrial complex

because antiwar sentiment is a minority view, at least in countries that matter

is that really how it is? I don't think so, I just think people are too scared to do anything about it. I don't think being for a war is what average person wants. Imo anti-war people from all over the political spectrum should organize and take on military industrial complex.

korea, viet nam, grenada, panama, iraq '91, afghanistan and iraq '03 all had overwhelming public support in the u.s. israelis live for war with their neighbours

people like war. they just don't like losing them

also the "military industrial complex" is a normie meme

As you've explained the only thing people seem to listen to is force. War is just a result of two forces with opposing viewpoints and so it's practically unavoidable.

People tend to like war when they are separated from the effects, that's just basic tribalism. Same reason we like sports. We like it when our team wins. So the movements have to run up against that to start with. It takes a modicum of critical thinking to puncture this impulse, or an actual confrontation with the realities of war. Pic related should really preface any call for war, so people would think twice.

And then there are all the powerful interests that line their pockets from the proceeds.

Why do fascists take the anti-war stance so often?

They see as a lot of modern US imperialism and Neocon intervention as an expression of "Jewish" interests.

Because they're mostly liberals and they tend to treat objects like people and vice versa, wouldn't want to hurt those poor windows. So they refuse to actually do anything and actively sabotage efforts against the state under the pretext of pacifism.

That's america and israel though, the media there goes all out to brainwash people into wanting war.
They're not really humans any more in those countries. Look at every other country.

In Britain, it's illegal to display profanity and objectionable material whilst on protest, I'm not sure how it is in the states but when you are not even allowed to show everybody the horrors of war or curse, then it's no surprise that all that people see on anti-war marches to paraphrase the Sun "aloof naive middle-class hippies with too much time on their hands who need to get off their iphones, out of Starbucks and into the real world."


It's the most read paper in the UK.

Also to note, the Metro is a free paper (funded by adverts) handed out near public transport routes which is owned by the Daily Mail, coincidentally Caroline Flint's (Blairite Labour MP & Corbyn critic) daughter is the entertainment editor at that paper.

And the 4th most read paper, the Evening Standard is now edited by George Osbourne (that guy who was Conservative Party Chancellor only a year ago).

Other than that, there isn't a single left wing publication on this list, the Independent told its readers to vote Conservative against Ed Milliband of all things at the last election and the Daily Mirror (5th most read after a London paper) is a Blairite paper.

Also the Guardian is an anti-socialist idpol dumpster fire so don't even bring that up.

At this point, it doesn't matter who you are, being a Labour Party member alone warrants crucifixion, getting rid of Corbyn changes nothing.

It feels so cringe worthy at how hard Ed Milliband got cucked by The Sun.

why? they have no power and are thus irrelevant

Power comes from war and/or capitalism.

and? does that mean we should look at public opinion in jamaica over that in the country that runs the world?

Holla Forums are just LARPers, The_Donald plebbitors are the real fascists.

Anti-war movements don't hurt overall profits.

"Irrelevants" countries are peaceful because they do not seek power, no country should run the world, irrelevance should be the goal.

go look at any social media site right now and look at how many people are praising the use of a bomb which is second only to a nuke. All to hit an underground tunnel which we have bombs made specifically for that task to take care of if need be. Trump is trying to show off the size of his balls to show hes "tough enough" and the people are cheering because they think this in any ways will stop the problem.

Okay but all of Holla Forums is larping even if they are r/The_Donald plebbitors are fascist larpers too
Don't be afraid, bash the fash quietly and as efficiently as possible
Or just be leftcom and do nothing

its a variant of the crony capitalism meme, basically