Is Assad and the Ba'athanist party Fascist? Are they social democrats? What are they?
Baathanism and Assad
They are nazbol
Nazbol's seem to just be fascists
I don't really see how they are different.
Primary they are failed and useless.
Fascists are pro-capitalism.
NazBols are just too spooked.
Congratulations my dude, you have successfully decoded the super-secret true position of the nazbols.
Seriously, why hasn't nazbol been wordfiltered yet? I hate having to take precious fractions of a second to mentally convert 'nazbol' to 'fucking retard'. I would like the board to do it for me.
Social Democrats with some nationalist elements, but that's really common anywhere outside of the US and western europe.
so what do nazbols want exactly?
wow what a pissy little bitch, you seriously should return to reddit.
Assad isn't even actualy baathist.
I don't like it when authoritarians go around pretending like they have any place at all on the left. So fucking sue me, tankie bitch.
The original theory was inspired by both European Fascism/National Socialism and Marxism, but what Assad had in place before the civil war broke out was pretty revisionist.
If you haven't already figured it out, most nazbol posters do it ironically. Nazbols are for the most part a meme, with some real followers.
They're not ISIS. They could be cannibals and would still be the best option.
webm is from before the US added more targets
Or, more likely, he's running a brutal dictatorship and has no actual ideology outside of whatever maintains and expands his power at that moment.
so what are real ba'athanists?
Are they Socialist?
Are they fascist?
Are they nationalist but also socialist ( but not like the nazis)?
I know they believe in pan-arabism.
Assad is a moderate. He isn't the savior of whatever the rightist think he is and he isn't the ultimate evil like the neo liberals believe.
In reality we should support a stable Syria because the best thing for Syrians is to live safely in Syria.
This. Civnat is actually not a bad thing for countries except for the odd edge case.
I'd say theoretically Ba'athism is a turd positionist ideology, whether that makes it fascism or Nationalistic socialism is debatable.
That's the direction all the Baathist regimes eventually went anyway. Well, the regimes that weren't toppled before that.
so like Asserism?
Well obviously that's going to depend on your definition of socialism, fascism, nationalism and "like the nazis."
Certainly abandoned Pan-Arabism though so definitely not a Baathist.
Yeah Ba'athism in theory could be considered similar to Asserism.
Assad is a neo-liberal
Stop approaching politics like a shitty lib
Jesus Christ this board is so fucking stupid at times
Are you that retard who thinks Ba'ath is socialist just because it is on a coalition with puppet socialist parties?
His father is much more based.
It's all a continuum , man.
There is nothing wrong with labels when you can actually define them.
arab socialism doesn't even claim to be marxist
it literally has no connection with leftwing politics
anybody who says otherwise doesn't understand arabian politics
seriously. it's pretty much just secularism enforced by a strong (violent) state
Ba'athism is fascism. That considered, it's secular fascism which is infinitely more progressive than Islamism so it deserves our support.
This was funny but I was distracted by how horrific the characters look.
That image is giving me cancer.
Tell that to Nicola Bombacci,Georges Sorel, and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
National Bolshevism does have an actual history
Georges Sorel wasn't even a Fascist, so I'm not taking your word on the rest. National Syndicalism provided the groundwork for much Fascist ideology, but was not fascism.
Early Ba'athists, like Michel Aflaq, never spoke of workers self management, and the extent of their socialism was "when da gubbanmint duz good things". It wasn't fascism, however, it was more like a corruption of Lenin. The Ba'athist regimes revised great chunks of his ideology, though Syria and the Assads were more like freaky tankies than Nazis. Saddam's system definitely added aspects of fascism to the mix, however.
He's a secular Social Democrat. I don't think anybody claims Baathism to be Marxist. However, amongst theocratic shitholes (that includes Israel) he is clearly the preferable alternative.
Then comes the aspect of anti-imperialism - Arab nationalist struggles mean opposition to the petrodollar and the proposed pipeline between Qatar and Europe.
The ones thinking he's a fascist are retarded and probably call Trump a fascist too. They are unaware that Syria actually has a textbook fascist party in opposition to Assad:
The SSNP support Assad in the conflict and have been allied with Syria's communists for a long time.
That's not how it works bitch.
He ran a cleptocratic nepotist oligarchy, whatever name he gave the beast is secondary.
It's nice that they worked to remove discrimination of women (by middle eastern standards) and put in place a decent educational system, but it all comes to naught if your place in society is entirely determined by the question: who do you know? Who can you call to get something fixed? Get on the bad side of someone in high places? Sucks to be you.
Though, come to think of it, I'm not sure if we do much better.
This. Baathism being social democratic doesn't negate the imperialist staged attack through islamist proxy armies however.
The Nazi party is hugely irrelevant. The reason why they're having fighters for Assad however is because they're also outside of the NPF alliance and don't fight as soldiers within the regular forces, which shows the clear disconnect. They support Assad only for the war time. Which better be the case for the Communist parties as well. After this is done with they'll better get started blaming Assad for having been too weak and allowing the situation to escalate to that point. There had already been an article in their newspaper critizising Assad in such a way, but this needs to become a strong political statement when the clerical fascists are put down and the US bootlickers, all of them, are driven back.
They are certainly not social democrats. I'd say they are mostly Islamic illiberal democrats. The fact that they allow religious courts, and only Muslim courts, as actual courts of law shows their true colors.
youre not wrong but even an autocrat that removes his political enemies in the middle of the night is preferrable to death and destruction for all, especially when said despot has raised the standard of living far above most neighboring nations in the region. Syria was a developed country before all this, now its a fucking hellhole, I would wager its kinda hard for some peasant whose kid just got turned into fine pink mist by artillery to care about the rights of a fucking blogger or the opposition party
I used to play poker with a libyan before and after the regime change, he only had power a few hours a day month or so in, but he was still grinding, he said a thing that stuck with me:
Fuck this world view.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
nice strawman and false dichotomy packed into an otherwise empty phrase.
what you are concretely proposing for the situation user described that you responded to is to fuck up a bad situation into an even worse one because better have ISIS and NATO have at it than actually organizing and working towards a solution
and now the average syrian has no liberty and no safety at all. gg
Are you implying we can "work toward a solution" with Daesh? For real bro? It was a bad situation that wasn't going to get any better. As a matter of fact, it proved a threat for our allies, and that means the people residing in the country causing the threat deserve neither their liberty nor safety.
They made their bed.
Not really, they're Arab (and in Assad's case Alawite) nationalists. Not necessarily fascist.
No, because to be a succdem you at least need to be democratic, which Assad certainly isn't.
A generic kleptrocratic third world regime whose only power basis is cronyism and the fear that ethno-religious minorities have of the Salafi rebels in Syria.
it's a bit of the following
it's just an authoritarian welfare state, however, Assad had passed many neoliberal reforms right before the civil war
Based Saddam
West allows Sharia courts as well in family law.
spoken like a true PoG that has never seen a little haji baby split right down the cunt, guess what faggot if you subject tens of thousands of people to death and destruction for some uncertain nebulous lofty shit youre no better than a fucking butcher, you might as well be slaughtering everyone yourself, thats without even going into all the covert bullshit surrounding syria, there may have been a small window in the beginning when the "revolution" in syria was legitimate but that moment faded quickly
fucking delusional shitbags that want to throw everyone into the breech based on a shit plan and some bullshit sense of righteousness for the wrong fuckin people deserve to be fragged, they are just as much a danger to mankind as the most insane dictator, nevermind these fucking IS cunts or the socalled moderate organ eaters we "advise and assist" in turkey/jordan, take your fucking lofty debate club bullshit and smoke it in your liberty pipe, nigger
REMFs that babble about liberty and safety from the fucking perch on their desk deserve a kick in the cunt, hows that for a founding fathers quote you hippy dippy dicksuck
read fanon
Cry me a river. The refugees are doing it right by getting the fuck out while they have a free pass. Those who remain are Assad/Putin sympathizers or really lazy.