Tfw you will never be a soviet soldier


enlist in the US army

not ameircan


Boo hoo

tfw you will never charge up against nazis


Wew lad

Doesn't matter. Go to the US embassy, they'll accept foreign Nationals.


Go to Rojava, they accept foreign volunteers.

I speak three languages and none of those will help me there.

Yeah, you will never be shot in the face by the White Death, how awful.

You don't need to. They have translators.

why can't you at least call them reactionaries or something?

kek wants me to fight in Rojava it seems
It shall be done

Finland is Russia.

The Americans fought them too and it wasn't cool when they did it either.

Fuck off tankie

Wow this is the first time I have ever seen a Finnish anarkid

they're islamofascists :D


well what languages do you speak?

English/Brazilian Portuguese/Danish
Currently learning hebrew



Why? What's happening in USA?

It is basically the whole imperialist war "Saddam has WMDs" thing on a smaller scale.

oh no, defending a secular socialist government against reactionary islamists, the horror

The USSR wasn't imperialist you moron, you fucking retard.

The Ghost Brigade in Donbass is the closest thing to a neo-Soviet army. Staffed by former Soviet army servicemen, they are actual communists who hated the Russian oligarchs as well as Ukrainian neo-Nazis and accepting foreign volunteers as well.

Don't expect anything fun though, there hasn't been a lot of action happening and the brigade is one of the most disciplined there.

I wish Rojava would hurry up and fail already so we'll be rid of these children who can't grasp strategic realities.


this is kinda interesting.
But Mozgovoy was killed in 2015 or 2016 I cant remember.

what about your skills?
what do you do for a living?


Socialist countries cannot be imperialist user.



I'm currently undergoing a phd in theoretical physics

Prepare to get salty then fam cause it's not going anywhere


doubt you twig-bodied auschwitz survivors with your dreads and problem glasses would get into even the swedish army tbh

but keep on larping, commies

I've been bodybuilding for the past 3 years and I'm 195 cm
I could kick your ass mate

Why would you want to waste your life fighting a war that isn't the class war?

tankies need to read Marx
and Lenin too tbh

t. amerilard that can't throw a punch

This is why humanity has no hope, retards are literally this emotional who would risk their life in a war


t. 5ft 3in manlet

lmao what

how much of a beer scrub can you get
I can spend all day trash talking burger beer tastes but can still acknowledge America has great small brewerys


Fucking Bolsheviks

yeah, always beating you and everything

Pabst Blue Ribbon

fuck it busch light

Like clockwork.

What's wrong with facts?.

immense disappointment



tfw never be a Nazi soldier

Oh wait, the far-right revolution is coming(USER WAS KILLED ON THE EASTERN FRONT FOR THIS POST)
