Were getting big. But will we ever be able to challenge Holla Forums or Holla Forums?
I think it's just a surge of Holla Forumslacks(including some butthurt ban evaders), the numbers will go down soon again
We already do. There is no board like Holla Forums on this site and the right took a massive blow after Trump fucked up again. The stormcucks days are numbered comrades.
Besides constant growth there's the bumps in popularity when something happen in real life. Trump launching missiles in Syria and Holla Forumsacks founding out their privacy was compromised have already put a big dent in Holla Forums.
When the next economic crisis hits and people become aware of the harsh reality of capitalism, Holla Forums will be a goner and we'll dominate imageboards.
We just need to keep waiting for Trump to fuck up. When he does we go to other boards and explain why this type of thing is inevitable under bourgeois democracy and capitalism.
Guys are we friends with Holla Forums now? I feel like a lot of them have been extending the olive branch.
I refuse to believe you aren't a newfag or a certified autists, there's no other way one could lack so that much nuance and self-awareness.
We were never their enemies.
They see us as enemies.
It's like Trotsky discussing peace with Germany.
Apparently some have noticed Trump might not be a god-emperor they imagined, so we might get some people who temporarily stopped eating from the trashcan of ideology.
Don't worry, the hostilities shall reemerge quickly.
As soon as we put all the 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ people that false flag and pretend to be us against a wall. Then i believe some progress can be made towards friendship
so much for the favoritism
Let's just sit back and see how things pan out
It's worked for us so far
4/pol/ is still fully retarded as they're mostly High School kids who are just in it for the memes.
8/pol/ has showing themselves reasonable recently. I discussed both on Holla Forums and /polk/ and people seemed to like me. Just make sure you are never smug or shitflinging, be modest and explain your point and we win them over. This goes out especially to leftcoms and Stirnerites
nah, the USSR tried that with Molotov-Ribbentrop
skilling that I read it as
Do we have a nemesis? Liberals? I don't support liberals but I vote the pol neet socs as our nemesis.
There are lolberg cucks on pol and unironic marxists and maoists and other retards on leftypol who'll always push their shit ideologies.
There is common ground between the straasserists and socialists on both boards though. Protecting the environment and gassing the capitalists is a shared agenda.
I predict a steady stream of polacks now that Trump is kill
That means gassing the ones in charge of your system
Hitler acted pragmatically rather than ideologically.
Upending the entire German economy when Churchill was eagerly looking for a chance to invade wouldn't have been a good idea.
Same reason he held off on banning slaughterhouses.
Or the shills that have been hitting Holla Forums are coming here as well.
I wouldn't be so optimistic. Trump is close enough to being an establishment Republican that the Stormniggers will just say that Trump wasn't *really* /their guy/, especially since he's so pro Israel.
I don't think that angle is going to work out well for them. Everyone knows they wholeheartedly and blindly threw their support behind him in spite of that.
What's the context of this?
4/pol/tards cherry picking messages in a large discord to suit their narrative. They're trying to convince each other that either side of the Syrian intervention argument is a bunch of shills.
I've been gone for about a year or so (I stopped by for a few threads when I heard Castro died, but that's all in the past few months), but I was here pretty much since the beginning otherwise (I even made the "Tankie" flag). What's changed on Holla Forums in general and in Holla Forums? I'm surprised we're over 1.5 million posts now, I thought this board was dying last time I checked in. Has Holla Forums shrunk, and the only people left are the people on boards that don't have an equivalent on other chans? Or has the contrarianism of chan culture lead more people to becoming leftists now that Trump is actually in power?
Hitler allied with capitalists before he was even in power.
I get the same feelings from 4/leftypol/, just a bunch of meme spouting idiots posing lewd alunyas, and policed by man children, if only we had the numbers they have on 8/leftypol/
Obviously it's not going to work out well for them, but stormniggers are so set in their ways that nothing will convince them to become more moderate short of some radical life changing experience. Trump fucking up will just convince them that they need to go further right.
No this is just blatant lying, revisionism and wishful thinking. Hitler was owed his position by the industrial and banking powers of Europe and America. His position was bequeathed to him by the reactionary non-prussian aristocracy and industrial elite families (Thyssen, Krupp, Quandt, Albrechs). He had no intention of slaughtering the capitalists. Not Socialism is ammennable to capitalism and private industry as long as it is in the interest of the state and the volk. 90% of the legitimate fascists on the internet are in favor of capitalist type economic organizationn. You can shitpost here pretending that the NSDAP was in any way socialist other than breakaway factions like the Asserists and Rohm, but the fact is that Hitler and Himmler wanted to establish a new aristocracy and were totally fine with IG Farbin existing on its own (in service to the state of course).
leftypol will be the most visited board on this site eventually. watch this space for the next year.
Video games are shit, so yeah. We need to take more Holla Forumsidiots away from video games. Advocate GNU+Linux by providing examples of Windows "cucking" out.
Yes and no. Holla Forumslacks are under some severe ideological shock, and this will at some point manifest as an exodus from corrupted Holla Forums, probably to more than one new board. Many will also grow sick of their particular "Day_of the Rope" ideology at that point as well, especially when they realize they were taken for a ride so easily.
Holla Forums would probably pick up some of them.
To answer OP, yeah, Holla Forums could potentially be the largest board here.
The problem is that Holla Forums has a very mocking and oppositional belief system, rather than a mostly constructive one. It is easier and funner for them to make fun of you guys than compare and contrast with you and learn from the process.
I agree, you can't run from that. Here is an image I pulled off of Holla Forums for laughs.
8ch has been very slowly dying, while Holla Forums has bucked that trend.
Too early to know yet, but that's a reasonable assumption going forward.
Steps to make Holla Forums grow stronk:
1. Make more memes like the "maga hat = the new fedora" meme.
2. Make more memes disproving the supposed greatness of Not Socialist economics (very important!)
3. Make more memes that show the difference between a librul and a leftist
4. Make more leftist threads on halfchan Holla Forums (not "Marxism General") because that's where all the impressionable youths are
Moral of the story: memes are powerful
I meant Not Socialist economics
5. Drop your anti-racism rhetoric and be neutral.
Of course you'll never do this.
No, that needs to stop actually. It just fuels that paranoia on non Holla Forums boards that every non Holla Forumstard is a Holla Forums invader. People keep accusing each other of being from Holla Forums for inane shit.
What did he mean by this?
And that is bad how exactly?
Yes we will never take part in your retarded tribalism youre right
come on man.
True, but on the other hand I would have never learned about this place if it wasn't for Holla Forumsacks accusing basically everybody of being Holla Forums on 4/his/
Free publicity.
That's exactly why we need to keep it up.
Because sometimes I want to be able tell Holla Forumstards to fuck off from Holla Forums without being called an invader. I'm not posting political shit on non political boards, telling them to stop shouldn't results in this kind of witch hunt.
Interesting that Holla Forums has more total posts than Holla Forums, but Holla Forums is more active. Is 8/v/ dying the fastest out of the major boards?
Let me back up milo here for sec, dropping the rhetoric does not mean you stop pointing out racism when it appears.
Entryism wise its better trying to distant ourselves from liberals, even more so when you point out how racist liberals are.
You mean not caring about race?
I thought we already did that…
Its just something to keep in mind when shilling on 4/pol etc.
tbf going on 4/pol/ and accusing people of being from Holla Forums is fucking amazing and you should do it more. cointelpro those little fucks
Holla Forums is the only really active non-heritage board that came out of 8ch. It has a distinct user base and a unique board culture. This makes it the best board on the site and will cause it to grow even more.
This is attested by its memes and influence spreading to other boards and forums and even normie sites.
can confirm, /lefypol/ memes keep showing up on sites like Something Awful
its me, im the secret gsjwgoon thats ruining Holla Forums
Considering all of this stuff it is a wonder why anyone would be for moving us to a dead imageboard instead of staying here.
We are growing like crazy here and due to the contrarian nature of imageboard posters we are only going to keep growing.
are you the british guy on pol educating them
Which I find hilarious. This site only became popular because of gamergate, yet it's only original contribution to chan culture is Holla Forums. I wonder how the wheelchair man feels about this.
Yes. Soon.
Holla Forums is way better than /g/
How much has the "call everything I don't like Pajeet" meme taken over Holla Forums? It's fucking unbearable on /g/.
Next year if more dumb shit happens (and it will) we will be the biggest board.
We're barely into 2017 and Trump has had more scandals than any one person can keep count of. We won't have to wait until 2018 for him to fuck up something else.
Not that much last time I was there, instead we have "If you're not 100% free, NO CLOSED SOURCE, then you can just get the hell out" shit spammed everywhere
Polite off topic sage
Holla Forums is having a crisis with calling everyone a shill because of what has happen recently so the board is in a frenzy. Holla Forums is low on pph now because it's a board consisting mostly of Americans and right now they are sleeping.
There is no Holla Forums on halfchan…
That sounds like a good thing tbh.
Master strategy here.
But you haven't been trying it for the past two years. You guys have been reaching out to Holla Forums and stuff.