Why does every socialist state ban guns?
Why do guns seem so hated by the average leftist even though they are the tools of liberation?
Why does every socialist state ban guns?
Why do guns seem so hated by the average leftist even though they are the tools of liberation?
There are currently no socialist states tho
Your question is stupid, but now I want to know what that piece of equipment is. I can't tell if it's attached to the AK or if the AK is just resting on it.
Just because marx said it, doesn't mean it's ever been followed.
It's a very large magazine that allows you to go very low on the ground and doesn't obstuct your view
That's badass. Know what the model of it is?
first, because there haven't been any proper socialistic states, and there aren't any now. second, because "the average leftist" doesn't hate guns
then why does every real world socialist revolutionary hate guns once they get into power?
Here's an article about it
such as?
came here to post this
1. Most people on this board are pro-gun
2. According to the latest straw-poll a large part of the people here belong to socialist currents that don't view Marxist-Leninist states as examples of socialism.
russia banned guns because it was a police state that didn't want an armed populace that could potentially organise and revolt
seems like a pattern
a pattern showing what? that police states don't like armed citizens?
that socialist revolutions turn into police states
go away pol
why do they hate guns?
who? police states? already gave an answer here
why do socialist revolutions turn into police states
Yeah I sure wonder why.
Same reason every capitalist country bans guns to some degree. To control the populace.
Even the freedom loving gun nation USA have so restrictive gun laws that the citizenry is not able to compete with law or military forces.
that's really not the topic of this thread. but the answers are complex and specific
how can i put my faith in a socialist movement if there's a high likelihood they will ban guns?
have to put faith in the right one, i suppose. same with any decision
Because when overthrowing a peasant state MLs believe you need a strong police state to quickly run the country through a industrial revolution. We can assume by doing things in highly educated countries and differently from MLs that we can avoid this as it's pretty much the complete opposite of the core concept of socialism.
they're not banned, that's ridiculous, it's quite the opposite
people receive actual training on their use and get organized in socialist states
unlike in murrica, socialism enabled people to be an armed force instead of some deluded weapon consumerist who wouldn't be even able to take on his local militarized police force
What do you need guns for ? Shooting bottles like an autist ?
you shouldn't put "faith" in anything you retard
Was there even something resembling a gun culture in those countries before they became socialist? Outside of hunters and all that. USA and Switzerland are the only countries I know that do. And I'm positive the Swiss enforce it with military discipline, just like you're usually required to join a shooting range in order to own one.
Seems to me this has always been a non-issue in those states cause there it is simply not a priority of the people. And next to no gun violence, in my country, only neonazis, slav, american and gypsy gangs/mafia seem to ever participate in shootouts, and they're quite rare and only involve other gangs. Not to mention violent crime and robbery is a lot less rampant than in say, America, so there's not even that excuse. The only people I've seen campaigning for open carry in my country are anglophile liberals, quite a minority here.
What do you need axes for? Felling trees like an autist?
What do you need baseball bats for? Hitting balls like an autist?
What do you need a butter knife for? Eating butter like a fat fuck?
If suicides are counted that might be the reason
czech republic has a reasonable gun culture, concealed carry for citizens and a very very low gun homicide rate
does that include suicides, accidents, justifiable homicides, killings by police?
if you base your whole political alignment and philosophy on gun control, perhaps you should re-assess your priorities. An armed proletariat is necessary for the revolution, afterwards the state should have monopoly on violence (cue "the peoples' stick")
guns are generally unpopular in most places around the world, this is true. most people don't consider them a right, so there's simply not much demand for them
i act in my self interests
It's simply a reason of culture in the difference between poor white and poor black Americans
In the ghetto it's understood the elites have some responsibility in your blight so when you get a gun idle young men direct their violence outward.
In the trailer park it's falsely understood that elites have no responsibility for you being poor white trash so they direct their violence inward.
If only poor white Americans didn't beleive in the bootstrap myth
Is firearms access really that critical of a part of your life?
Can't you hunt with crossbows or bows & arrows ?
Guns=Toys for adult babies. Prove me wrong.
yes, i would not support anything that would frustrate my access to them
Are there many trailer parks in Montana and Wyoming?
Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."
-mao got thingz dun
If we don't allow the proletariat guns and instead, say that the party's armed forces are the proletariat, then we end up with a type of socialism that can be undone once the wrong man in a suit leads the committee. History has shown how this is a fatal error. Communism is made for the people, not the other way around. The people must decide their own fate.
Ah yes, I remember. It makes sense for them, and iirc the restrictions began with the German occupation and continued with communism. How restrictive were those laws, and what were their effects?
Just read there's also am exam to be deemed able to own one, with those meager death figures that's really cool of them.
More or less what I was trying to say, and the people who do just join the army, police or a shooting range, like my dad.
Not an argument.
If that is a North Korean, then you should know that they don't ban guns. In fact you are supposed to maintain a gun in your home, due to that and the obligatory military training, strikes can become quite a complicated matter.
nor is "ur an autist lmao"
you've got to give gunbabbies some kind of handicap
its aonther Holla Forums hinks we are liberals episode. how droll
Because they ended up putting to much power in the hands of to few people, who ended up betraying the working class. This needs to be avoided at all cost in tge future.
Because the countries where socialism was implemented never had a strong gun culture to begin with. if you consider Ba'athism socialist, then in Iraq if you weren't a minority you could own rifles, and most families did.
A large part of the people here are also idiots t b f
Also look up Rojava, the Paris commune and Anarchist Catalonia. The workers and the inhabitants of these territories were armed.
As for the """socialist state"""" most of us would agree that Marxist-Leninist vanguards are shit when put into practice, but you'll find that most of the leftists here are pro gun.
Come check out anarcho-communism (main forms are anarcho-syndicalism and platformism), we're self-interested and don't like the state either. If you want some stuff to read about us, "The Conquest Of Bread" is a great starting point.
Oh look, its this thread again.
It's pointless, gomr8s. You're dealing with advanced autism here.
He has his heart set on this vulgar determinism.
"Ban guns to save people from each other" is not all that different than "ban guns to save people from them selves" so uh… who gives a shit?
They count suicide among those deaths. Minorities tend not to kill themselves eith guns. You are very easily manipulated by media campaigns
Become a communalist. Popular militias are required for an empowered citizenry
killing in self defence
because using gun suicides as an indicator of gun violence (i.e. violent crimes involving firearms) is dishonest
It never claimed gun violence. it claimed gun related deaths. Easy suicide increased the number of suicides because to be perfectly honest most people if it takes more than a minute to commit suicide will change their mind. Plus, a lot of people who FAIL a suicide attempt that they do go through with don't end up attempting suicide again, while guns are one of the most successful suicide methods. Gun suicides really are preventable gun deaths despite what logic will tell you, there's a clear link between gun ownership rates and suicide rates.
Why did Hitler ban guns op?
that's true but the intention (or implication) of that chart is to promote gun control. it's message is "gun deaths are bad; here are the stats; places with liberal gun laws have more deaths; ergo solution is gun control," but there's a qualitative difference between a suicide with a gun and a murder by a gun
"gun deaths" is way too broad a category. not that suicides don't matter or something, but they're not as critical to gun policy as actual violent firearms offences
go away.
Except he didn't
I'm fully against gun control and think anyone should be able to own anything, including automatics, however i'd agree with you that many gun owners are fucking tools