Why shouldnt we purge all religious people? Most of them are too far gone and cant survive without that delusion

Why shouldnt we purge all religious people? Most of them are too far gone and cant survive without that delusion.

It's organized religion that's the problem I couldn't care less about wether or not someones a thiest or not.

Dühring, go home

but I like MemriTV

Eventually we should.

Atheist or people without any convictions towards an organized faith won't be a problem. Atheist and agnostics should be celebrated if anything. The only reasons christfags and the like shouldn't be purged is they'd be far more useful in work camps. Also, purging them all may be an irrecoverable blow to PR.


Let them have their delusions, so long as they aren't causing harm.

Children that have been taught to believe in religions have been shown to have weaker skills when distinguishing fact from fiction and fact-based thinking. Religion is inherently harmful.

religion does cause harm though

This thread is Islamophophic.

Because we are not ogres.

Agreed. And far more than anything else it does.

In the West, most religious people don't take their religion very seriously. Even if they're active, most of them don't really believe it. Zizek has a few good talks about this. There's nothing inherent to religion that prevents class consciousness.

Addendum: I say all this as an atheist.


You are retarded.

Not all of us said kill, FBI!

Joke's on you, I'm CIA.

Be grateful to the Enlightenment.

Because religion is not a threat to communism. Marx only stood against religious because of his autistic materialism. Seriously read some of his early philosophical shit. It's pretty cringe worthy really seeing as it inspired many of his followers (including the great Lenin) to attack their fellow workers over non-material concerns.

Of course it is.

It isn't though. Get out of your first world bubble.

I'm not from the first world, and that's why I know that religion is a threat to communism.


everytime i come here you people seem increasingly insane

Because it's cruel and inhuman.

Religions are cruel and inhuman too.