What is Holla Forums doing for Easter/Pascha?
What is Holla Forums doing for Easter/Pascha?
Chocolate I guess.
I'm cumming inside of a latina woman.
planting corn
Same thing I do every day. Absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Failing at caligraphing chinese characters.
I just assumed you fags would be treating it like just another day; posting long diatribes on tumblr before prepping the bull.
What are you, stupid? I have to prep the bull before I do anything else :^)
hello newfag. welcome
fuck off
Why are you people so obsessed with cuckolding?
Probably receive a phone call begging me to come to church, then go to a pub and have dinner with m8s
you learning Chinese or just painting?
Praising communist Jebus
Japanese for now, will probably pick up Chinese some day, although I'm not certain.
my gf
Going to church with my faggot spooked boyfriend and his family and then after that go to dinner with my parents and pretend like said faggot doesn't exist so that they. Don't cut me off and somehow prevent them from going to my house because its a shit show.
Ah, daddy's money, the preferred currency of the communist revolution.
What does this even mean you retard
Your parents usually offer to pay for my food when you eat with them
I want candy and I like the idea of resurrection
And hopefully getting rawdogged later
I'm at my nans on my laptop. It's like being at home but with more screaming kids.
I ate with my family and then I was at a Easter Fire with friends. Easter is pretty based ngl.
Melenchon is going around Paris on a boat and giving speeches.
Also chocolate.
Haha get a load of this guy, he can't afford to treat his parents to dinner or form proper sentences. If I wasn't at work I would be able to paste a smug anime girl to go along with my post.
what if it's a grill?
Fuck you classist piece of shit I don't get paid shit and my parents offer to pay for my food
Even if this isn't ironic
Reading manga to distract myself from my crippling depression
don't bite into the bait user
nothing different. I'm at uni and I have no friends here so nothing changes on holidays. I was gonna go to mass, but didn't get the chance to go to confession this week so I figure I'll just not.
never heard of easter fires before. looks fun, but also pagan. I'm conflicted rn.
Just got back from Church!
Have to go to work now.
Get a job you hippie.
I'm Jerking off, listening to music and I'm feeling lazy and I wont do my chores.
I'm fapping to porn right now
I'm eating one of these, it has "Easter" in Spanish in its name so it counts as doing something for Easter, right?