InfoWars' Alex Jones is a 'performance artist playing a character', according to his lawyer
But his ex-wife says he is "not a stable person"
Alex Jones is j-just kidding, says his lawyer
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This is genuinely delicious
no duh
i used to listen to this guy back in 2007-2011 fr shits an giggles
he used to rail against the far right and putin and now he sells snake oil muscle pills to brainwashed listeners
I-it's just a m-m-meme, bro.
Tell me it isn't true humble water filter salesman!
Why are politics filled with retards doing it "ironically xD"?
God, the normalization of the Internet was a fucking mistake.
For profits.
Alex is fucking rich thanks to his retarded audience.
Imagine being that child and walking in on this.
When irony destroys your family.
What a time to be a live.
merely pretending
I always knew it when i listened or watched him it felt like I was watching a WWE character.
Alex Jones on suicide watch.
I wonder what will happen with his son Rex Jones
I only recently learned that his followers were sending death threats to the parents of the children who were killed in the sandy hook elementary school shooting because he convinced them that they were paid off by the government to lie that their children died so Obama could ban guns. It was always obvious he was joking but now the few brain dead people that actually followed and believed him won't do anymore harm after listening to this shit. Apparently Trump unironically believed him as a "real" news source so at least that won't be a potential problem anymore
I for one can't wait for Alex Jones to blame the globalist conspiracy for him losing child custody.
The Sandy Hook videos look dodgy as hell though
Welcome to the spectacle. It won't end until we destroy capitalism.
Wow, shocker.
nobody asked you, Holla Forums
Never change, /leftypoz/
The Stewart-Colbert excuse.
it was mostly just the "kike puppet" part that I was cringing at but whatever.
Ikampfy get the fuck out of Holla Forums go back to your shitty board you fucking turkorach.
Uh no we're still totally happy to laugh at Alex Jones we just want Holla Forums to fuck off even when you're criticizing our enemies (because you're criticizing them in dumb fucking ways)
Drink bleach and join Hitler pol retard.
Another Potatonigger throwing with smokescreens.
Feed me more Imkikey caps pls.
If you actually look into alex jones and everything he says he is right 99% of the time, for example there was a herbicide that turned frogs GAY, its not just a joke. alex jones = hero of USA
He's had his teen son on some of his broadcasts
I wouldn't be so sure. Also, it's not like Jones started this shit. He has teams of staffers and interns scouring conspiracy forums for content. This shit was birthed on the internet, both it and worse stuff will continue. And even if this hurts his business (I don't think it will, tbh) there will always be a new personality springing up to cash in on that audience.
Fucking duh. It's the same thing that Glenn Beck does. TV personalities are just that.
I-is he gonna make it?
He turned into a wannabe Paul Joseph Watson, even has the map lmao
Bill Hicks is a hack, pretending to be a Texan water filter salesman was never funny.
kampfy posts here now?
I'm so honored.
You take that back!
Alex Jones the man is but a pale reflection of Alex Jones the hyperreal media entity
Not welcoming your retardation with a free blowjob doesn't mean we suddenly like the nigger you were being retarded about either.
Feel free to go back to Holla Forums and tell them the version where we all started talking about how great everything was when you said it was jewish though.
Delusional Holla Forumsroach.
Is Alex Jones /ourguy/?
He semi-frequently shares communist and socialist quotes on Facebook, especially Emma Goldman. I'd say he probably is at least sympathetic.
But when he has anyone even ostensibly left wing on his program he throws a tantrum and immediately goes for "muh gorillian!". You ever see the interview with Peter Joseph? That was the interview where I think it signaled to a lot of his audience the partisan path he was going to go down, and the fact that he really was just a self-serving vacuous hypocrite the whole time. His whole argument and demeanor was a fucking joke, and he spent less energy trying to get Peter's honest perspective than he did screaming "YOU'RE THE NEXT LENIN RAAARRRRGHHH" for an hour or so.
weird shit coming out at his custody hearing
jonathantiloveāVerified account @JTiloveTX
Alex is fucking based.
I tune into his show to get the scoop on the latest geopolitical news.
The sad part is that infowars is probably the most trustworthy news outlet at this point in time.
i wasn't being ironic.
yea Im sure you weren't
Tfw Jones was the real slick entryist all along.
he filtered my water when no one else could
this is some grade A pasta
I'm going to miss him.
he is going to commit suicide after this.
reminder alex jones was fucking based in the bush era
My grandma still watches this fucking cunt religiously along with actual religious televangelists. She calls CNN the "Clinton News Network" and it makes me wonder who fucking started it because she has zero opinions of her own. I remember her complaining about Obama taking vacations "all the time" yet not a fucking peep about Trump golfing every fucking weekend.
I fucking hate everything related to politics. Goddamn.
Better start a reaction folder.
Type like this know they're being fucked by bankers but don't connect it with capitalism.