China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails
why do they care about north korea so much? do people really think kim is some super villain who is going to blow up the planet?
China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails
why do they care about north korea so much? do people really think kim is some super villain who is going to blow up the planet?
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They're going to use DPRK as a distraction from Syria
North Korea will not take the US' shit like Syria did. Any sort of military action from the US and Seoul gets it.
All ethnostates must bow down to ZOG Occupied Government
The Average American maybe, because that's pounded into them literally every time NK is brought up.
NK is important because of its strategic location in NE Asia. Similarly to the GDR being important because of its strategic location in the middle of Europe, and the shift in regional balance that reunification implies.
I have to wonder though what the Americans traded in order to get the Chinese to consent to "take action." Maybe Trump promised Xi first dibs in rebuilding after whatever conflict occurs. I'm sure they'd like nothing more than a new market to expand into and build a new bubble in.
But IMO if the Americans start shit they're like to get one hell of a bloody nose.
In all honesty, I'm not really sure you can believe a lot of what Rex says. He's already flip flopped 3 or 4 times since the Syria strike and I suspect he's just saying shit
North Korea will build factories and become a capitalist paradise where there is no minimum wage or pesky worker protections. Once again the most brutal capitalism will come from former Marxist-Snoflakist states.
Zionist Occupied Government Occupied Government? Newfag nazis are the worst.
Newfag doesn't know about the ZOG Occupied Government word filter and reveals himself! Many such cases! Sad!
America can fuck up North Korea pretty hard tbh their nuke programme and geographical position are very shitty compared to Russia China or Iran if Iran gets them. They can place park the Aegis system on the coast put up THAAD shoot down any new ballistic missile the Norks are planning to test fire like they do every year also they can just put up their own nukes in the South should there be war Norks will be obliterated and their nuclear arsenal easily eliminated.
I have nothing to back this up but imo the ballistic missiles are a smoke screen and NK already has a nuke planted in Seoul ready to pop off if things get dicey.
Shut up leftcom.
Once the burgers get THAAD to go up, it's ogre for NK
hello guys
What's THAAD's success rate?
Whatever he gave them, Trump would absolutely not have allowed China into post-war Syria. That bit of real estate would be worth untold billions if it were to have oil and natural gas pipelines linking Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait with Turkey and Europe. Trump must have given China something, like staying out of their way in the Philippines.
The North Korean military is a throwback to the 1960s. It would be a bloody turkey shoot, but it would still be just a turkey shoot.
Doesn't really matter. If TPTB don't want a nuke blown up, it won't be blown up.
They could use it as another more deadly 9/11.
I was talking about North Korea.
Yea m8 but the afghanis didn't even have a military to speak of and they've damn near beat the Americans. North Korea has been preparing for this exact moment for decades.
Even aside from that, there are multiple examples of even aged submarines "sinking" American carriers and pulling other shenanigans.
Of course NK can't win, but I doubt they're just going to roll over, either.
Yeah, I know. I was talking about what Trump traded to Xi to get him to abandon Kim. Trump gave up something big.
That's a fucking laugh. They got driven out of the cities in the first week. Then they sat in the mountains fighting with American-backed Afghani proxies and occasionally getting killed by drones while the Americans settled into their bases and ignored them. If you think that looks anything like victory for the Afghanis, then you should never be in charge of any kind of military policy.
Considering Chinese State Media just mocked Trump for being stupid, I doubt they're gonna help in North Korea
And I suppose spending hundreds of billions if not trillions and thousands of lives is a "victory" for the Americans?
At least if Hillary won we'd look progressive while nuking them.
America can't run out of money.
Wrong. It can keep money till the end of time but that doesn't mean it will have any value.
What, exactly, then, is the first non-human limit on the amount of money in circulation? And who does money serve?
kys yourself and rip in peace
taking into account that
Yeah, we've all heard the tale of "regime change", but let's be honest:
This is a war I'd support, specially because I really, really need to see shit hit the fan.
But yeah, NK is a rabid dog that eats his own poo, tries to fuck a pillow, and then holds still growling at his own tail for three minutes straight and then bites it off, and goes back to eating shit.
Crazy, aggressive, embarrasing… somehow all at once.
Needs to be put down.
What if DPRK is closet posadist
Best timeline
why do you think NK would like to use nukes?
why do you think NK is nuts?
what are you talking about?
I doubt China will just drop Norks. I wouldn't put it past them to engineer some kind of humiliation for the US out of this.
NK has plenty of conventional artillery in range of SK, not to mention the nuclear shells. Missile defense might save the rest of East Asia, but SK will be gone if NK is invaded.
That is a risky move though, because I doubt Trump would take humiliation lightly.
/polk/ is run by the same shill group as Holla Forums and Holla Forums
the BO of /polk/ behaves EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS Holla Forums BO and mods. (the archives above are a great example) they delete all the same exact things, and give the same shitty excuses. I would not be surprised if /polk/ is run by exactly the same people as Holla Forums.
in fact, Holla Forums /polk/ and Holla Forums moderation, volunteers, mods, board owners all exhibit the same exact behaviors. do not be surprised if they are all the same group of people all working together to manipulate everyone and disrupt the spread of the truth.
after some serious critical thinking about the events taking place in the present, and seemingly unrelated experiences in the past we have uncovered the extremely strong possibility that /a/ and Holla Forums to a moderate but slightly lesser extent were shill testing grounds for the disruption and culture molding tactics to be later used on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /polk/, only moving on when the community had been permanently ruined. they needed alot of training because /a/ didn't have the willpower and the meme magic that Holla Forums
shit going on at with the mods literally being shills and stopping redpills from becoming common knowledge
The moderators are banning people who out them.
The moderators are banning people who do nothing more than link to threads on the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are banning people who QUOTE POSTS from the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are REGULARLY banning groups of 70,000's of IP addresses (in explicit violation of the site rules against doing so).
The moderators make a point of banning people who explicitly violate No BOARD rules, SITE rules, or US LAW, while also EXPLICITLY leaving up content that violates rules.
You're kind of really wrong, because the Americans are gone but the Taliban is not only still there, but gaining strength again in the face of the incompetent Kabul government and corrupt warlords. Without American military support everything would go right back to before the invasion.
Such a great victory. Dog blez uhmeriga
Which is very convenient for the Chinese, who can then offer him a gold-paved exit that allows him to save face. It's not like the Chinese have experience with this kind of thinking…
A rogue state in possession of nuclear weapons is no joke. No they don't think he's a super villain, just a hostile dictator. Basically NK threatens to obliterate the US cities with nuclear fire about 9 times a year despite having no capacity to do so since their missiles do not have the range. WMDs are no joke, I'd say NK is a clear target for a pre-emptive nuclear or biological attack.
You are only hurting your case by spamming unreleated shit ceaselessly in every thread. Just make a thread and keep that shit there.
I want neoliberals to leave
I have absolutely no fear of North Korea. Leave them alone, they just want to be a religious cult. They don't want to lose their glorious leader, please don't hurt Kim ;n;
Deng was the most consequential leftcom you idiot
how so?
imagine being this libtarded
How new are you? And where do you think that money went? To the profiteers who wanted the war in the first place! The money that they printed went to Lockheed, Boeing, Baretta, and every other corporation that supplies military equipment.
Like they give a tinker's dam about a thousand or two soldiers.
The Americans have Bagram and all their other bases. That is what they came for–a well-situated base of operations in Central Asia. They don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the country. The Taliban can make life miserable for American proxies all day, and the Americans won't do anything more than launch a few drones until they actually become a nuissance. That is how imperialism works in the modern globalist world.
North Korea is okay to me. I feel sad about this.
We war now?
Kek, I hope they do.
What a prize!
Your delusion is very entertaining.
If we hit North Korea, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that we'll hit Iran too
They would be fools to do so, because Trump will just renege on any promise he made. It's how he does business, and I don't think his age and now very real military power have dulled that scumbag edge.
Heh. Although this plan is by far the most devilish of the two.
Burgers are British tier for betrayals in foreign policy
but yeah, Chinese media was mocking Trump and the ripped into the attack on syria, so I don't think they'll allow the US to do anything
So has all of Holla Forums turned into neocons? Or just a few very dedicated shitposters who flood our board?
We war now
Is there sauce on this military action?
Pretty much, I thought it would take until summer for the transformation to be complete but they went full neocon in less than 3 months
dubs confirm
reminder that if you don't support comrade Kim your'e a defacto imperialist and Drumpf apologist
So there goes his promise to get tough with China on trade. Trump is creating even less """""change""""" than Obama did.
Nobody wants to rebuild that hell hole. The costs would far exceed the benefits.
The US invade countries that don't have nukes. If you obtain nukes, they might call you all sorts of names, but they don't invade. Simple as that.
That doesn't mean anything.
Take your meds, Hillary.
This was the Chinese reaction to the meeting, basically they refused to meet Trumps demands on everything.
Of course the American media is claiming the complete opposite
Nuclear War will not happen, Korean War 2: Electric Boogaloo, sure, but I don't think this is WW3 material:
As much as China hates Trump, they're not going to butt heads over dumb shit like the NKs, they'll be on our side for this one. Destabilization of the region would be catastrophic for China.
During wargames a French captain using a fifty year old submarine sank a US carrier.
Really all they'd need to do is park a suicide sub underneath the fleet and set it off. Bye bye Americans.
nice copypasta
American bases and an American puppet state on the Chinese border is absolutely unacceptable and the Chinese will go to war to prevent it
Actions like these seem to fairly consistently fall into the standard posturing we've seen in the recent past. Nice for headlines, though.
I mean non-zero chance that things will finally snap, and things sure as hell aren't static politically here or there, but still.
Yeah, I don't think anyone is itching for a fight. The Koreans definitely don't want to get invaded and I don't Trump wants to be the first president to get American soldiers nuked
compared to whom ? US ? Big fucking lol