I don't know where else to talk about this, considering that /leftyweebpol/ is dead and /a/ is a shell of itself.
Tfw the crazy age of anime that happened in the 80's and the 90's is gone
stop being a lifestylist nerd and enjoy
I guess one of the points that I'm trying to make is that a lot of the pop-culture stuff that I enjoy only exist in that form because of capitalism. Without capitalism, I know that I'll never see or read things like that ever again.
anime was a mistake
That's because capitalism is a good system.
I fucking hate anime, especially the harem, Moe, and ecchi genres. They are fucking disgusting to watch, it's like they are literally made for losers to play out thier stupid perverted fantasies.
why do you use the word "like"? that is exactly what they are
that being said there's lots of good shit in anime it's just sort of buried under piles of trash. check out Akira
Big words from the guy posting Holla Forums and /r9k/ memes along with an entirely green post.
REEEEEEEEE unironically considering buying the lns
/a/ is literally nothing but discussion about wanting to fuck magic lesbian lolis under the guise watching it for a deep "plot" with the occasional Holla Forums autism.
Part of what you feel is nostalgia but part of it is real. Anime and manga originally had a counter-cultural bent but gradually became more commercialized as it gained popularity. Modern anime (especially moe) is purposely made to be as insipid as possible to facilitate consumption.There is discussion about this in the other anime thread.
I never disagreed with that statement, it's just that it's hilarious seeing a newfag crossboarder complain about that. Cool anime picture, by the way.
You forgot to point out OP's `surprise box' retards love to use
Good ones to watch?
What are your top five 80's/90's anime OP? Feel free to make it top 10 is 5 seems too limiting.
I like Patlabor.
It was a random pic from my folder. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers, I know Holla Forums has been shit for a few years, now.
I think you voiced this pretty well. A lot of the old anime and manga, no matter the genre, has this wondrous, otherworldly feeling, as if the medium itself provided a sense of joy that was outside the scope of everyday life.
Now, it just feels like most of modern anime and manga has been absorbed into the system itself, and the insipidness that you describe appropriately reflects its sense of bleakness and emptiness. You can no longer experience that joy, because the medium has been incorporated into the habits and routines of everyday life itself (if that makes any sense).
>Holla Forums has been shit for a few years
It's everything OP. The best vidya is from the 90's to early 2000's and since then it's buggy shit with overpriced DLC being the norm. Comic books went to shit in the 90's and now exist of outrage and constant relaunches to the maybe 300k who bother to read them. Television is mainly NCIS or LaW spinoffs with a few good things popping up here and there. Films are increasingly by the numbers and capeshit adaptations or reboots of TV shows. Capitalism has killed culture and we're living in the corpse.
you probably wouldn't believe me but I have a distant memory that I was crying like a little bitch after watching some Sailor Moon ending episode when I was a child
This. Welcome to the age of shit.
I believe that.
Please never go to /leftyweebpol/, your posts look like garbage
Post more on /leftyweebpol/. I'm there everyday. Be sure to follow a direct catalog link because the for some reason other links don't work. 8ch.net
This reeks of someone who hasn't watched Utena and Princess Tutu.
So do if you haven't dummy.
There is plenty of good anime coming out. You actually have to sit down and watch new shit to find it. All these faggots bitching about "moe" anime don't actually bother looking for stuff and grew up on Toonami rather than buying bootleg VHS tapes or pirating new releases like those with a serious interest in the medium. They also ignore the insane amount of shitty anime getting released alongside the good stuff in the 80s and 90s. God I fucking hate casuals.
anime was at its best when it tried to enter the western market
Akira, GitS, Cowboy Bebop, Jin Roh etc
Moeshit was a mistake
Bullshit. Anime is being produced with a greater interest in the Western market now than at any other time in the history of the medium. So if you don't like the stuff getting released now you're fucking clueless. Little Witch Academia TV series wouldn't have happened at all if it weren't for the Western market for example.
I always wondered if that first image was photoshoped
It isn't. Was a really low budget anime from the early 2000s when people didn't have a clue what they were doing with digital animation.
I thought China was basically keeping the industry afloat at the moment.
stalin brings top tier art and you counter with little witch academy?
Gulag yourself.
Asian market as a whole has become a much bigger target, but so has the west now that anime is mainstream.
I was pointing out that he was full of shit because LWA is getting produced NOW specifically because of the western market. kys nigger
When the Japanese anime industry finally dies you'll see Netflix, Amazon and Chinese millionaires immediately try to seize the spot.
I used to do all that, I even studied Japanese to the point where I could read/watch raws. After years of being an anime fan my standards got higher over time as the genre itself became increasingly commercialized. Wading through 95% garbage to occasionally find something good is not worth it for me any more.
All I do nowadays is read manga and VNs. Only bothered watching Konosuba and Demi-chan last season. Demi-chan was pretty good, and so was Konosuba but the light novels were better.
what is your problem with LWA?
Fair enough. Manga is better anyway. I don't mind doing it because even the shit I'm not into I can just listen to while I code or fuck around on the internet.
Is there anywhere on the Internet to talk about anime, video games, any media really without the Holla Forums Holla Forums and idpol cancers? The internet has become hell.
Not really. I've had this conversation a few times this month and I'm thinking I might start my own site for it. Would probably be dead, but it might be fun to do anyway.
1. Legend of the Galactic Heroes
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Outlaw Star
4. Berserk
5. Urusei Yatsura
I have a soft spot in my heart for stuff like YuYu Hakusho, Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon, though.
In terms of favorite movies, there's a lot that I like.
I mean that, for some of the stuff that I like, the plot, character development, pacing, etc. are adjusted based on the ideas/suggestions of editors, managers, producers, and, of course, for the target audience. Without their input, the shows/manga would either not have been successful, or would be unrecognizable to us. This applies to a lot of shonen and shojo, so it's probably just my nostalgia.
I agree, but it's really overwhelming to go about and do that.
If you do, I'll post there.
Don't be afraid to be authoritarian with moderation either. Can't give idpol an inch.
Will put something online as soon as I have some cash to buy hosting. Until then I need to find an imageboard software that isn't complete shit.
Reminder nothing will ever be good again!
The things you like exist in spite of capitalism. If they existed because of capitalism they wouldn't be disappearing.
That's a good list comrade, I approve.
Target audiences would still exist, they just wouldn't be targeted based on marketing and consumerism, but all art has an intended audience in mind. Editors certainly would not cease to exist, editing is 50% of all art. As for "managers" and "producers", I think with anything as big as a film or tv show you'd always need overhead people to make sure it looks okay and that everything's in order, third party people, people who can look at it with an objective eye, but they shouldn't have the final say on what's made or what the artists choose to do, in the entire history of cinema I can't think of too many times I've heard a story of studio meddling that made me think the producer was in the right. Thinking of how many of Orson Welles's masterpieces were butchered by money men alone triggers the fuck out of me, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, trust me, art and money don't mix well.
Also, my personal favorite anime is probably Ranma 1/2
I tried watching both of these. Had to force myself to continue watching tutu and only got to the halfway point of the series. Utena was also a struggle, but the aesthetics of that show are absolutely gorgeous, and ill probably go back to watch it.
Fuck. I miss the Internet I grew up on. Everything sucks now and there's nowhere else to go.
I have to admit, I also like the art style of anime from the 80s and 90s.
I'm not even that big into anime, it just looks ascetically better.
Interesting that you bring that up. During the 90's, anime and manga in general were associated with underground culture all over the world. A lot of this had to do with the Internet being a new medium, where fans could talk about shows and organize together. This gave it a really strong, counter-cultural cyberpunk feel.
This ended up happening to every band I listed to as a teenager. I always imagined under communism this would never happen, thus music would always stay the way they were when you fell in love with them.
This is why only liberty is a worthwhile ethos. Everyone else just wants to grab you by the nuts and twist until you kneel as a slave. Also all roasties are counter-revolutionary porky lovers and must be gulaged for socialism to "work."
Why was Tokyo was always empty in Sailor Moon?
The problem is that the fantasies they entertain are completely insane and unsustainable.
Low budget.
The culture industry reached a weird peak in the 90's that i think left a deep psychic imprint on the entire American millenial population. It feels like all the vidya, animu, cartoons, pop music and commercials from those eras mix into this sea of acidy nostalgia eternity (i have no words to describe this but its sort of easy to see with vaporwave aesthetics). They really got to us and wormed their way into the furthest recesses of our subconscious minds. Its undoubtedly true that these mediums were more creative back then and were blossoming due to advances in animation and cgi, but I don't necessarily think the overall quality was better back then. I've seen plenty of modern contemporary animu which is as good or better than much of the tripe that was produced back then. Its the effectiveness of the signs and symbols used and the weird television baby-sitter effect of that era. The younger generations have smart phones and tablets and constant internet access, they don't have the same weird eternal summer relationship that we do with the TV. The new endless summer mind state i see is with memes. I think memetics and viral content are probably going to leave extreme imprints on the younger generations and the tail end of the millenials much more than GoT or WD or the Bachelor ever would. I don't think cinema is going to influence them nearly as much either, maybe the Dark Knight Rises and this last Star Wars movie had effects on Culture but they were either extremely esoteric or reactions to the movies and not actually inspired by them. Its a strange feeling, books, movies and television shows will be totally meaningless and looked at like artifacts in just a decade or two. The culture industry is accelerating, diversifying and decentralizing just like high finance and technology are going to. We're the last generation that was influenced strongly by the tube.
They're also degenerate and anti-social
Just fire the nukes already tbh
you'll never get your wish, because there will never be a WW3
Weirdly enough, I think that the empty Tokyo added to the carefree tone of the setting, like it was this dream-like world where everybody went to bed at the same time and people weren't caught up in the mind-numbing conditions of daily life. This probably added to the show's appeal.
I think you said it better than I ever could, user. It also got me thinking about other factors that affected our perception of the 90's, too. 9/11 seemed completely redefine how Americans saw their culture and society. Now, if that event didn't happen, would people still have seen the continuation of this mellow, weird atmosphere up into the 00's? How different would internet culture be today if it weren't for that event? It's honestly hard to say.
Also, I do think it's fucking terrifying that the latest means of cultural expression are nothing but icons of jokes. There's something dystopian about it. Memes were a mistake.
This link would probably interest you, OP:
The best thing about anime is that it's full of what Holla Forums would call "degeneracy" that they pretend doesn't exist.
Just take fate/stay night and saber for instance
and so on
Goldenboy was pretty lefty at times and gunbuster had this soviet chick.
And another on my anime list…
fuck off /r9gay/