Guys, Trump is very conflicted about Syria
New Ben Garricuck Cartoon
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Now I just feel bad, his crush has completely betrayed him. Poor Ben :(
Poor Trump. He just wants to be loved ;_;
He doesn't know what he does he is just a poor puppet used by the swamp/deep state/Illuminati lizards ;_;
seriously, Garisson is so bad at his job this is hilarious.
Ben Garrison Trump Corruption Smut when
i only know two of the anime ladies on there.
is that bad?
No, it means you have more of a life than me.
Not at all.
Evry fucking political cartoonist labels everything out of fear of plebs not understanding the symbolics/allegories
Its a plague that destroys political parodies/comics both on the left and right
I would want to see some hot r64 Trump being mindbroken by space lizards the hentai
Blame the dumbing down of population, not the artists.
Garrison should be ashamed a spoondoodle artist can convey a message where everything is understood with a drawing this simple and no labels at all.
i dont think he is conflicted. i think he is another capitalist swine and mason puppet
You can tell he's looking faith since Trump is looking flabbier than usual
Rex Tillerson like "Yes please. I want some Haliburton money."
Yes, because there are more than 2 Nichijou girls in the image which indicates you have not seen that anime.
I know more than two, and that is bad.
What is this cartoon supposed to convey? It needs more labels.
it's an improvement
It's the last days of pol's faith in their emperor.
Think of those who died, think, they won't have to feel the pain of the radiation.
top kek, is that Jason?
I know 20 of them directly and another 10ish from show i havent actually seen.
it was a GOP consultant actually.
Truly Ben Garrison is the Tim Buckley of the political cartoon sphere
Now to scour his works to find material to make loss.
Muh jowz and globalism when in realty they are just good goyims for putin.
Kushner and Bannon are the men trump listens too.
Bannon's the angel, Kushner the devil.
Probably why Bannon got demoted the day before, huh?
Yeah I think that's why Bannon got demoted.
Trump cares more about Ivanka and Barron than anyone else in the world.
I'm guessign Ivanka and her Hubby said "oh those poor kids getting gassed, better start ww3 daddy", and Bannon tried to advise Trump against it.
Cute gif
most Amerilards don't even know what the country Syria fucking looks like
Dude, hardly anyone on image boards understands that Rach was a friendly troll mocking smug libtards, but treated it as if it were something intentionally destructive.
People have a very limited sense of sarcasm on the interwebs.
Sounds hot.
i love that garrison's trump is way more handsome than real trump's ever been but at the same time there's no way to downplay the hair.
I love the theory that a shoe designer is the one behind a war with Syria
Let me guess, brain tumor?
I knew this "cartoonist" was a piece of shit when he insulted piracy and pretended that buying DVDs was "moral", now I know he's a total dumb fuck. Even David Willis isn't this retarded.
Are these real?
Well they're from the Onion so
Seeing "doo-doo" makes me six years old again.
It's satire
nichijou is the only good anime
Trumptards on suicide watch
what is the first one even supposed to imply..?
for once I actually feel like I'm agreeing with Garrison.
pretty sad to be honest.