Why are the Alt-right so spooked ?
Why are the Alt-right so spooked ?
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nothing sadder than taking credit for muh ancestors acheivements
This sounds a lot like NOI shit
Who #WokeEuro here?
looking back on proven values > blindly looking towards an unknown future
wtf im a reactionary moron now!
None of these guys were even born in Europe. Why are Americans so obsessed with another continent and treat it as a single country?
Unknown future is coming no matter if we like it or not and it's going to rape those proven values into submission.
the future doesn't rape any values that point makes no sense.
Proven values of the past helped create healthy societies rather than modern broken societies.
the adults are talking kid
Back to the donald lad.
Oh, more Americans who wish they were Europeans. It sucks to live in a country without culture and history, huh?
they're scared of the memes
The capital doesn't care about your shitty "Proven values of the past" as they are a hindrance to its continuous flow, thus it will continue to annihilate any ideological leftovers of pre-capitalist era and we can safely assume that in the future those "values" will be even deader than they are now. We couldn't have stopped "modern broken societies" from arising and the only route we have left is going forward.
It's hilarious that the "european heritage" that they like talking about has nothing to do with the values they claim to espouse, and for the most part the heritage they can talk about has nothing to do with its actual meanings. Also, attempting to lump all of "european history" into a single united strand misses how much Europeans tended to hate each other and deny the existence of such a thing. They're desperately trying to synthesize an identity which never existed and probably never will.
No, we can go backwards technologically
I disagree. A united Europe is inevitable.
People began grouping themselves together in cities states after tribes, and kingdoms after cities states, and nations after kingdoms. What we are seeing now is a grouping together of civilizations after nations and Europe will be at the forefront of this like she always has.
So by that logic the next step is all these new civilizational groups will merge into one globe spanning group, and you call us the multicultural globalist.
wew lad
a group of kingdoms into one nation isn't seen as multicultural.
I haven't though. you're putting words into my mouth
How is previous society better again ?
Do you have any proof for that and especially since the EU is fucking crumbling I really doubt what you are saying
Thing is tho that I don't mean a united Europe politically, but culturally. There might eventually be a single European federation of some kind, but I sincerely doubt the various cultures and languages will ever become a single undifferentiated mass. In some ways, if they did it'd almost be tragic because we'd be losing a lot.
stable family and community.
Pan European idenitarian groups. The EU is not an example of this as it still kept national borders and identities
that is just like saying the various tribes will never become a single undifferentiated mass.
Now this did happen for example in Germany where the tribes of the region formed in kingdoms and eventually the Germany state.
Some areas still kept some cultural and linguistic traits, such as Bavarian however they still see themselves and Germans
forgot pic
Oke, cuck.
back to Holla Forums shoo shoo
and hierarchy that prohibited women from moving beyond their gender roles and severe inequality
Which do not have many people in them
wew lad
And the current state of women is arguably worse
and compared to french revolutionaries to the rest of the population, they didn't have any people in them either
Spook is a racist word for black people. Surely the alt right love racist stuff?
Gee, maybe that has something to do with the capitalism they live in
it is both capitalism and progressivism
Most women then were too poor to afford the amount of food that Americans usually eat
I doubt those movements will be storming prisons any time though
No one implied such a thing you dumb retard
Mostly had to do with the liberal.The Alt-Right would not have been as big a thing if the libs weren't shoving IDpol everywhere. I mean if someone tells you that your skin color is oppressive, or your gender is wrong, or you have to suffer due to things your ancestors did you're then going to start thinking on their own terms of these racial and gender identities but towards whites as we see the alt-right doing.
White idpol has been around forever.
All values are proven to be BS. There is nothing to look back at.
They literally say: "Fuck you, we're gonna believe in something that doesn't exist because everyone else does too. Nanana we don't listen."
Quit with the "YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS" bullshit, being an idiot is a choice.
corn bread eating bastards
because they're fucking terrified of everything
there's your typical "European descent badass white supremacist who will destroy all the other races" loser hypocrite scumfuck that's no real threat to anyone. Morons like this, they talk big, but their trolling is weak, their harassment skills are lacking, and if they actually tried shit to someone's face they'd get their ass beat.
The alt-right votes and expresses hurt feelings on the internet, that's all.
oh and
I'm not even kidding, Holla Forums hates this Jin guy. Even his own kind think he's dirt.
I saw a while ago somewhere on here about how national identities are a largely recent invention, does anyone have more information about this idea? It might be useful to despook some "muh europeans" aut-righters.
It's because asserting their nationalities would be totally meaningless in the USA. That's also why they talk so much about the "white" race instead of Aryans, Celts, Slavics, etc. They'd all just be minorities them and/or irrelevant shited children, which couldn't assert anything.
If they're proven, why did they fail?
National identity is old enough, it's white/black identity that is recent.
Cars are a Jewish conspiracy.
The south stole all their culture from the Mexicans.
FTFY. Southern culture (muh church, muh deep fried foods, etc) is basically black culture with a bit of chauvinism sprinkled on top.
It's funny how the Alt Right's idea of 'the West' is merely an inversion of the academic left, trendy. vaguely 'post-colonial' idea of 'the West'. Except it's now 'the west' that's being 'colonised' and deprived of its 'authentic heritage', which is of course second order bullshit. For all the talk of 'deconstructing' the idea of 'the West', academics probably ended up reinforcing it, opening the door to vague national mysticisms.
A few well travelled British visitors remarked, 'southern manners' were essentially West African, Gold Coast court customs.
American WNs are generally idiots that have no idea about the various forms of European nationalist movements, and really just want an EU that will kick out all the non-whites
Yes but the Internet made libtardation more visible, pushing the "if X is stupid, then mirror image of X is the right choice" crowd into White nationalism.
Dialectics my dude, we had thesis, we're seeing anthithesis. What wil be synthesis?
You can kindly fuck off. Leaving the EU will not push you closer to socialism. It will not be a blow against capitalism either. At best, it will change nothing. At worst, it will lead to even more neoliberal politics. There is no point in wanting to leave the EU while your country is still capitalist.
Southwest brah