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Make up your fucking minds reactionaries.

How did someone make that meme and not think of the repercussions of not having birth control.

Also 1st guy is bourgeois, as is 3rd girl, they should be killed, 2nd guy doesn't exist, 4th guy is cool though.

If you're serious about a debate OP, watch this and get back to me:

"You can find the report that the Social Security Administration just released right here. The following are some of the numbers that really stood out for me…

-38 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-51 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-62 percent of all American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-71 percent of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

That first number is truly staggering. The federal poverty level for a family of five is $28,410, and yet almost 40 percent of all American workers do not even bring in $20,000 a year.

If you worked a full-time job at $10 an hour all year long with two weeks off, you would make approximately $20,000. This should tell you something about the quality of the jobs that our economy is producing at this point.

And of course the numbers above are only for those that are actually working. As I discussed just recently, there are 7.9 million working age Americans that are “officially unemployed” right now and another 94.7 million working age Americans that are considered to be “not in the labor force”. When you add those two numbers together, you get a grand total of 102.6 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now."

It's telling that most of the proletariat supported Hitler when he rose to power…

Lol no

It's quite telling that 60% of Russians think that communism had more positives than negatives…

That's the upper middle class, you low tier propaganda creator.

Not to mention during every single year the 1950s there was a higher fed minimum wage then what now exists (adjusted for inflation).

American wages are literally Depression-tier, don't believe me? If you calculate the first minimum wage of 25 cents in 1938 what do you get? About 4.30 or so…

More then 80 fucking years later and Porky thinks he's being generous by giving us three bucks more as the bare minimum.

It's quite telling that he had the support of the capitalists, police, and paramilitary organizations.


They didn't. The middle class did however. This is why the third world is so much better for socialism.

someone's artistic ability was wasted on this trash

I don't see it.

Copy paste the 1900s folks on modern day but make them Asian and Latino.


Not an argument

i don't want communism because i care about the proles, i despise most of them tbh

Wait so Holla Forums doesn't think birth control should be free?

why not?

Mods, if you aren't going to do your fucking jobs then quit so someone who will can take your place.

try to actually draw that shit in MS paint, its not something everyone can do

Its not like a fine art or anything, but it ain't nothing

we would still have something called personal responsibility under communism.
"muh free stuff lmao" is liberal socdem shit

"free" birth control is having it be covered under insurance or existing free health care. A big problem is that birth control pills can be prescribed for other medical issues as well and specifically writing in "everything except birth control lol" into your law is kinda shitty for that

That's what propaganda would have you believe, yes

Not that I expect an answer, but labor conditions, 8 hour work day and a higher minimum wage are largely a result of the strengthening of labor unions back in the day, after unified communist movement spurred on by Marx, demanded such policies.

The bottom proles are only representative of a specific narrow slice of westerners in their early adulthood, benefiting from the socialist movement so many decades earlier. But it fails to show the still many homeless, as well as the millions of laborers who make all our shit under conditions about as bad as those of the late 1800's early 1900's, faggot.