What have you done today to fight the j- uh, capitalist pigs?
Greetings, fellow socialists
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Sieg Heil!
Hail our people, Hail Victory!
fuck off
Sieg Heil, comrade.
Lรถsch das, du Hund.
Have you not heard of Asser?
kek, goddamn filter.
Osama bin Laden did 9/11.
The US has put people on the moon.
Lee Harvey Oswald after alone.
Nazis only used the word socialist to aid recruitment because they were actually fascist autists.
I secured the existence of my people and a future for White children.
Capitalism is the best way to grow your economy. Then you help out the people of your homeland by employing socialist values. This way your country and people grow to be strong, not ashamed of their culture and values and willing to fight to secure them and their position in the world.
You mean the position of their country's national bourgeoisie in the world.
spooky af
Daily reminder that the Red Army absolutely BTFO'd the Nazi scum.
If we get an ideal situation like the NSDAP, everyone loves their leader because they have faith that he is representing them in the best away with their values and ethics being put first.
The leadership must be strong and willing to do all to best represent the people of the nation. It's not the bourgeoisie being represented but an entire ethnic group and their nation.
The people are happy, they raise family's with culture and tradition which has been proven through centuries to work and will be helped by the state to achieve this.
Hitler outlawed Usury so home loans were free of interest making starting life very affordable. The common workman was respected and not looked down on by society.
NS is a very sustainable way of life.
I have but as shows nazis aren't usually Asserites.
Well, look at it this way, Holla Forums.
Rich muhrican kikes and zionists are among Holla Forums's most hated, and so are many industry/baking kingpins. Because due to the jew values, being porky and jewish makes you highly likely to pass your porkyness to your kids, there's a high jew porky percentage, so that's a lot of dead jews on the left's "day of the rope", innit?
As long as you just don't defend porkies of other ethnicities, we should get along fine, don't you think?
Sorry I'm new here, don't know all the terminology so what's an Asserite and a Porky?
and porky is a term for capitalists (see image)
A Porky is a capitalist. I think it originally comes from this Soviet propaganda cartoon.
An "Asserite" is actually a "Strร sserite". There is apparently some filter here that automatically replaces Strร sserite with Asserite.
(If you want to know what Strร sserism is, here you go: en.wikipedia.org
Porky is Holla Forums's Happy Merchant.
Someone who "made it big" under capitalism, and an enabler of the system.
Interesting, thanks. I'll read into it I'd never heard of Asserites before.
Yes "everyone" loves the fรผhrer because not loving him would be bad for your health and your future
The bourgeousie could continue their exploitation of the worker, the state just made the working class believe that the ruling class cares for them (they did not)
see my first point
Throughout the whole history of mankind cultures and languages have changed and obsolete and outdated traditions have been overcome
Banning interest won't erase the internal contradictions of capitalism, the accumulation of capital from the masses into the hands of a tiny group won't stop
Natsoc is completely antagonistic in nature.
The seperation of humans into rivaling groups (us vs them) and the whole "social darwinist" mentality (might makes right, the strong must purge the weak) combined with a capitalist economy creates the perfect conditions for a world of endless conflict.
Hitlers reconstructed germanys economy into a war economy, which was dependent on permanent conquest.
They all got Literally Murdered when they were remotely relevant the first time around.
Kinda funny, it means that you can basically extend that whole "the first country the nazis invaded was their own" back even further to "the first victims of the nazis were their fellow nazis"
Reminder that Hitler all but straight up admitted that he only used the term "socialist" to gain working class votes
I love red flags!
They all got killed in the Night of the Long Knives.
That's a Jewish lie.
lol no
Number 1 reason to hate nazifags: they'll betray you as soon as they get into power
Convince me to give a fuck
convince me to give a fuck
Why is it so hard for Holla Forums to realize not all porkies ate jews and not all jews are porkies.
i am the capitalist
why is it so hard for Holla Forums to realize not everyone hates capitalism
t. kike
Then why do you call yourself nationa """socialist"""
not OP btw
I fucking hate this meme.
Actual Nazis and other Fascists are fully against Capitalism, even if Nazi Germany still had Private property.
Actual fascists are anti-corporation and pro-workers.
Like those mussolini and hitler? oh wait..
Companies were sucking Hitler and Mussolini's dicks to stay in their country. End-game fascism is nationalization
you don't say
He's a fag, Nazis hate Capitalism too.
Socialism's economic stances are good, but it's social plans are shit
What i'm saying is that Volkswagen and other things were S H I T T I N G themselves waiting for Nationalization
Most people have very good reason to hate capitalism. Just look at the numbers. Your feelings about it are not relevant.
you keep saying that but it won't make it true.
yeah, we know that
Can I see the theory that backs this up, namefag?
if im not poor why should i care about them?
get fucked anarcho-hippie
I'm an actual Nazi user
Literally the whole concept of fascism is anti-capitalism, that's why its turd position and not just generic right wing. We see Capitalism as both anti-nationalist and globalist, which it is.
lil light on image proofs and shit because i'm not using my computer, but I digress.
So you don't actually have any theory and just kind of what you believe it should mean off of Holla Forums infographs?
Volkswagen was vapourware until Ivan Hirst picked up the design after the war.
The company didn't exist in any meaningful sense.
W-well you know what I mean.
No you dolt I mean fascism relies on a heavy State-Controlled economy and not on private enterprise how is that hard to understand
A-atleast Holla Forums has infographs
It's not capitalism in the sense that Fascist Capitalism is state-owned.
Who are you quoting?
Wow, what a fleshed out theory you've got there.
That's like saying Socialism and socdem are the same thing
They're both anti-socialist AND anti-capitalist
Boy, what a citation on that first quote.
Especially when it's a
Badly misquoted line from Asser
"Thoughts about the Tasks of the Future", by Gregor Asser - (1926 June 15)
Is this a wordfilter I wasnt aware of or am I just autistic?
Kek, I should've pointed that out but you would have said "NUH-UH DATS NOT REAL CAPITALISM"
It's in my self interest to stop the planet from degrading even more because of crapitalism