Third worldism

let's say that third worldists take control of a country and make it first world what happens then? do they all need to commit suicide becouse the country is no longer third world or something?

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This would not be on the agenda.

but why would they want their country to still be a shithole?

Not a shithole, but not first world. Third worldists see the divide between classes and the divide between the first and third world as being one in the same and as such, want to end such a distinction by cutting off the first world from their wealth.

Not a third worldist, but that's what I get out of it.

well thanks for the answer i was always wondering about what third worldists really want

That guy have second world flags on his back.

Jason Unroo is NOT a real Third Worldist, and real Third Worldism is a huge break from Marxism.

Sorry to hijack the thread to ask a question, but this has been on my mind for a while. Now real Third Worldists reject the line of the productive forces, namely Stalinism and Dengism, right? but I am under the impression that, if we study the national liberation movements of the past century, they all embraced developmentalism (except Pol-Pot, maybe), either in its capitalist or Soviet varieties or in a combination of the two. So what do Third Worldists make of that? The conclusion one would have to reach is that "real Third Worldism has never been tried."

Second, another impression is that Third Worldists cannot denounce nations that choose to follow the path of Dengism, as the LLCO did recently regarding Prachanda Path in Nepal (I know the LLCO are terrible people, but bear with me), since national self-determination still takes priority, and that's the path they decided to choose, TWists should have to still lend them support, even if they disagree with the path they've followed.

So in the final analysis, real Third Worldism takes on a variation of what Dugin calls "modernization without westernization", is this correct? Since modernization is inevitable if a country really wants to stay autonomous, but in present conditions where they cannot rely on support from the socialist bloc this leads countries down the capitalist road… so you see the contradiction, right?

The Jewfu in the video tacitly admits Third Worldism is 4PT.

As for your first question, yes, it's a giant paradox that most Third Worldists will outright deny. Roo claims not to support Juche but still defends the DPRK because "Juche is the path they've chosen for themselves". I'm guessing TWists hold other TW nations to a similar standard.

Roo is literally retarded.

Ask Jason this question:


I don't have a Twitter account fam.

Could someone with a Twitter account please do that?

Well let's take a look at China's post-Mao generation. (the so-called "Lost Generation")

TLDR: We have living proof that it creates ultra-porkies.
If it didn't involve the partial slaughter of the bourgeoise you can be sure Neoliberals would be pushing third-worldism today.

it would be a long incompetent process of killing everyone who disagrees with them, at first capitalists, then white people who didn't fight, then brown people who didn't fight, etc. etc.

some first world imperialist would take the chance to destroy them all and own the country thereafter and more people think that leftism is evil and pathetic.

you better unroo that roo if you wanna make it big

Third Worldism basically boils down to hatred of whites, which is what makes it revisionist as it prioritizes nation before class.

LLCO are cops.

They're a bunch of RPers (formerly) led by an schizophrenic drug user. They're histrionic fakes, good at what I call red virtual signaling. They're slightly better than the social chauvinist Marxist liberals that populate leftbook and reddit, but only barely.

*virtue* not virtual.

But Jason is for Maoist Third Worldism, which is developmentalist.


I've read that Prairie Fire isn't a cop but a member of a drug cartel, which would explain his alleged connections in South Asia (the region is a hotbed for drug trafficking).

Maoism Third-Worldism is anti-progress.

Maoism is Leninist and thus Progressive. Jason is simply confused (and lazy).

Third Worldism isn't Maoism.

Read from an LLCO member himself

This is just creepy. If the LLCO truly had cadres in Bangladesh who were winning liberated zones, you'd hear about it on establishment media.

I know right, that Rizal guy is just some Australian kid RPing.

What do you make of their "Bangla Zone"? Do you think it's legit?


What makes you think so? My guess is that some Bangladeshi guy who is affiliated with the cartels in some way or another is scamming the LLCO by finding random villagers and taking their pictures holding LLCO paraphenalia.

Yeah I suppose that's possible too. Still, an organization that claims to be "the Highest Stage of Revolutionary Science" should know better.

What do you think is really going on with them, generally speaking?

Who knows really, some kind of honeypot? It attracts well meaning but ultimately naive people like that Rizal guy, what's going on deep inside the organization I can't tell.

I'm noticing that a lot of accounts which like the LLCO page on CIAbook are Indians. Hmmm.

White, white, white.

Literally the most First Worldist group out there.

Is this blog for real? Is this that Chaya Bat-Tzvi person on youtube? Are they some kind of elaborate troll or are they actually an anprim Nazbol?

I mean, Jason interviewed him awhile back and posted a picture of him that isn't up anymore, and he was definitely a white guy. Also he said a lot of weird ahistorical shit about the Cultural Revolution that made absolutely no sense. I am pretty convinced that LLCO is cointelpro, and that PF is probably some kind of illegalist in his personal life.

You've actually touched upon something I've been thinking about quite a bit recently. The degree to which Marxists can actually support "revolutionary nationalism" when it looks like supporting the national bourgeoise of a country, seeing as how during the Cold War this was the exact anti-imperialist line in regards to all National Liberation struggles in the Global South, and continues to this day in regards to Syria and the DPRK. Now I think Marxists should reject imperialist action in all it's forms, but this kind of vulgar anti-imperialism lead to a lot of strange party lines back during the Cold War, and it seems to be producing some strange theory today.

I responded to the wrong poster. I meant this

And I'm still curious, because even if it's true that LLCO are cops (and let's be honest, they're definitely shady) this person seems like an even more elaborate psyop, or just an edgelord? Either way unreliable source-wise.

New Democracy did lead to revisionism in China, which is something Roo heavily denies.

Oh, it's Neakita, that explains a lot actually. I kind of wish she tripfaged on here, it would be pretty funny.

She does: her hook is "AnSinner" I think.

Never seen that. Sounds like it'd be fun to watch her derail a thread, she seems to have a very unique brand of autism.


Did she delete them? I thought she just made them private.

I actually don't know for sure, fam

Well here's hoping someone saved the video of her cursing the Roo with her pure weaponized autism, that's probably one of the single greatest youtube videos ever uploaded.

They're back up.

Hi Neakita

And so the shitposting continues.

Neakita and Chaya Bat-Tzvi should make a podcast. Like Chapo Trap House, but with a lot more schizophrenia and maybe less humor? Idk, maybe they're hilarious in person, either way I'm sure it would be extremely popular and eventually supplant the Chapo Boys as the single most influential podcast on the Left.

The real problem with 3rd Worldism (at least, the Unruhist variation) is that it falls into so many of the same bourgeois economic tropes it denounces. Specifically, the whole crux of 3Wism is the idea that 1st World people (or white people) *won't* struggle for a genuine socialist revolution because *it's not in their rational self-interest to do so*. Right off the bat, 3Wism assumes all human behavior is rational, which is identical to what neoclassical economics holds.

The thing about capitalism is that as a system it is very illogical. The bourgeoisie doesn't meticulously plan out every single little thing, rather they mostly behave on impulse as do workers and consumers. If anything, one could make the argument that even the bourgeoisie would benefit from socialism given that it would put meaning and excitement back into their otherwise dull and mechanical lives.

I'm all for that, their Esoteric Third Worldism is one special kind of autism, only they can revitalize the Left.

Wanting more retarded idealism and insane idpol on here

Sounds good to me.

Now if we can just get Red Kahina to make the KahinaCast, and harass Nick Land into making a podcast with Mencius Moldbug I can finally die a happy man.

Come on, you wouldn't listen to a podcast made by and anprim Nazbol who's white, but identifies as a Hindu mystic, but also loves the Khmer Rouge because they're an edgelord, and identifies as a literal Satanist, and hates Western Civilization, but also seems to like Nazis? You don't think that'd be the single funniest thing to ever be associated with this board? Sounds like you just don't like a good time fam

I mean read that bio, is this real? How can anyone above the age of 15 even bear to be this unironically edgy, this is something rare, and it needs to be nurtured and preserved. I mean, I don't think I'd be able to listen to their podcast, I can't even watch their videos tbh, but that doesn't mean the fact that they exist doesn't bring me immense joy.

So are they a troll? Is that confirmed?


>>>Holla Forums

I could tolerate a podcast made of pure turbo-autism, but them tripfagging here would easily wreck the entire board.
As if that insane satanist, Howard and Hoochie aren't already enough.

Well, I agree with you there, arguing with them wouldn't be fun, but you have to admit their YT channels are some high quality shitposts, and their mere existence is kind of hilarious in and of itself. But you're right, we're really playing with fire by jinxing the board with this shit.

It comes out of Maoism though and is definitely the natural conclusion of Maoist revisionism.

Wouldn't it be second world? Every communist country became 2nd world

socialist states were considered second world a priori