Religious Communism. A Reading List

Lads, need some input for this work in progress reading list for religious communism.

Kierkegaard, Philosophical Fragments
Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
Paul Ricoeur, Figuring the Sacred

Post-Secular Philosophy
Charles Taylor, A Secular Age (2007)
Jurgen Habermas, Between Naturalism and Religion (2008)
Jurgen Habermas, An Awareness of What is Missing: Faith and Reason in a Post-secular Age (2010)
Talal Asad, Formations of The Secular: Christianity, Islam and Modernity (2003)
Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern (1991)

Christian Anarchism
Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You
Nicholas Berdyaev, The Philosophy of Inequality

Christian Communism
Ernest Bloch, The Principle of Hope
Martin Luther King, Jr., All Labor Has Dignity

Catholic Distributism
G. K. Chesterton, What's Wrong with the World
Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness

Liberation Theology
Gustavo Gutiérrez, A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation
Rubem Alves, A Theology of Human Hope

Islamic Socialism
Ali Shari'ati, Red Shi'ism vs. Black Shi'ism
Ali Rahnema, Ali Shari’ati: between Marx and the Infinite
Khalifa Abdul Hakim, Islam and Communism

Ba’ath Socialism/Arab Socialism
Michel Aflaq - The Battle for One Destiny

Elie Podeh and Onn Winckler, Rethinking Nasserism

Hamid Dabashi, Islamic Liberation Theology

What would you add or change?

Other urls found in this thread:

There is quite a bit about distributism i like


I'm sure we could Buddhism could be added in too, the current Dalai Lama seems to approve of left-wing thought

What about Jewish communism? (I'm not talking about the retarded Holla Forums conspiracy of Judeo-Bolshevism, but rather actual Jewish socialism.)
Maybe the Kibuzzim in Israel could be mentioned here? I'm sadly no expert on this topic, but it could be a start.


I'm not familiar with Buddhism but from what I can gather from internet forums these are some of the texts that are cited authoritatively. In addition to being a Buddhist scholar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is an Indian national hero and world renown socialist.

Buddhist Socialism
Victor Gunasekara, Marxism in a Buddhist Perspective
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Buddha or Karl Marx

I'm trying to do some research on this. But finding anything on the internet is quite hard because of the amount of anti-semitic bullshit that comes your way whenever you type "jewish socialism".

It might seem like an unexpected source, but Bookchin often talks very positively about religious movements as they're related to the utopian socialist tradition. I mean of course groups like the gnostic Ophites, the Anabaptists and other heretical sects, the New England congregationalists, etc.

Check out "Remaking Society".


Reminder that Paul was the first revisionist.

They're using an extremely flexible translation to further their agenda. Take this for example:

Welfare is a non-existent concept in the time of Jesus.

and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you,

See how disingenuous that translation is?

Terry Eagleton's book Reason, Faith, and Revolution is excellent.

James H. Cone and Cornel West are huge when it comes Black Liberation theology.

A lot of the Neo-Orthodox protestants like Karl Barth were socialists though some like Reinhold Niebuhr drifted toward the right.

Reminder that Christan capitalism is a contradiction in terms

Reminder that Christian socialism gave us Third Way politics and Tony Blair, just like Troskyism gave us Neocons.


It also gave us people like Tommy Douglas and Rafael Correa.

I love how people think they're going to have world revolution without religious people who make up about 85% of the world population.


Religion like all belief systems are connected with living reality. They are not fixed immutable things, are constantly interpreted and re-interpreted according to circumstances.

There are millions of religious socialists who participated in revolutions especially in Africa, South America and the Middle East.

Here's two papers on Buddhism and Marxism

Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own

PDF of Terry Eagleton's Faith, Reason & Revolution, because he's quite brilliant in it.

Why Wittgenstein? I know he was religious, but why P.I.? The Tractatus is a much more religious work, and I don't recall anything explicitly (or implicitly) socialist about P.I…

Why not a pagan or aboriginal communism?

don't forget about Simone Weil


leftypol is dead


Stop being so willfully melodramatic

Soren Kierkegaard - Philosophical Fragments

This is truly a remarkable book. Anyone who thinks religion/Christianity is inherently hierarchical or exploitive should read it. Religion can be EMPOWERING FOR ALL. It need not be used as a tool of trickery and control.

Indeed, there is a long history of heterodox/esoteric/secret/private practice as a form resistance against the authorities of the day.


Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations





Kierkegaard was a reactionary aristocratic autist

I posted a book about Benjamin and Gershom Scholem here:

I think Emmanuel Levinas can be added to the list of philosophers in the Jewish tradition. Although, he doesn't contribute very much directly to political philosophy, his influence in political philosophy is substantial.

Some of his work:
Difficult Freedom: Essays on Judaism

Of God Who Comes to Mind


Charles Taylor - A Secular Age

Bruno Latour - We Have Never Been Modern

Jurgen Habermas - Between Naturalism and Religion

Ernst Bloch

The Principle of Hope, Volume 1

The Principle of Hope, Volume 2

Why even try mixing the two? They were enemies from the start, not to mention that socialism is far more powerful and effective as a secular force.

I have an interest in some people mentioned here though, like Bloch, Taylor and Latour.

It's not a mixing of the two. It's an accommodation of a greater number of people within a socialist movement. It borrows from the critique of hard secularism, that it went too far. Some amount of religiosity or spirituality is to be expected. Religion is not the enemy of socialism.

Somebody should make a reading list infograph that could be put on our booru, it would be a waste if all those suggestions died with this thread

They actually aren't so different. The Leftist belief in inevitable revolution is no different than the Christian belief in the inevitable return of Christ/millenarianism.

Well, not for me…

Some people say that leftism (even in non-revolutionary forms) is just secularized Christianity.

Praise Jesus :DDD

Whatever weirdness Mormons may have, it's also a good example of a positive feedback loop between how religion enables the community to see itself as a community first and individuals second. This perspective, of course, enables it develop the many welfare and social services resulting in good stats for the state.