is this true?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kind of, imageboards are disposable but the ideas are not.
The thing is, Holla Forums has probably more understanding of theory than any of the "leftist" groups on reddit.
the way you guys treat reddit leftists is like the way trump liberals treat progressive liberals. a stupidly naive superiority complex with no actual base
He's mostly right lol.
I read it with an open-mind since there's a lot not to like about Holla Forums. That being said, I feel like the critique just really didn't hit the mark. Same strawmen others have used, little attempt towards trying to perceive why other leftist groups and forums have the same problems Holla Forums has; no attempt was made at why people flee places like reddit to come here.
It was a shame, it could've been really good, sure he's mostly right that Holla Forums is full of uniformed idiots but thats true for much of the Left I'm afraid.
*to understand why people
You could have saved me some time and mentioned that before I read the pseudo-intellectual's blog.
It's that autist AW isn't it
This could have been a good critique of the worst aspects of the board. Instead, we got a faggot like AW who spent quite some time crying about the board on Discord and shilling for Reddit.
Oh, by the way, he's also the one posting this, so his blog gets traffic.
I feel superior to this guy because at least I don't write long winded blog posts "critiquing" a fucking anonymous image board like that means anything
Also that this train wreck of a board of all things is infamous and influential enough that people all over the online left feel the need to take and articulate a "stance" on it to impress their clique is a scathing indictment of the state of left wing politics
instead you write meaningless 2 sentences responses and avoids looking at yourself critically.
Hi AW. Still mad about being shitposted out of the board for being one of the most autistic tripfags of the time?
You guys give me good laughs once in a while. Jesus christ, the inferiority complex is hilarious.
I left because you people are like an episode on weekly rerun. Same shit gets boring eventually no matter how good the laughs originally were.
jeeze. foucault might do this psued some good.
Ah yes, that very important thing i should do because some college kid on the internet doesn't think an anonymous image board I view in my browser to kill time at work sometimes is very good. I'll also be sure to self crit next time someone on twitter says r/aww on reddit doesn't have enough capybara pictures
Sorry no one likes your wordpress dude
Wow, read Kant.
Is that why you're seeking the board's validation?
FUCK YOU! I tried posting on r/anarchism once with a post on par with my cybernetics thread, even tried updating it to jumpstart dicussion. No replies. I look at front page - it's ALL "bash le fash xDDDD" and idpol. I want to burn that place to the ground and put the heads of those who run it on pikes for giving anarchism a bad name. I didn't even bother with r/soc other than taking one look at the front page and realizing that the idpol was even worse there. I came here after I saw someone on r/soc complain about it, and I haven't left since. I lurked for a few months, then started arguing with tankies taking dumps on Makhno and the Free Territory. I was surprised to see that, not only were these people not resorting to idpol nonsense, but they cited THEORY! Sure, they didn't understand Marx because they were tankies (sorry, I couldn't resist), but they made real efforts! I've never seen that on the internet outside of here!
The first and only thread I've made is the cybernetics one, if I remember correctly. It has been a resounding success and convinced me that you guys really are a great community, even if half of you are FBI and a good part of the rest are deep-cover Holla Forumsyps. People are actually discussing the math and theory behind it, writing on significant topics, and even generating code for parts of it. I'm proud of you guys, regardless of what that windbag says about you. I may disagree with some of you, but I respect you all more than anyone else in politics right now.
read sohn-rethel
I'm seeking laughs.
There is your problem, you have shit ideas about where the good people hang to discuss and share good things. If you're stupid enough to go to the immediately first huge club that has your interest in the title you're guaranteed to have a bad time no matter where in life you go.
Well, at least we know you're not a Marxist.
Not really. Holla Forums has like 30% Leftcoms. On Reddit they make up an extreme minority and have been banned from all the tankie subreddits. If leftists on Reddit aren't tankies, they are lifestyle anarchists. Reddit is just shite.
Dear lord
So they're just edgy teens?
Aside from transexuals, who have been openly embraced by most as far as I can tell, this article is about right. Feminism and racism is so-so, as there are users who seem receptive to these ideas.
Consider that the majority of posters now are barely adolescent. Helps put a lot of behavior in context.
All the same: imageboard culture is trash.
you faggots have your own subreddit, don't act so high and mighty with your persecution card. Almost everyone here who's not a faggot has gotten banned from r/socialism and r/FullCommunism.
read sohn-rethel and report back.
don't you have some catgirls to censor?
Yes. Just look at /r/anarchism for a second. It's all about lifestyle. Checking it right now, the front page is almost exclusively about smashing, whining and LARPing.
Q.E.D, ay lad
/r/leftcommunism is pretty dead. /r/ultraleft is a bit more active but it's just memes.
And tell me, where on your beloved torture chamber is there quality discussion about anarchism? I've had the exact same experiences with Reddit with non-political boards as well - everyone's so busy slobbering each other's cocks and so rock-dumb that they can't be bothered with effort-posts more than a couple of paragraphs long and immediately shut you down if you so much as hint (not even intentionally) at not liking something. This place is the complete opposite - it's raw, organic, real, everything Reddit's not. Yeah, there's a lot of misses, but the hits are more than worth it.
I left Marxism quite a while ago now, but I've learned much more about it since coming here and gaining new perspectives on his works. I have a more complete perspective on what's actually happening in Rojava. I've never dealt with individualist anarchism outside of reading "The Organizational Platform Of The Libertarian Communists" and parts of the Anarchist FAQ, now I've read "The Ego And Its Own". I've been made aware of potential problems with the Free Territory and Catalonia, even if I still support them as really existing anarchy. I'm now reading more and more about cybernetics because of what's been posted in the thread.
The only other place at least on par with Holla Forums in potential discussion level is libcom, and it doesn't have the same energy and vitality.
Yes, they really are. It's painful to watch them post. Leftcom saying it though, so he might think it's all anarchists who are like that.
got ya there anthony
Transgender people in and of themselves are not idpol and only retarded tankies and nazbols think they are. The trans 'movement' as it exists politically 100% is though
hehe yeah, here's an upvote dude #BLM
There's no point, my dude. All he ever has done when someone makes a post like yours is runs off to another community and cries about how he has been mistreated.
r/leftocmmunism is 100% leftcoms, has more knowledgeable leftcoms, and has more consistent content and posters commenting on leftcom ideas. I went there for a while, nice place, but I decided to leave after having a very long argument where I outright called them armchair idealists who denied historical reality concerning the USSR and Stalin.
Look, I understand you're butthurt, but you can't blame a website for your personal problems. You gotta go get yourself a therapist, seemingly a Freudian or Lacanian would be best for you.
I don't think any actual Leftcom thinks like that, it's usually just bantz, although I'd say it's true that the Reddit anarchist is the face of anarchism.
/r/leftcommunism is IMO only really good for the few posts somebody put lots of work into. The discussions are usually shit and the subreddit isn't 100% Leftcoms either. Actually plenty of anarchists there who are probably fed up with the rest of Reddit.
Why is A.W such a terrible writer?
kill urself m8
western education is in decline
What's the point of this thread? Who cares about blogs with 5 views a month? Even reddit's socialism sub-forums have like 1/4 the active userbase we have. This is quite remarkable for a de-listed niche imageboard competing against one of the most frequented websites on the planet.
It shows that their moderation has utterly failed.
It was fine when I had posted there around two years ago. I haven't checked since, but I've seen some of the theory posters I met there still posting around about theory on reddit, and they've gotten even better than they were before when I already thought they were pretty good.
Whoa there Oedipus, I didn't say anything about complexes. I just said they were clearly butthurt and being emotional in their response.
reminder that better =/= good
Don't act dumb, his criticism wasn't even that emotionally charged. You are doing the classic psychoanalyst faggotry of saying "oh, the only reason you are disagreeing with me is because [insert complex here]". it's just a massive ad hominem
Ah yes, the "everyone who doesn't agree with me is mentally ill" meme. Look, buddy, I don't like that I'm going to die in a nuclear inferno or of starvation when climate change and automation of work under capitalism cause everything to fall apart. I have a lot of questions, though, on what I can do to prevent this. No one else in mainstream is doing anything substantive, so I might as well take a shot. Does Marxist theory better match how the world works in practice or does anarchist theory? Can a planning application trigger a change in the material base of the world by replacing the bourgeois proprietor with an unequivocally more efficient system? There's only so much you can find by researching on your own - this place throws literature at you, and while it's discouraging to newbies (and I'm working on a post on how to fix that), I love it because I can pick and choose what's useful and argue with people about the merits of ideas while I'm at it.
Maybe, but that's really how I feel about it. People here say what they think. Do people on Reddit do that? I don't know, but if what's posted really is what they think, then they're worthless as thinkers and it makes no difference.
I used to unironically think that way because I believed what the SPGB's articles told me about anarchists. Great bunch of writers who first got me interested in in-kind planning and know their theory, but you sometimes have to take what they say about anarchists with a grain of salt.
Read his comment. If you don't see "this is my experience and it sucked, therefore it is the universal truth that this sucked" as emotional, wow, you're deep into idpol and r/socialism is your place to be buddy.
Hope you enjoyed the boost in traffic though fgt.
So when's AW going to start a youtube channel?
Dude, everyone's been on ""leftist"" reddit, and knows that it's complete and utter shit, echo chambers, circle jerking, idpol, and somehow managing to hate both fun shitposting and theory.
But where do the cool kids hang AW?? Where can I go to meet more theoryfags?
he's made abundantly clear he thinks this magically theory land is reddit
Nice, clear voice, no mumbling, but also no forced enthusiasm. Now if you don't fuck up on camera shit/editing you should be fine.
Lil bit. Not gonna lie.
I mean, it's still better than most trashdumps.
Discord has a lot of philosophers on it.
Yeah, I'm frustrated because these are real problems personally relevant to me and Reddit's response is to pretend that nothing's wrong. It's a fundamentally establishment-oriented site because it's meant to prune what is shown to the tastes of a reader and invite them to circlejerks while chans are anti-establishment by virtue of its existence (along with that of Facebook, Twitter, and all the other normie sites) and their naturally-neutral stance on free speech (although not totally neutral, seeing both what's happened with Holla Forums and the breakdown of this board's BO).
If you're into left communism or social anarchism of any tendency, libcom is the theoryfag hangout par excellence, but I came here because of the much higher activity and things being kind of dry over there. Turns out I have something of a taste for shitposting and memes. I still read their stuff, though.
No….don't….my sides can only take so much.
More time is spent on the Discord shitposting about traps and e-celebs than actually discussing theory. I've been on the Discords since people started shilling them here, and I've seen theory discussed maybe twice or three times.
Well, good for you princess. I sure give a fuck about your unique experience which does not apply to me because I've never been a retard that invests themselves in virtual spaces. You should go meet Jim Profit, he understands your deep anal pain.
you take that back!
We have a theory channel but it only has like 10 or so consistent users (honestly less). On the flip side, you can have focussed discussion. It's the (Unofficial) Leftypol Discord.
this is exactly the problem you mongrel. 10 users isn't "a lot of philosphers". If you want to discuss theory, just make a fucking thread about the topic!
wow now that's crossing the line ,AW
Jesus christ. I used to be a consistent user here but I no longer use the board.
It is just the AW Autist's butthurt at being pushed off this board.
it's just math fam.
Believe me, you're not immune to climate change and automation's shock waves. You're an irredeemable moron if you seriously think that not having "your feelz" hurt on Reddit is more important than trying to develop solutions with what you have available. I'm learning computer science, so I focus on that.
I looked up this "Jim Profit" guy
Holy shit, it's literally you, you massive faggot. Get out.
Discord's a data-collecting proprietary disaster. At least use Riot with end-to-end encryption. You're posting here with a proxy, right?
I too like AW, own a blog where I post about communist shit. I don't blog anonymously either because I'm not paranoid enough to think the CIA is going to burst down my door for writing an article about Meszaros no one will read (or in the case of this place: shitposting). I mean if that's your thing then go ahead.
It's called DEMOGRAPHICS you dumb fuck.
You aint discussing the theory of value with anyone in the middle of hick land or art school, but in the philosophy department? Your chances skyrocket from zero to 10%. Guess what leftypol is for theory? It's hick town.
The theory of value gets pages and pages worth of discussion on leftypol every week
And yet, people still don't understand it.
Here is a classic A.W. thread in celebration of the chief autist's visit.
Go make a fucking thread on it, and let's discuss the theory of value, how about it m8?
No come to my discord reee.
Can't wait for AW's breakdown on Discord.
oh so you literally just have autism, I get it
This A.W. thread is way better he even got timecubed in it.
That's like implying that just because church goers mention god and talk about god a lot that it counts as theological discussion. This place is hicktown for theory, I am well aware you all try to appear sophisticated and fail constantly.
Hey AW, are you a fan of Iain Hamilton Grant. I feel like he's up your alley, he's lumped in with the Speculative Realists but does very different stuff then the OOO people. Also, what are your opinions on Speculative Realists like Harman and Brassier?
I hate OOO and actively ignore it.
This Iain guy is not my philosopher for sure. I haven't dealt with Schelling yet, motherfucker is harder than Hegel by far and i simply don't have the current interest.
Are you a Jew? You kinda look like a Jew.
So you've consigned yourself to writing theory and reinterpretations of it (even though one of Marx's most famous quotes specifically warns against this kind of empty philosophizing)? Because the FBI can and will bust down your door or otherwise make your life absolute hell if you so much as try to do something and it doesn't immediately grow into something much bigger.
All the ideas are there, with slight modifications at most needed to make them work in the modern world. We need to develop entirely new forms of praxis adapted to the Internet and our modern worlds built around it.
That's very ironic coming from you
my gott
fuck off Holla Forums, this is our faggot to deal with
This is actually true, on reddit I have barely seen any reference to Left-communism, like, at all. Even in satirical meme form the ideology gets much more discussion here, same can be said for a lot of other things.
I got the impression that he was really hoping to become a leftypol e-celeb as a springboard to becoming some kind of online philosopher before he got shitposted at more than he could apparently handle. He seems really bitter now. If you're in the left twitter bubble or browse reddit when they talk about this board, he kinda pops up there styling himself as some sort of chan anthropologist or something giving expert analysis. It's pretty funny.
Buddy, are you a Platonist? Did you really..?
Oh do tell me, what are the new forms of praxis leftypol (or more specifically: you) are providing? I mean, if you can show me how there has in anyway been an effective "praxis" crafted on a board constantly raided by Nazis on an irrelevant website known for kiddie porn full of people who haven't even read the most elementary text of leftism, then I'd be glad to come back! Until then, you keep posting about traps and I'll try and get involved with local leftist groups while I write my blog for fun :3.
What a fuckin' waste.
Stirnerfags would actually probably love Ray Brassier tbh, a lot of nihilism and positivism, like an easier to read Nick Land without the stupid politics (and that including both his current NeoReaction as well as the post-colonial second-wave feminist Deleuzian crypto-anarchism of the Young Land). It's not as fun as reading Land though.
Epistemology is fundamentally misguided, and only one man ever did it right only to end up having to craft an ontology AS his epistemology: Kant's knowing of the knowing of objects. Everyone else not doing Kantian epistemology is just garbage because they're just attempting to theorize the knowing of objects.
Marx's ideas on how capitalism functions, Proudhon's ideas on how capitalism functions, etc. Which model best fits reality? Which one provides the best path forward on what to do about its issues?
This is more a question of Aristotelian empiricism than anything else if we're referring to ancient Greek philosophers. Plato has nothing to do with this, you pseudo-intellectual illiterate.
Create an amalgamated association of workers's cooperatives run by the cybernetic planning application once it's finished (which should be soon), solidarity networks, and unions. I'm going to make a post on how Holla Forums specifically should reach out to other communities in a manner different from raiding.
All of you need to fuck off immediately
I am well aware you try to appear sophisticated and constantly succeed. The pseudonym, the dull writing style, the pedantry, the one-upmanship, the pleasing of an ethereal father figure… The only one who doesn't seem convinced of this is you, the anonymous hicks of this place have long accepted your place as a leading theoretician in the halls of reddit. Still, you keep coming back to your ancestral village, where the hicks can't know, but do need to know you, or rather, where the not-knowing of the hicks serves to convince the theoretician of his place among the theoreticians, for it's not that he really has something, it's that he isn't them, so he can only be his sophisticated self through them. Your ego is our collateral, we own you, and you'd do go at it by knowing your place.
That sounds hilarious as he is clearly quite alien to imageboards at large and always came off as an obvious ledditor.
Well, hope that goes somewhere. I'll be honest I think running this out of leftypol is just an awkward idea.
Yeah, running the first part out of Holla Forums would not work; we're nowhere near where we need to be. We first need a base of people who are on the same page as us if we want to do anything in the real world. That's why the second part and Holla Forums matter. All the theory in the world is worthless if you can't apply it to what's in front of you.
We donated money to the Wolff and make memes which will convert far more people than the catgirl-hating mods of r/soc
Admit it my man, leftypol is on like three more layers of theory than you.
Are you saying that AW's relation to Holla Forums is equivalent to bourgeois intellectuals being forced to go to the countryside in order to learn from the peasants during the Cultural Revolution? Because if so then I completely agree, I also think AW need to start appreciating his struggle sessions with us more, we do it for his own sake after all.
This is a great thing.
Yeah, but you still need theory which is why Marx spent ours developing his views.
How much autism does one need to have to make something like this their own display image on twitter?
You do understand what epistemology >is
Literally my exact experience with this site.
Yeah, yeah, and the birth of this board from the mythical purge and terrible and unbearable "censorship" on 4chins about a stupid burger joint and a vidyagame womyn was totally real.
Leftypol is literally an echochamber of the highest level: it doesn't even realize its own myths about itself are myths.
Le chanthropologist has studied history
Nah, he's like more like those MGTOW who are obsessed with the women they want nothing to do with, or a bourgeois intellectual name dropping philosophical terminology at a dinner with his peasant family, to then angrily leave the table when they are unfamiliar with it, yelling how he should be somewhere else, with the intellectual people, who regard him as a laughing stock.
The thing with narcissists is that it's never purely about themselves, it's about the self contrasted to others.
where would you like us to discuss leftist issues? This is the only place where censorship isn't the norm.
This is pretty accurate.
AW is pro-censorship as a consequence of having a totalitarian world view, most likely got it from his past as a tankie.
You are literally the biggest fucking faggot I've ever come across. You make all of my past faggotry look like humanitarian aid.
Please go back to reddit you fucking yankee.
Hey AW! How many more years until you become a Rightwing Hegelian and completely drop the pretext of being a Marxist?
Anywhere, lad. The issue is, of course, that you don't discuss anything to begin with. What you call discussion here is unbelievably low tier.
Regresa a tus cuevas, gringo ;)
I have NEVER been a Marxist nor a Hegelian, nor will I ever be anything of such kind. I don't buy into ideologies like you morons, I care about truth and actually study to know. I change because, guess what? I learn.
ahaha you aren't mad or anything
i love how 100% of this guy's criticisms of leftypol are accurate and every post in here is proving him right
t. ideologue
WEW, this hard revisionism is quite breathtaking.
There are some good discussions here and there. Sadly it depends on the rare moments where more than one given individual at a time who has picked up a book in their life participates in a thread simultaneously.
Leftcom comrade, this is why you should join the leftypol discord where a whole *10 people who have read a book post in the theory-bookclub channel*!
Yeah, please leave and circlejerk as far away as possible, thank you very much
I already don't use this board. Anyway have fun with your kiddie porn site. You are the revolution!
The Discord isn't actually that bad, I check there here and then. It's interesting how most of them don't even bother with Holla Forums anymore due it having deteriorate so much in quality, but I guess I'm hopeless like that.
Holy fuck, this gave me a very good hardy kek gomrade.
Oh what's your username? "YourDog" is another Zizekian, though he's more of a Leninist. I've even seen him post Stalin to my dismay), but you may have something to talk about.
Man, I sure love Einsteinianist physics, oh wait…
I always thought that chan culture emerges from the format of the site, the common cultural background, although it has inspiration from older internet and existing chan culture. Since it arises so "naturally", I'd think it's pretty hard to just stop. Also, why is it so universally hates, Holla Forums isn't even that enthusiastic about it. Can't one have some fun without people getting mad. It's not like this is a site for scientific discussions.
That being said, it's truenthat not everyone is a genius, but I know for sure that Holla Forums was the site to motivate me to read more, and the Holla Forums raids are helpful to understand how to bypass stupid gotchas, while also forcing one not to believe everything I read on the board. Why hate people learners?
I don't hate learners, I hate posers. If Holla Forums's representatives acted with the appearance fit to their essence, they wouldn't take themselves seriously like . This kind of talking is of such a level of delusion
that is laughable and baffling at the same time. This place is not the birth of a new Left nor any actualization of any concrete Left projects of material consequence. This place is a shitposting heaven for the Left, and sometimes there are small specks of gold in that flowing stream of shit.
Maybe that would be possible, but I'm very sceptical how effectit that would be considering that Holla Forums & co are our neighbours. And why care about what people pose as on an anonymous site? I just said that anonymity encourages scepticism.
Self hatred is not a good thing A.W.
I'll debate you over written or spoken word on recorded livestream. I'm not in fear of being called out.
I gave up on reddit once I was getting shadowbanned and outright banned for one misplaced comment.
I don't give a fuck how bad the ~discourse~ here is, at least I can say something without some Bolshevik wannabe banning me with a half-wit snide remark.
Also, muh catgirls muhfucka
this thread does prove that Holla Forums is terrible at ignoring obvious bait
ignore the attention-starved tripfag autist and they will go away
you are not welcome. take the hint
I'd say all these responses are telling of the exact opposite.
I will always have fond memories of the r/socialism catgirl meltdown
Who cares? This is an imageboard, not the vanguard party.
Read this Wolf
Why don't you? It's clear you actually don't know what the psychoanalytic meaning of narcissism is.
Can someone merge this into /leftytrash/? Do we need two threads for narcissistic "leftist" e-celebrities to shitpost in?
I actually did in the Beyond the pleasure principle (original attempt was to onyl read the Ego and the ID but the rest was interesting) and other writing wich that intro was part of it along with the Remembering, Repeating and working throught ,ego and the id and inhibition, symptom, and fear. Did you or did you read the usual second hand works and lectures only like you do with kant and hegel with full negelect of all the thinkers who influenced their thought?
Well, if you're this bad with knowledgeable after having "read" it, I'm sad to know that what you don't know about is that much worse in the dungeon of your mind.
Nice deflection sophist i can also make a baseless claim that you dont know what you are talking about with some rhetoric to hide my ignorance like you always do.
Appropriate, seeing how many times you've been caught posting without your trip, you egotistical shit.
Deflection of what? You're clearly ignorant of what I know, and also ignorant of what you claim to know. Leave it to the ignorant masses, who know neither of what we claim or actually know, to judge that one or the other or neither knows.
What proof other than your delusions?
The archived threads already linked, you giant retard. No one else would link your shitty blog either. Fucking shameless.
And where in those those archive threads do you have such proof? I'll tell you where: nowhere, because it's always been a claim with anyone that sides with me even partially.
People's justice: guilty until proven innocent.
Thanks, Mao.
You're banal through-and-through, A.W. Your meager intellect corresponds to your transparent denials. You harp on about how much you hate this place, you write long-winded rants about its deficiencies, but your life would be even more sad without it to provide you with some measure of acknowledgement, even if it's only your own worthlessness as a person which is acknowledged. Sad thing is you'll never leave and you'll never learn.
You havnt provided single proof of your actual knowledge on freud his theory of narcissism and only keep avoiding to proof it with pety avoidance/deflection to proof that i dont understand him. The more you deflect (your usual tactic) and your usual history around theory the more confident i am that you know jack shit and are a try hard pseudo. Its pathetic but that doesnt mather as im clearly ignorant of what you know :^)
For newbies who wonder who A.W. is: I have been on here for the past two years, and most of A.W.'s posts have been information-free like this one: . He also pretended to know stuff about economics and criticized Marx from a pseudo-Keynesian perspective (you never get the impression that A.W. actually directly reads the authors he references). What follows are copies of some posts from last year, from a thread about economics. The quotes in green text are all statements by A.W.
>It is the market which reveals what the real value is, there is no disparity of transforming values to prices since prices reveal values and a sale retroactively determines what the recognized >actual< SNLT is.
How would you model price ratios of products corresponding to their ratios of socially necessary labor time if the model also has different organic composition of capital in different sectors and the same profit rate in each sector?
These two statements contradict each other.
Do you complain to your thermometer when it's too hot? After all, Marx believed that an already existing metaphysical temperature is merely revealed by thermometers, whereas a philosophy ace such as yourself knows the thermometers themselves create the temperature.
Think of production as a physical process, a cycle where some things are inputs into their own production. Steel is used in the production of steel itself. In a world where production inputs are bought, price ratios must be within certain boundaries for reproduction to happen. This is not something entirely determined by the strength of unions relative to the bosses or the whims of consumers, since there are technical constraints. Facts about production as a physical process have an influence on market prices, these facts make themselves felt and are clumsily and indirectly revealed by the market, not created by it.
Surely A.W. will post an intelligent rebuttal and show how Marx is wrong about everything, and not be an assblasted pomo fagot that opens yet another passive-aggressive thread about how you'll all niggers who don't read no theory. Read ten thousand pages of Hegel and then you will see that value is created in the thermometer, err, market, and time doesn't exist, and other important insights.
>In this you already assume a full economy
A what? Do you mean a full-employment economy, perhaps?
You really take idealism to the next level. Production is circular IN REAL LIFE. Hens come out of eggs and eggs come out of hens, whether that offends our master debater and philosopher king A.W. or not. Steel is used in the production of steel itself. Food isn't simply an end product, a final output (as how somebody working in retail might see it), humans are fed and human work itself is an input in producing food. The ongoing REproduction process where outputs are sold and that income is used to buy the inputs, again and again, cannot have just any arbitrary set of prices.
Now, without all the responses by A.W. the above excerpts don't look like a usual thread with his usual contribution. When he gets criticized for misrepresenting positions of others or when simple logical mistakes in his arguments are pointed out to him, he calls you anti-intellectual and posts pictures of fat dogs.
You've provided all the evidence of ignorance, lad. I'm not here to deny false claims to an audience that does not even have the capacity to judge, nor cares.
non-sequitur to the question of the theory of value. The fact that you misunderstand the nature of the problem by asking such a disconnected question is telling of your own grasp.
They don't. Let me rephrase the first: there is no such thing as inherent value since value is a social determination. Labor contributes to value, but does not absolutely determine it. What you get in a realized exchange is the recognition of value, whatever magnitude it may be. Reproduction costs are just that: reproduction costs. They set a ground floor dictating the minimum costs (value if you will) that things must realize to keep the enterprise afloat. There is nothing, however, in production that makes value inhere in anything without a recognition by the buyer. You can't have a commodity that "objectively" is a gorillion dollars in value, yet have no one that recognizes and is actually going to pay that. What you have, then, is either nothing at all, or a commodity that you'll have to sell for the highest bid you can get, and that is the real value.
Hello Ricardo, the corn economy does not exist. The economy is not a physical circle in which corn is what pays for corn or iron is what pays for iron. The real economy is one in which money pays for corn, pays for land, pays for iron, and pays for labor. That commodities are consumed to produce commodities is nothing interesting when economically they are just realizations of value as far as the system is concerned.
Meaning, the existence of the entire system.
The problem with your single-commodity systems (I'm assuming this is what you're talking about out of nowhere, quoting idk from where and from what archived argument) is that the world isn't a single commodity system, nor is grounded in a single commodity, nor ever will be.
The quotes given are all out of context of an argument that god knows what you're disagreeing with. This is exactly the level of debate I make fun of you for.
lol fag
Look at that statement at the beginning of A.W.s reply together with how it ends:
Typical example of how A.W. "argues". The first sentence is a long-winded way of saying "u r dumb i r smard" without actually informing people about what would be correct. The sentence from the end tells you, when translated into plain English, "I don't recall the context of that conversation and can't tell what your opinion is." But of course this doesn't stop A.W. from telling everybody that your opinion is wrong and he strongly disagrees with you, you foolish fool. Somebody familiar with Marx should be able to figure out that the context of the posts quoted in is a discussion about the transformation problem in marxist economics.
Production of things is a physical activity. You need animals to continue producing animals. And yes, you do need corn to produce corn. Animals and plants can go extinct. There are physical inputs required for the production of things, and organisms of a species are necessary inputs for their own production. Do people really have to tell you this. Repeatedly. I am losing brain cells talking to you. Do you believe anything you are saying?
Why is Holla Forums so catty?
Q: How do you know A.W. lost an argument?
A: When somebody replies to him.
Q: Ah, but what if that reply is him replying to himself, congratulating himself for his intellect?
A: He ends up unintentionally deconstructing himself, so he still loses the argument.
Q: And how do you know A.W. knows he lost the argument?
A: When he makes a new thread.
Q: And for what purpose does he make a new thread?
A: To bury the evidence of his failings.
Q: And this works out for him?
A: No, because he inevitably says stupid shit again.
I don't disagree.
Nor do I see a problem with this at all. I don't come to Holla Forums for political action.
What these fucking idiots will never understand is that criticism of their identity politics is not criticism of what they at least claim to accomplish with them. They are incapable of separating identity from politics.
The far left does not want culture politics, period. It is a futile and nonsensical endeavor when the cultural status quo is driven by capitalism.
Narcissists lack self-insight and thus can't laugh at themselves.
It's funny you should write this, given that this corresponds almost perfectly to your own post.
If you mean contemporary feminism, this is true.
First wave, best wave. Every other wave is liberal idpol garbage and a mistake. Capitalists can't be feminists.
Blame the thin-skinned narcissists actually responding to him.
that is the one objectively good thing about this board though
Holla Forums is so far up their own ass that they edit banter pics to have positive messages about them
Are you saying it's good that they can't laugh at themselves, or that they DO laugh at themselves?
Because they don't. See
The pseuds on this site who expect you to write paragraphs and paragraphs refuting their ad homs and strawmen when they scarcely deserve a 'kys' is what makes this place so insufferable.
No self-awareness whatsoever. None.
A.W hasn't posted here in months and most of the board hates him, come on now.
Can someone please link his reddit account this sounds hilarious.
On a poser scale from 0 (not at all) to 9001 (super-fraud), how would you rate somebody who pretends to speak a language he doesn't actually speak and publishes a mix of two machine translations with minor touch-ups as his own hand-made original translation do-not-steal(TM) on his blog?
Here you go fam
This is better than I thought.
A.W. schools Albert Einstein with his superior physics knowledge:
Really makes you think.
A.W's view on what really is science is simply hilarious.
The Universal Cycle Theory people at the progressive science institute are simply hilarious.
This isn't Holla Forums.
think of them all as /soc/ crossposters on 4chan
If you know how much A.W. has posted on reddit about shrooms, try reading any of his posts without thinking about that. Pro-tip: You can't.
Well they are pretty much the same sort of people, attention whores are always like that.
Sure thing, A.W. You tell him. The things in the dungeon of his mind, that's deep, in a dialectical way. The things in the dungeon of your mind that you don't know about, without the lunchable knowledgeable, aren't these like the worst? Is A.W. right or what? A.W. is schooling you and you look like a fool, just a fool like Albert Einstein, we in this dungeon are trapped (no homo), the dungeon of your own mind. But the dungeon is breaking down, with the knowledgeable of A.W. making your mind asplode!
Like whoa.