Is there any truth to the idea that the younger generation are going to be more left-wing and change the political culture in the West. We've all seen that famous study that says the majority of Millenials in the US reject capitalism. I saw another article earlier today about how 44% of French 18-24 year olds are voting for Melanchon. Does this trend hold true in other countries, I've heard Corbyn has many young supporters. Anecdotally my friends are very open to anti-capitalism although they are also all politically ignorant/apathetic.
On the other hand online discourse (which skews young) seems to be dominated by the right and they seem to be equally convinced that the future belongs to them.
Are we all going to end up like the Boomers and just become milquetoast liberls/conservative as we age? Are millennials becoming polarized as a reaction to worsening material conditions? Do demographic trends favor the left or the right? Who does the future belong to?
I think it should be more about them staying on the left rather than then drifting over to liberalism or even conservatism when they get older.
Alexander Ross
If the trend of pushing austerity onto a population that doesn't want it continues we'll see people move away from the center to the left and the right. If we have enuff class consciousness I think the kids will end up collectively drifting to the left more than the right
Bentley Russell
Many if not most of them are already liberals. their idea of socialism is gibmedats and taxes.
Hudson Davis
That's millennials. I can't help but to think Gen Z is more old left. I'm 20 years old and went to school with a lot of Gen Z kids and discussed these things with them. They resent Capitalism and idpol more than my older sister's generation seems to.
Charles Wilson
I'm not sure, fam. All the youth I see are either abandoning politics completely or becoming card-carrying establishment supporters. It's the thirty plus year olds to middle-agers who've realized that they'll be worked to the death in a system of debt and crisis who're the real radicals, IMO. Not just "we want more welfare and some black CEOs xD" but "we, the workers, would run things better than the current system."
Nicholas Davis
The boomer generation sets a bad prescident for this drift. Radical youth turned into the generation which institutionalized neo-liberalism. Its where the whole "you'll grow out of it" meme comes from.
I think there is reason to be optimistic this won't happen again though. Boomers lost their radicalism because they entered the job market during the golden age of capitalism. There is no need to radically reorganize society when you are succeeding within it.
This isn't the millennial experience with the job market at all. As long as this sense that we are a society in decline where there is no opportunity for advancement persists people will continue looking for radical solutions.
Ian Cox
Idk man my friends don't understand what socialism is and would probably best be described as liberals, but they constantly talk about revolution and rioting. Maybe its just youthful romanticism and not genuine radicalism but people are very open to the idea of a comprehensive change in society in my experience.
Luke King
Ultimately young people are more radical nowadays. You have your rabid proto-fascists, your edgy ancaps, and your idpol and non idpol leftists, but there's not a whole lot of "common sense" center-right and left-wing young people. Obviously a lot of them are apathetic, but apathy isn't the same as centrism; centrists actually vote. As others have said, the reason the baby boomers turned right was the golden age of capitalism, but it was also a concerted effort by conservatives to demonize leftism which was aided by the Soviet boogeyman. We're thirty years removed from that now and young people just don't buy the bait anymore.
I think the major task at hand isn't formenting discontent among young people; as automation, climate change, and devolving capital stagnate and lower living standards, people are gonna get angry. The goal has to be directing them away from idpol on both left and right and towards actual socialism
Carter Bailey
too late. The youth are turning to Nazism rather than Communism, and for good reason. They realize that Gentile oriented socialism is the only way they can save humanity from the clutches of Kosher parasites.
Nathan Cook
You need to spend less time on the internet memeing with social outcasts. Openly identifying as a Nazi would get you socially ostracized among most groups of millenials. Also something like 40% of the generation is non-white in the US.
Justin Stewart
I agree, idpol is the only thing that will prevent real anti-capitalist mass movements from arising in the future. This is why you see it shilled so hard by the powers that be.
Isaac Hughes
Yes and no. Minds are changing, but a lot of people think "socialism" is welfare capitalism.
Bentley Myers
Actually, ever since I've openly identified as a Nazi I've been getting pretty much nothing but respect from my fellow Gentiles, white or otherwise.
Ryan Cooper
There's literally non-white neo-nazis. I live in the southwestern US where there's lots of Hispanics and Native Americans and I've seen plenty of them. Nazism isn't actually about being pro-white it's about being anti-semetic. The Jewish kids I was in school with were all social outcasts and this was a pretty diverse school.
Luke Walker
t. shut-ins who are totally out of touch with the cultural mainstream, but make up stories to pretend their ideology is still relevant.
Noah Campbell
Millennials are the lost generation of our times.
This is especially true for some parts of Europe and the US, no matter what they vote establishment, far-left or far-right it doesn't matter, since their involvement in society both economic and social has been robbed. Therefore Millennials cannot come into their own and bring social change, or even cultural change. They are completely sidelined.
I have more hope for the Gen Z who will be much less trusting and passive than the Millennial crowd due to economic due to the evolving economic circumstances and harsher job climate they will face.
Anthony Scott
I believe them user, you're out of touch. The word "mainstream" means "suburbia and SWPL culture". In rural areas and in back-woods areas in general anti-semitism is normal. And in right wing suburbia its also normal. Only in Liberal and Zionist Christian places is it looked down upon by the majority. So I believe them 100%. Nazism is mostly about hating Judeo-Bolshevik culture and hating slave-morality (which is supposed to be Judeo-Christian). You could argue that Jock culture in general is highly Fascist and anti-semitic (in the sense of being anti-slave morality, not literally anti-semitic there are obviously jewish jocks)
Anthony Ortiz
Can you explain to me why Bernie Sander (who is Jewish) has a 73% approval rating among millenials if anti-semitism is mainstream in the generation. Even if 100% of those who disapprove of sanders do so because he's Jewish (which is laughable) their views are decidedly in the minority. The internet isn't real life.
I would say at least 50% of those who disapprove of Sanders would be evangelics or mainstream Republican who are very pro jew and zionist.
I would say at most 10% of the millenial generation are anti-semetic and that is being generous. Anti-semitism isn't mainstream, anti-Muslim bigotry or racism against blacks on the other hand.
Jayden Johnson
underrated post
Kevin Rivera
Did you reveal that you were a Nazi before or after trying to cast magic missile on them?
Chase Sanders
cot dam
Christian Ward
I don't know many thirty year olds tbh. You could be right I just centered this on the younger crowd because that's who I have experience interacting with.
Carson Nelson
I'd put good money on this because in your mind anyone who disapproves must be a jew
Gavin Thompson
Well 51% of burger millennials consider themselves anti-capitalism.