How do YOU try to appeal to normies in your life? If you aren't trying to, why not?
Pushing normies further left
Campaigning on local issues tied to problems with capitalism mostly. You hook people with obvious problems they can agree on and slowly introduce more and more socialist ideals from there
Define "normies".
I try and influence a lot of those I know through political memes, as well as gifting them radical literature sometimes.
Normies as in anyone not to left of you in your daily interaction. Thing about literature, short of highly suggesting it, they don't read it unless they are interested to begin with.
this is good
Because outside influences can change or dilute your personality Ideals and Ideas.
and to be honest, I can't stand the conversations of normal people, they are so fucking stupid, that I always end up explaining how everything works.
It used to be the "you are an adult, why do you still keep playing videogames" assholes, who forced their values upon you.
It's sad how /r9k/ changed it into "everyone who is not us", basically becoming the normies themselves.
Lo and behold, horseshoe theory works outside politics.
Show this picture
Nice. Seriously though does anyone have a source for his actual height?
Have you ever tried, iunno, not being so autistic?
People like you are why the Right won.
If you're constantly finding yourself the smartest person in the room, you need to find better rooms.
Shit, forgot to take off flag
I'm sure you constantly find yourself in great rooms
I don't, since I'm incapable of not sperging out whenever the topic is politics
I'm soo weird I cannot physically talk to normies in any productive fashion, we live on like different planets.
I do convert my fellow weirdos however.
This is sill good. But remember: Not all conversion is done through talk. Live and act like what your ideology implies.
Lmao he's also been to prison like a "degeneratë."
Another story:
Reminder: This perpetual dust-on-balls insults are a waste of time outside of leftist forums. There's enough to laugh at ideologically.
We can do both
Yeah but if you're constantly looking for rooms where people are noticeably smarter than you there's a considerable chance that you'll simply be stupified by their intelligence (which is often down to rhetoric and hot air) and let your guard down to be indoctrinated.
And if you go after rooms of people who you consider worthy rivals you'll be constantly looking for gotcha moments and getting on fights over petty shit in order to feel superior and "beat" them, or worse, deliberately let them get away with and agree yourself with stupid shit in order to keep them on worthy status.
Human relationships just suck in general.
They think I'm some sort of weird left-right hybrid because I want to give everyone a gun and train them how to use it.
Well sure, but I think in the public space, mockery without substance comes off pretty poorly. Here it's fine, we're all leftists here we don't need to convince each other of general leftism, just argue about flavors.
This is a false dichotomy. The right don't OWN the idea of possessing a gun. Its just become part of their identity.
Do this. Talk about the issues they care about already, work with them on it for a while, then after a few weeks…
I think we should be actively encouraging the right to hire as many midgets possible to fight women.
But I am a normie
We should also act really upset whenever they bring it up.
They thrive on making people mad. They'd shove a horsedick up their ass if they thought it would make the left mad.
To me, the flip side of all this theory is practice. I don't mean in the traditional buy local farm kind of way, but that helps in it's own way.
I mean going against the grain of typical capitalist norms in everyday life. Pirate things for friends. Offer them movies they might like (not heavy handedly socialist shit, slow down), learn how to save money and educate about the small evils in capitalism everyone tends to accept (fuck a credit card nigga, fuck cable nigga, fuck car dealerships nigga, fuck name brand nigga). Learn to fix shit that's broken instead of tossing it. Stop buying new shit all the time unless it needs to be new. Poke light fun at any attempts to flaunt wealth like jewelery and fancy things that have no practical value (latest phone when all you do it text, newest car, biggest tv, newest game system, consumer culture). There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we still all have to live through it and survive it. Lead by example.
This system is imposed on all of us and it's our duty as leftists to use it as a tool in any way possible. Unless you hang out with nothing but porky, then all the people around you are working class. Theorize AND illustrate. Just my ideology.
The movie Zoo was about an AnCap
I've convinced right wing libertarians that cooperatives are more efficient than corporations before, it's not too difficult
Usually I appeal to their laziness and try to get them to question the accepted wisdom that working two jobs in order to get your kids through a lenghty period of education that won't even guarantee them a future is not noble because of "hard work" involved, and that it's fucked up and the result of bad political economy that can only be solved through radical political organization
If that doesn't work, which is most of the time, I usually give up
I completely agree with a Tankie.
honestly I don't see the point in trying to REDpill "normies"(don't use this shitty word) beyond bernie sanders social democracy and wolff style worker co-ops.
I don't have to say anything to have my coworkers agree with me that capitalism is shit, I listen to them talking about problems with the boss, the hardships of being a single mother, money leeching ex-wives, and deadbeat sons/daugthers and I try to offer simple socialist-ish solutions
eat a dick nerd
i follow basic social norms and etiquette and that's about it. i don't try to convince anyone of anything because it's a waste of time. 99% of the time when people enter a conversation they won't change their mind if their lives depended on it. i'm not going into the mental drudgery just in hopes that i catch that 1%, i tried this shit and it frustrates me to no end. if i see a chance i'll take it, but i won't go looking for it.
its a waste of time on leftist forums too
its not even good bantz.
you could try not being 15 anymore
go listen to Sun Ra, Theodor
Would you consider bringing up discussion of said social norms dialectically to be useful with normies? cordially and within context of course. But one thing that I find normies always suffer from is "it always has been and always will be" syndrome. Not like attacking something that they hold dear to their hearts like religion, but something more innocuous like what makes a good movie or music. Analysis of their own favorite movie they may not have thought of. Little shit.
Occasionally going full red with issues like pic related.
"normies" are a mixed bag so of course with some of them this kind of discussion can be fruitful. you still have to pick your battles though, and to this day i don't really know how effective the times i did it were on influencing their worldview. as far as i know they're still acritically doing the same shit. ideology is a harsh mistress.
but i still do it from time to time
Here is how I would approach the angry guy in the picture: Right, that hour-changing shit is just obnoxious. Doesn't make sense. It's like government-mandated jet lag for everybody. I just want to wake up normally, go to sleep normally, have a normal day. Speaking of days, have I told you about…
This is absolutely leftist. Almost everyone here would agree.