The Case Against Libertarian Socialist Rants [Far-Left, Spanish Civil War, Alt-Right]
What is the relevance of this?
That's LLA.
You still haven't made a point.
That picture speaks volumes
Libertarian Socialist Rants is an autistic alcoholic and antifa is extremely cringe worthy
If you say so, old chap.
Why should I take a deluded self-hating arabic jew seriously?
I'm not sure quote mining proved your point considering he has addressed this specifically, but if you think so.
Replace the word "Ancap" with "Nazi" and you'll figure out why we think he's shit tier.
This is ideological trash can tier.
This guy is 100% Semitic but can't admit it. Sad!
I think I see where you're coming from, but you made a lot of assumptions that I didn't initially understand based on your posts.
What is wrong with an ethnically and culturally homogeneous society like Japan? I mean besides anime.
Look m8, love life anarchy we know it's you.
Piss off.
You oppose homosexuality? I'm not being facetious, why does it seem (I can't prove) that a large portion of Communists (at least in America) are homosexual or some form of non-traditional sexuality?
Most of us would give a shit if you're gay or not. It's your life, you do with it as you please. It's liberals who go into an absolute breakdown and sperg about idpol.
It was just a meme my dude. I have nothing against homosexuality.
because they're really loud about it and it shows up on your shitty twitter/KiA memes
When you say "I believe X economic system can only work with X race of people", you're literally saying the other races are incapable of doing so.
Also, I don't personally believe there is anything wrong with homogenous societies at all, as "diversity for the sake of diversity" is a terrible argument, especially when it's framed as "Japan needs to take in Somalians otherwise they're racist". But if Japan is making the defense of "I don't want those shitskin genetics polluting my gene pool" that's pretty bad, but i'm pretty sure the frame of reference is more "I don't believe people, regardless of what race they are, should come to Japan, because they do not understand our indigenous shinto religions, our deeply ingrained from birth culture of ancestral worship, and so on, therefore I believe it would not lead to a quality life for the immigrant and I am not in favor of mass migration, as the only people capable of adapting to our way of life are few and far between, thereby justifying the difficult method of achieving citizenship" then that's entirely reasonable.
Well that seems plausible at least at face value because a certain level of intelligence is required for a democracy (which capitalism almost requires) and different racial groups vary in intelligence. Not to say they couldn't improve, or that a sub segment couldn't produce the same results, but as a whole the averages are weighted differently.
It's more like it shouldn't make sense, but it appeals to common assumptions and biases.