Extreme newfag here. Never had a political ideology, so I started reading things to get one. I'm still apolitical till I can make the right choice. From Plato and Aristotle, to Marx and Engels and Lenin, but also to Carl Schmidt, Julius Evola, Giovanni Gentile and all the fascist thinkers, and also capitalist ones like Austrians and even fiction-capitalist ones like Rand, after something like 3 years of reading these things and talking to local communists organizing for elections and local innawoods nazis organizing for their ethnostate, I came to some conclusion. Almost certainly wrong but hey, that's what I can ask questions.
Communism and elitism: Mao started his adventures with 60 thousand people, and ended it with 9. Lenin also argued that small hardcore elite needs to be in charge, and he did take Red Square with like 1000 hardcore people. Same goes for Latin America, blood drenched revolutionaries got shit done.
Simply put: casuals and hardcores arent equal. And never will be as long as physical resources here on Earth are limited. In order to make science fiction utopia 'according to need' society, if you have one rifle and two soldiers, hardcore one needs to get the rifle for victory, casual one needs to march first across the minefield, or be used to charge first into a fortified position to evaluate enemy defenses or be used for testing enemy artillery, etc.
Limited resources (aka operational constant before communism) implies hierarchies. There is simply not enough shit to go around, and the best people need to call the shots and use the best tools. And now check this: the more serious you are about this, the more effort it is needed. The more and more you try to build a post scarcity society, the more and more fascistic, structured, disciplined, trained, conditioned, hierarchical you have to be. At the end you are putting in so much effort, you might as well be a capitalist. You'd end up better off anyway.
Winning requires effort. Effort requires fascism. Red Army had to use ranks for command and control. You can not have an army without ranks. It is the same with (pre-communism) society. Not every worker is equally competent. Not to work, not to call the shots, not to use the limited amount of tools.
Priorities have to be made. Leadership must discriminate where to put resource, literally investing efforts into some, and not into others, to profit toward post scarcity society.
All authority comes out of force and violence, so enforcing its authority again requires the fittest and strongest, most capable ones.
As you go deeper, borders between all ideologies disappear. They all come down to pure force and nothing else. Just force. Force is all that matters. Kingdom, theocracy, democracy, oligarchy, fascism, communism…. as long as it is enforced, it is all the same. Because resources are limited.
Only viable communism is 'space communism'. And only viable way of reaching is, is trough brutal total absolute tyrannical dictator of force. Who would also be benevolent to give it all up, all the planets and sci-fi power, to make communism.
And finally, I conclude that no human bean today, is noble enough, and mighty enough, to do it. One must accumulate force by all means and use it to reward himself, his close ones, and punish his enemies, that's literally all there is. Maybe make a small donation at the end of life, like curing a disease, for everyone. But leave the whole wealth to his children, to continue accumulation for their children, so they can compete better, because resources are limited, woe to the conquered, and to the victor go all the spoils, and that's just how reality is.