How do we defeat people like this?

How do we defeat people like this?

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light them on fire

Simple really.

They defeat themselves


People like this are by far the most hopeless in terms of being converted. Idpol liberals are just mindless drones who have deeply internalized all the "correct" opinions the ideological apparatus tells them. The only way to convert them is leftist hegemony in the Gramscian sense (which wont happen until after the revolution.)

The good news is they won't actually challenge us in a meaningful way besides voting and social media they rarely take actual political action.

The power of raw sexual appeal.

We let them kill themselves off. Everytime they screech at muh berniebros they bury themselves further.

We don't need to lift a finger to defeat idpol liberals, they will alienate themselves with their screeching and they rarely if ever take political action

Everytime they screech about berniebros, we will be there.
Everytime they screech about how white people are the devil, we will there.
Everytime they screech about intersectionality, we will be there.
Everytime they screech at "manarchists" and "brocialists", we will be there.

What did he mean by this?

What did you mean by this

literally just bully them into submission. We should be as vulgar and insulting as possible. they're limp-wristed bourgeois faggots, i mean look at all the coddled insecurity in that picture. we have to make them feel like the cretins they are.

Summoning the power of quads as payment for an explanation as to what exactly you meant


Im not him but i am him

We will shitpost and snatch the outcasts and disgruntled from the liberals, slowly eroding away their side while growing ours.

Does that third t-shirt say "Ham4Her?"

Welcome to politics by committee.

Ah, I see. Well I'm an ex-neolib myself so I know how that strategy works

Just make fun of them, they can't handle that.

Scare them away with guns.

these people will never oppose anything in any meaningful way, and are the part of the populus that's unarmed


What did she meme by this?


Entryism. The Trots should love it, it was one of his favorite tactics.

The Dems have built up a large electoral infrastructure. They suck at using it, but oh well. So here's what you do:

Go to their fucking meetings as a group. In the vast majority of places, the local Dems meeting is a dozen people in a conference room. So bring a dozen friends and start showing up like clockwork every month.

Don't act like a tankie. Don't talk about abolishing capitalism. Just act like a normie, and vote for the more radical choice whenever there's a motion on something.

Organize protests for socialist friendly causes - joining union strikes, opposing forcible gentrification, police brutality, shit like that. The shared struggle will radicalize some of them.

Get on the outreach committee and find other socialists to join. Get on the candidate selection committee and convince socialists to run for local office.

Use the party's infrastructure against them.

Hell, run for local office as a Dem yourself - it's what I'm gonna do. Already talked to them about it. They were hesitant because I'm obviously to their left, but I doubt they'll find another viable candidate because Dems suck at finding people to run for shit outside of major cities.

When they notice that half of their elected officials are straight up socialists, it'll be too late. The takeover will be complete.

And the Republicans won't even notice - they've been calling idpol liberals "radical leftists" for a generation. Might as well show them what radical leftists look like.

are you a time traveller from 1930?


ye socdems have proven time after time how radical they are after taking power

Who the fuck is talking about SocDems? Come to think of it, who's even talking about ideology?

I'm talking straight tactics.

Entryism. Look it up.

jesus fucking christ. can you shoot yourself in the fucking mouth please?

You're why there will be no revolution.

you think you'll bring revolution through bourgeoisie elections you dumb cunt?

do me a favour and eat some lead


nerd culture is a bizarre late capitalist form of religion imo. there's an entire class of adults who take their pop culture consumer brands more seriously than anything IRL. 'Fandoms' are pagan sects worshipping the One True Commodity in its many different forms.

nerds are really easy to manipulate for political ends, the Hillary Campaign was just the latest and most blatant example. idpol liberals, as well as nerd reactionaries, live in the make believe bullshit world of the Brand. No wonder their ideas tend to be so detached from reality.

Be merciless with those brands. Brands don't deserve your loyalty. People might get angry at you, it's like you're blaspheming their God, but someone has to do it.

Have you even read Lenin?

Get the fuck outta here.

Hamilton, the favorite musical of America's ruling class.

just fucking shoot yourself you dumb fuck

Tim Kaine in the Membrane


The only reason these people are powerful is because of their trust-fund.

Stick with the plan. Seize the means of production, dispossess those who have a lot and redistribute them.


weak anarkid can't handle the glory of marxism-leninism

Honestly I'd go for this, they're not the proletariat we seek to organize and they should be condemned for their shitty thought

kek, never gets old

Just approach them when their at their gender studies class, and befriend them. Then slowly attempt to radicalize them, all the while making it seem necessary because "a literal fascist is running the country, and we have to act quickly". I converted a bra-burning feminist into a tankie in under a month, and even got to have sex with her.


smh tbh fam

5 Letters.
First letter G.
Last letter G.

Just tell them how intersectionality is a waste of time and while gender and race are important they are a subproduct of classism.

The problem with SJW is they don't read Marx.

We could say the same thing about Holla Forumslacks, after all both groups have false consciousness

Was going to ask.

Thanks for clearing that up. Now can you tell me why people are Hamilton fans now? I only saw that weird looking guy's retelling on Drunk History but Hamilton sounds like a dumb douchebag.


I'm afraid SJWs will out-entry anyone.

Don't need to. Just topple capitalism and all this shit will die.



gulag bitch

this is the kind of retarded shit trots come up with. dont do entryism kids

Why is he shamefully looking away from 'her'?

I was going for Gulag, but that works too, I guess.