in your ideal world, would fascists, reactionaries, pro-capitalists, or leftists who arent of your ideology have free speech?
In your ideal world, would fascists, reactionaries, pro-capitalists...
Sure. They can say whatever they want in the re-education camp.
They won't exist in significant numbers after everyone sees how fuckin tight communism is. There are no feudalists today.
I would kill every conservative in the womb by abortions, eugenics and sterilization.
In my ideal world those people wouldn't exist.
Hold my beer.
free speech really isn't that bad, the real problem is the power to enact real effects on other people's lives.
am I full liberal?
yes provided they follow our laws
Not true.
no, being against free speech is extremely counterproductive as most westerners see it as a almost holy sentiment , and an essential part of their culture.
That is not to say it should be slavishly followed. People should be free to explore ideas with out fear of death or imprisonment. But if people who want to, lets say murder an ethnic minority, start to do marches and gatherings, then you of course destroy them.
In my ideal world, nobody is allowed to talk, not even me.
kindly disagree
in your ideal world, would fascists, reactionaries, pro-capitalists have free speech?
No the dead can't talk.
Pretty much this.
Irrelevant; they would have no material reasons to exist whatsoever and their kind, if they existed before, would all have been grinded out by the millstones of a successful revolution.
They have a right to be wrong, OP.
They would be phased out by the social conditions much like the slave lovers and feudalists when capitalism came.
Of course. Censorship is completely retarded.
Explain then why anti-capitalist traditionalists still exist today.
False consciousness; they are under the spell of particular or structural bourgeois influences.
Furthermore, their idea of anti-capitalism is quasi-always misguided and featuring either a reductive or completely wrong conception of capitalism. There also exist so-called socialists who fancy themselves anti-capitalists but in reality only wish to restructure capitalist relations or the way profits are distributed under it.
In my ideal world, no-one would have freedom of speech.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
kek'd fully
I have a shotgun
I have a boot, friend.
First commie walking on my lawn is dead
Given that I'm not a commie, that seems like a rather empty statement.
Rest assured however that you will not have a lawn in a Technate.
Prepared to get stepped on, fgt.
And how you plan to build this technate? Also as for the moment capitalism rules and you take dicks up the ass
Oh a purge of the cancer of individualism would certainly be involved.
And Louis XVI believed that monarchy was the law of the day - right up until he lost his head.
So what are you? Cattle? You are an animal? You have no personality, no dreams, no ambitions? You are a disgrace for your parents, fucking go get a job and do something with your life beside sucking dicks