Holla Forums is having an absolute meltdown. They refuse to accept the reality they live in...

Holla Forums is having an absolute meltdown. They refuse to accept the reality they live in. They refuse to accept that the man they voted for is just an another one who serves the ruling class.

It's over for them since they chose to let their reputation rest on Trump's action, and they can't pull the muh fake news card anymore.
In another words, is it the time to go on an offensive?

Other urls found in this thread:


No reason to launch an offensive at this point, Holla Forums is already splitting into Holla Forums and /polk/ and the sensible people from there will also go to Holla Forums as this place has been the only one which stays consistent with its ideology and is also the last bastion of free debate.

Who cares, let them flail

I would love to enjoy Holla Forumss salty tears, but since we are all going to die soon it really loses its punch.

Nah let them rot. If they remain classcucked that is their problem.

Agree, they chose to be the way they are. Fuck them all.

Are people seriously denying that it happened? Syrian state media has even acknowledged it.

Best reason why we shouldn't migrate. Just by staying here, we are providing alternatives for the ideologically lost.

great way to build a movment m80s>>1542722

They think we're a hug_boxed bunch of SJW liberals whose activity counts are maintained by botting and bringing in goons and redditors. We need to be proactive and reveal that this is not the case.

Holla Forums is good at protecting their safe space.
They constantly ban anyone that "blackpills", provides facts that triggers them.

The alt-right is good at rationalizing their support. When cult predictions fail, cult members usually become even more convinced. Faulty human logic.


/polk/ won't go here, they were Nazi trump skeptics from the getgo

I have a feeling /turdposition/ will reopen, cuckchanners will be nightofthelongknives'd and pol will disperse between leftypol and 8ch.pl

There is already too much anger at imkamfy and the other kike mods


I wonder if this shit will mean more backlash against Holla Forumsyps on 4chan, or if the site is completely lost already.

Blackpilling means being a defeatist.

Triggering facts aren't necessarily banned, posting "whites will go extinct and no one here can do anything to stop it" is triggering to the point of total board breakdown, so mods ban it.

There's a Holla Forums mod living in Turkey and he bans any anti-Erdogan stuff for fear of getting arrested.
Holla Forums has a strong filter on ideas allowed on its board.

Yup, I think mods are the reason for a lot of the meltdown on pol right now

Holla Forums here




We didn't meme for this to happen.

I've had a rude awakening. Leftypol is my new home… pls forgib me

Can any one tell me why Holla Forums and both Holla Forums care about syria so much? Assad is a brutal thug, and he needs to go.

Because something something tankies something something Nazis something something horseshoe theory something something anti-imperialism

There is a real hatred growing from some of the old faggot and weeb boards for some time now so its not entirely out of the question. If you want to help simply stoke the flames.

no i'm sure its the jews

Holla Forums here, we support Assad because he and Syria are one of the few remaining countries who still resist Israel and the USA.

It's part of a wider plan to take out all countries which have resisted the implementation of a private Jewish controlled central bank.

See video "General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years "


So yes - Literally it's the Jews.

Because attacking Assad will escalate a containable Civil War into a full scale land war that would include the US, Syria, Russia, Rojava, Iran, and Israel. Also, four of those countries have nukes, it usually a bad idea for two countries with nuclear capabilities face off, especially when they're as crazy as the ones I just named.

Please tell me you're a troll and this isn't what Holla Forumsyps actually think, because this is retarded.

How is it that Holla Forums can look at problems like imperialism that are clearly the result of capitalism and insist that it's the Jews? Even if we accept that Jews form the ruling class, it's obvious the capitalism is the source of their wealth and power. Get rid of them but keep capitalism and what happens? A new ruling class comes along and does the same thing. Do you think your Aryan porkies will somehow be less exploitative or parasitic than Jewish ones?

Forgot to mention Turkey. It'd be so far beyond anything we experienced with Iraq, it's not even comparable.


so why do you worship a fanatically pro-israel, pro-u.s. president?

Because if you already think the West is perfect, because white people are perfect, then you have to start coming up with some pretty elaborate fantasies as to why things are so consistently shitty. Like the idea that black people are oppressing whites, that the 2008 recession was caused by Mexicans, and that there are secret cabals of Jews who control everything.

It's okay to be wrong. Now you know to never trust a porky and that you're interests are directly opposite to the ruling elite.

I would also like to know why Holla Forums supports one of the most pro-Israel Presidents we've ever had, backed by the most pro-Israel Party in the country, with one of the most pro-Israel platforms on the planet.

im not worried about any war. the usa has the biggest fucking military in the world and we are friends with china now.

Not an argument

I'm not going to defend capitalism, but you must at some level realize that we're all talking about the same thing. The biggest "capitalists" are the bankers and financiers who also happen to be overwhelmingly Jewish in ethnicity, and if you bothered to learn about Jewish culture and history you would learn that these globalists all descend from the same psychopathic family lines going back thousands of years.

Would white people outside of Jewish control and influence be exactly the same as Jews? Obviously not seeing as most of us who are awake are trying to fix the problems they are causing for the betterment of everyone.

I was always skeptical of Trump but admittedly I got carried away on the Trump train.

Welcome gomrade, head on over to the stickied reading list and feel free to ask anyone anything on theory or history, as long as it's all done in good faith this board is extremely welcoming and newfag friendly.

12-dimension chinese checkers

Because Holla Forums is one guy and not a hundred thousand people.

I very highly doubt China will allow itself to get dragged into this.


Fuck off, you will go to the gulag too.

Dammit leftypol I admitted I was wrong about Trump and I'm here to be educated, but this is too much.

Ignore the tankies. They love to shit up the threads with gulag bullshit, but they can't accept that they're eating from the trashcan of ideology.

Just tell them that USSR never made it past state capitalism and they'll go all aspie and leave you alone.

That's not what tankie means

And our contention is that someone else would just take their spot if you got rid of them. If someone is using a weapon against you, getting rid of the weapon is a more permanent solution than getting rid of the person currently wielding it

At some level I know even you don't believe this. Think about ALL the white people you don't like, in your life or on a public stage. Clinton isn't Jewish. Do you trust her? The vast majority of the "SJW cucks" you hate aren't even non-white. They're just white people you hate who you would never trust with a weapon as strong as the world economy.

Right, because only a few anons on Holla Forums support Trump. It wasn't the entire board's reason for existing for over a year. You didn't all collectively cum in your pants when he was elected because you thought an ancient egyptian frogman was coming to whisk you all away from the shitty realities of your sad basement dwelling subhuman lives.

Trump supporters are as deep in denial as people who think Rogue One is good.

A group of people can have group preference. Cool it with the purposeful obfuscation

But Comrade!
What do you think we do in the gulag, other than EDUCATING???

kek works in mysterious ways

Be honest goys. If I stay here will I end up unironically calling other posters Comrades?

I'm not that's something I can cope with.

Tankies are the fucking hardcore Stalinists that love to use tanks to suppress dissent.

The venn diagram of tankies and people shouting gulag isn't quite a circle, but it's pretty fucking close.

I'm starting him off easy, not being pedantic.

If you wanna chill here you're gonna have to get used to the bantz

You could be a real leftist instead and only address people because they're a slightly different flavor of left and you want to mock them

no worries gomrade, it's just bantz

it joke

honestly the jews seem like the master race, idk why you guys struggle against them so

Rogue One was better than TFA.

maybe if you're autistic it is.

learn the bantz or fuck off back to Holla Forums or reddit

Maybe if you don't know shit about film that would make sense.


honestly the farther away from Holla Forums you get the more people LARP as soviets

reddit fuckers will unironically go "privyet tovarish!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD"

be glad that at least Holla Forums fails to LARP.

TFA is absolute fucking garbage, are you retarded?

Rogue One blew it out of the fucking water

Read the bread book and get ready to hang porky.

I'm not gonna support killing all the Jews or anyone that would turn around and kill me instead

Trump is asking his "allies" to join on his bombing. Italian here, If my government endorse it, will be hell for us for the next months.

You already spoutted "goy", you'd probably be quick meme-wise

Go figure. Tell me again a movie where no one is able to remember the names of the main characters is better than TFA.

just agree that they are both better than the prequels holy shit this is why the left fails

lmao the red balloon

tfa is trash. fuck off mike

True, you really have to know a lot about "film" to understand why a movie with shitty characters that act inconsistently and unlikably, and then all die at the end without any attachment is a strong choice. They should honestly Take Citizen Kane out of the Library of Congress, and replace it with the scene where Forest Whitaker decides to die for no reason.

Face it Rogue One was just made to cash in on the most iconic (profitable) parts of Star Wars. of course they had to Shoehorn in C3PO and r2d2 for no reason. I'm surprised they didn't find a way to put Chewbacca and Yoda in there too. Why else do you think they would give this movie to Gareth Fucking Edwards, the guy who specializes in doing big budget hollywood cash grabs like Godzilla.

I remember Kylo from TFA thats it

every other character is absolute shit

godzilla was literally his first hollywood film, and rogue his second. how is that a 'speciality'?

The problem with them(the owning class, as George Carlin puts it) is not their jewishness, but their private ownership of all means of production and natural resources.

Put any other person of any other ethnicity, like black or white or asian as a baby, make them a part of the capitalist's family, and they would be the same kind of exploiters.

A wealthy jew has more solidarity with a wealthy christian, and does not care about exploiting poor jews.

This is a conclusion when you observe that people are slaves to capital, not some magical man in the sky. See pic related. Do you think those who control and own the economy can afford to be religious, when religion was used as a way to control poor people?

Read something on cybernetics, especially that which deals with systems made of parts, such as living organisms. Norbert Wiener is well known author.


You say that they descend from one psychotic family. Capitalism is however a system. Systems have new different properties than the parts that they consists of. The connections between the parts give rise to new qualities. An exploiter can be the most ethical charity giving person, but as long as they take from people what they produced through wage system, they are exploiters.

No amount of their personal qualities would outweigh the injustice of the system that they allow to continue.

You say that you are awake to what is happening in the world, but ask yourself what made you awake. Simply observing it? No it was seeing the consistent suffering the capital brings to people. And you feeling empathy, because you know the same thing could have happened to you, because you are poor. You feel empathy because it is in your interest and that is actually a good thing. Otherwise a person would waste themselves.

honestly i thought TFA was just another marvel movie but with space robots instead of regular robots. It was an okay movie to see in theaters on a night out but thats it. the best thing about TFA was the autistic Holla Forums reaction to it because holy shit a blackguy AND a action oriented female lead? reeks of juwish cuckery guys.

were one of the people who were upset it didn't explain enough to you?
"What do you mean there is a Republic AND a Rebellion?!?! you mean there are regular and irregular militaries in this conflict? how am I supposed to understand that? and the empire is STILL around as remnants and successor states? You expect me to believe that a fascist empire of 69 million planets and trillions of soldiers would still have regional power 20 years after losing 2 major battles in 5 years?"

TFA is the 2nd best movie in the Franchise. You can nitpick what you will, but it's still more solid than Episode 6. I'll wait as you desperately look for a plothole so you can get upvotes on reddit.


Just because you have holes in your brain from all the pot you smoke doesn't mean everyone in the General public doesn't know their names were Rey, Finn, and Kylo. Most people even remember Maz Kanata, Poe Dameron, and Captain Phazma.
literally no one knows who the Samurai brothers, Captain Spanish, and tentacle rapee pilot are called.

the only reason anyone could think Episode 6 was good is if they were 10 when they say it. it's barely a step up from Prequels material. obviously because it was George Lucas.

if you don't appreciate jedi then you don't like star wars. fuck off abrams you colossal hack

someone find more Holla Forumstardation because starwars is terrible shit for the worst nerds

the best star wars was the christmas special fite me

who and who?

how uncultured must you be to think TFA is any good

read a book or something

You can either laugh or cry in the face of inevitability, user.

Nice spooks, fag. Are you upset that I'm not being "loyal" to "star wars". I can like whatever combination of movies from that franchise I want, in any order, and there's nothing you can do about it. looks like someone can't handle criticism. I think there are some Fan forums that would be more your style than Holla Forums. We're free thinkers here.

t. j.j. abrams

Truely, a matter of culture to judge in a franchise about space wizards and special effects, Rogue One is better than The Force Awakens. Were you bullied as a kid?

Absolutely, disgusting that it got so many replies.

It's done ironically I hope

"Holla Forums is having an absolute meltdown. They refuse to accept the reality they live in." so nothing new then?

Fucking this. Just this incident alone seems to have reinvigorated activity on Holla Forums and we're back to where we were before the hack.

Im on Holla Forums right now triggering them and lauging at some of them's denial, fucking hilarious and glorious!


You know that you are beyond repair when you start to believe in your own memes


From what i can see he is a legally elected president of Syria and not a brutal thug

Holla Forums is interested into the closest thing to a socialist revolution happening in years.
Plus Tankies are Assad's fanboys.

How proven are the gas attacks in the first place? I'm no conspiritard but it seems awfully convenient this happened at this time.


Trump said Assad did it, that settles it.

Flynn was against invading Syria. Flynn was removed. Military budget was increased. The signs were obvious.

pls be baiting. Every victim of an Imperialist power has been deemed some variation of "ruthless thug".


17,46% of billionaires are jewish. Even if that is a overrepresentation, they are still not the majority amongst billionaires, and still only a few of them hold actual power.


nobody but the chans care about #boardwars

Thats a lot of influence for ethnicity that makes around of 0,0019857142857143% of world population

Who the fuck should care about inner conflict on a imageboard if not the users of the imagebaord retard?

Getting rid of πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€themπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ is conceivable. Capitalism not so much.

Wew, next you'll be telling me that Khrushchev was really a Stalinist even if the secret speech could've been written by Trotsky or Tito and most historians recognize that "de-Stalinization" is an important period of Soviet history.

Come now left/pol/. A good chunk of US policy makers, especially neo-cons including god empurur Troomp are subservient to the Israel lobby. Trump's team is full of them and as they get their claws in he becomes more and more AIPAC's bitch.

Underage Holla Forumsyps please leave REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

if you were over the age of 18 or spent any amount of time here you'd know that leftist are decidedly anti-Israel

interesting pic; do you have the rest that it belongs in?because fap

Where did the idiot imply we aren't? He just refuses to attack the system itself and memes muh juice as a distraction instead. Like always, the only role of the right is to get their hands dirty to preserve the status quo and be cucks to the centrists. If the right is getting increasingly silly in the last couple of years it's because there is no leftist threat anymore anyway.

That's not what I said. I said Israel to a degree influences US policy. ZOG Occupied Government is real. πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€theyπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ played Trump like a fucking fiddle. This attack (direct contradiction to EVERYTHING trump said on Syria previously) came early on before Trump lost too much support. Now Trump, a loose cannon and headache to the washington order and Syria have been taken care of. Trump is beholden to them. And easily led. And if he gets too intolerable they know there's a safe pair of establishmenter hands waiting in the wings.

on forbes list of riches people 8 of the 10 richest people are white american men. (two who happen to also be jewish)
Does say something about how we should treat white american men compared to other groups?
I don't think so.
all americans should be gulaged, no mater race or gender it's the only way.

I'm pacifist and so neutral about Syria, we should not help Assad or the rebels.

Holla Forums BTFO

This will not fucking stand

ready for a happening?

Yes, gott strafe perfidious anglo

Source for their claim.

what appears to be a pro-rebel twitter feed.


This was still before the US attack, correct?

There's a reason why you were grouped with horsefuckers and dogfuckers.

muh nigga

there will be next to no Holla Forums converts, maybe a couple, but nothing significant that is worth putting work into. in order to become a Holla Forumstard one needs to be seriously deluded in the first place and become even more adamant towards reason and logic to stay there for longer than a couple minutes.

24/25 boards hate us.


It really speaks volumes about Holla Forumslacks if a board grouped with horsefuckers and dogfuckers turned out to be smarter than them.

Neocons would blow up an oil refinery or two to start a war.
Blowing up a specific piece of tarmac repeatedly with 60 missiles and informing Syrians 24 hours beforehand qualifies as a PR stunt.
The chemical attack was just a move by the same neocons to force Trump's hand and make him look weak when he does nothing.

Yeah you guys are put in your rightful place, your BO acts like a little SJW bitch that she is and Holla Forums gets labeled as having a meltdown.
Solving your own problems and not projecting it onto your rivals would do you better.

What is with leftists and their obsession of calling themselves smart? Insecurities?
If you idiots would concentrate on making your board better for discussion and not trying to ruin Holla Forums's, both would profit over time. And I would certainly visit more.
But whatever, discuss your million flavors of marxism and leave political discussion to people that are actually interested in it. And stay on your containment board till then.


fuck off libtard faggot

Imkampfy and the BO of this board are the same fucking person you morons

Calling for all civilized nations to work to end the bloodshed in Syria as he did very recently is a PR stunt too?
our BO having a PMS is completely unrelated to the massive butthurt on both 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ about Trump fucking with Syria.
You're right, noticing that Trump is a meme-tier politician rather than a chessmaster does not mean you're smart, but simply not retarded(unlike the worshipers of certain shitty frog meme).
There were many fruitful discussion with right-wingers here, it's not our fault that most Holla Forumslacks' debating skills does not go beyond

Wow, he is extremely easy to manipulate. Gas some kids, and all of the sudden he has to either attack his supposed allies or be a pussy. What a shitty 32-D Stratego player.

Nice strawman and redirecting.
It shows that your are browsing only Holla Forums if you're not aware of the massive shill attack occurring right now. Many of them from your board.
Nobody's butthurt. Real Holla Forumsacks are just waiting for more information. And from what I've gathered, the attack is a PR stunt.
You still haven't figured out that these seemingly idiotic bantz and humour only serve to keep people like you away and the base of shitposters at high morale?
Yet he won against all ods with the whole media machine against him. Underestimating your opponent is dangerous, my man.
Nice strawman.

You read like someone who started watching politics when Obama came in. IF you show one sign of weakness, your opponents will rip you to shreds. Doing away with those is what got Trump the presidency.

Soon the streets of Damascus will run red with the blood of the infidels.

And you read like someone who thinks politics works like in a fantasy novel

m8 do you think this is a fucking game?

That's not very leftist, you fucking Holla Forumsacks in sheep's clothing.
