Other urls found in this thread:
The EU is going to collapse within the next decade. Hopefully this means that it will take America down with it.
Serves them right
They trusted a jew
Cucked by Merkel, what a fucking beta
the backgammon just hit something beyond dimensions, the hyperdimension between dimension, the universal underlying dimension…the core
85 dimension carcassonne
can't wait for TTP to be resurrected and in effect and to be deep in war with Iran by the end of 2018
The real question though is how long it will take for the "3 dimensional chess" meme to die.
you mean 28d Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying?
Back the fuck up son
Homosexuality is a mental illness
Tbh I knew that the TTIP was going to be resurrected just looking at the history of other bills such as SOPA and PIPA which was being attempted to get passed over and over again under different names
I did what now?
They approved CETA, I don't know why anyone would believe TTIP would stay dead.
It could be made public that he was diagnosed with dementia years ago and there would still be a core contingent going "Ah ha, yeah, that's just what he WANTS you to think"
same people who said shillary was unfit for presidency because she coughed once
go back to choking on Putin's cock you wrestling shitheel
has Holla Forums reacted to this? I want to see Holla Forums react to this.
This. If we don't get socialism by the end of the century we will probably all die of climate change and soil degradation.
not if i have anything to say about it
ur cute
"we" won't be doing the dying, people in the third world will.
Well, guess where I live, faggot.
They will die first, but when we'll come to this point it will be to late to stop the whole planet from going Venus tier.
Unless you're the CEO of goldman sachs, lol no you're also dying faggot.
They're still screeching about Antifa, last time I checked.
I know it's crass as fuck to reference 1984, but it's insanely cool how Trump's internet PR team gave Holla Forums a new Emmanuel Goldstein figure with Antifa in order to distract them while Trump sells the country out to neolib porkies.
don't bully the corn people fam.
This. Holla Forums, explain yourselves.
The infighting among Holla Forums recently has been pretty hilarious. Even if you post a fake article it turns into a shitfest.
This is almost sad.
They might die first but we'll be fucked too eventualy
We could always make the thread about this ourselves and mock them. Or we could post it on Holla Forums because they get insanely butthurt that they don't own Holla Forums, and if Trump really is doing this with TTIP, TPP's resurrection is only a matter of time, so everyone needs to know about it.
Post it on Holla Forums please. This shit would really would give me the best night in the whole month out of laughing at their flaming assholes.
Better idea that should be done along with this:
1) Go to the GamerGate thread on Holla Forums.
2) Post this story.
3) Sit back and watch the fireworks.
4) Post the footage of Bernie Sanders railing against TPP.
Holla Forums isn't that bad, at least not compared to Holla Forums. Never thought I'd be saying that there was anything Holla Forums is better than, but here we are.
No need to be uselessly antogonistic with 4 imo.
i'm more interested in re sparking backlash against that shit than petty board war.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: Holla Forums was right again.
Those digits don't lie. The question is, what are we going to do about it? If there's anything to this story at all, it'll probably be the biggest boon this board has gotten since its inception, but only if we're in threads on other boards calling out Holla Forums's 88D Chinese checkers bullshit when they try to make excuses for this.
So far, GG tread response is shitpost + I don't believe it cause NYtime + anonymous source.
Good luck with fuck all cheap labour and climate refugees.
Nah not even the most advanced Hegelian dialectics will change the minds of those basement dwellers. Just make fun of them tbh.
At the moment this story hasn't been confirmed yet. It may be Trump floating a trial balloon to see what he can get away with. Regardless, even if it's real the full effects won't be apparent immediately.