Daily fuck tankies thread

Daily fuck tankies thread

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I'd rather live under nazi Germany than the USSR the Nazis at least knew how to handle an economy and didn't kill over 20 million people

daily zero-effort split-thread

Daily united front sage.

Holocaust killed closer to 22 million according to modern estimates.

Stalin still killed more



Statism is based. I hate non-statist kids.

Nowhere near as many.



That's about the same amount as the amount of deaths from the holdomor (Stalin killed more since there was the gulags and the great purge)

Tankie is such a meaningless and subjective term at this point

It depends on how you tally the death tolls but its likely that the famine the Germans inflicted on the USSR and all the war crimes they committed came to over 25 million by itself. As for the Holocaust its generally treated separately from all that cause predatory wars of aggression, war crimes and famines are normal under capitalism but full-on exterminatory genocide is somewhat exceptional.

Highest foreign estimates of great purge and reign of terror that reigned post-Lenin only executed about 0.5 kulaks and sent roughly 3 million to gulags.

Stalin was against true worker autonomy and financed counterrevolutionaries.

nice meem

incaarceration rates were high at times but the mortality rate reached a very small number.

Yeah the way its often used today is basically to refer to leftists who don't buy into what the MSM and US State Department shits out as opposed to their views on Centralization/Decentralization or their opinion on the USSR's interventions in Eastern Europe during the cold war.

Why the fuck is this even a thing? I don't like tankies, but OP is a massive faggot and clearly a Holla Forumsyp. Stop taking the bait.

good one faggot


kys anarkiddo

Why them?

hey Holla Forums, whatcha doing?


I hope. No one can be that stupid and still call themselves a Leftists.

Fuck tankies
Fuck niggers
Fuck the Jews

Dailey reminder.

Daily reminder that it's entirely the CNT's fault that Franco won. Dumb fuckers wouldn't take power than the bourgeoisie was weak because "muh anarchy, i don't want a state".

uwu what's going on in this thread?