Mfw Le Pen is likely to win

how Le Pen will benefit from the abstentionists, just like Trump did.

we are very close to an US like scenario, where Melonchon would be our Bernie, Loved by the people but hated by the system and MSM.

Le Pen is our Trump, playing on people's fears and promising everything to everyone.
the only reason she's not trending as much as Trump did is hear lack of charisma and the fact that she's a lifelong politician her political party is more of a family business than anything else.
and just like Trump, she'll end up doing nothing more than any regular right-wing president would do.

Macron is very much our Hillary, literally shoved down our throats by the system, he has no social trend but an artificially created one pushed by msm.
he is the status-quo candidate, he has no strong positions on anything.
on the plus side, he doesn't have the baggage Hillary has and while not everyone agree with him nobody really hates him like Hillary was.

everyone else is irrelevant at this point, Fillon fucked himself and nuked his own political party during this campaign, the damage will be irreparable. LR (his party) most likely won't exist anymore after the election.

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bernie wasn't supported by the communist party
+you can't stenchon the Mélenchon so he's going to win don't worry

In the US Bernie didn't have a shot for the final round because of the stricter two party system and, like you mentioned, Le Pen is less charismatic and so obviously an establishment drone herself too. Given that Trump himself barely squeaked by I'm not sure what all the worry is about.

Post your face when Le Pen will move the Overton window to the right and there'll be Holla Forumsyps walking freely in the French streets

you're missing the point, French election is in two rounds, basically same as having two party system.
the first round would be like the primaries. Melonchon is still unlikely to get trough.

The larger point is the second half of my post, where Le Pen is a weak imitation of a candidate that barely made it through against literally the most brazenly corrupt and establishment candidate to ever run for public office (along with an awful, artificial personality to boot). At least Macron can in comparison put on a smile and pretend he isn't neolib scum to the pleb masses.


How likely is Trump to win the election again?

stenchon.. that isnt even a word
another example of filthy armchair commies forcing our meymeys into an unfunny version

your candidates are losing all over the world get over it liberals

You're right, Macron will lose

You're right, that was Hillary :^)

worldview shattered


i dont think hillary was anticapitalist

She was literally endorsed by the CPUSA

Ahhh, yes.


Not really, the majority of american voters don't participate in the primaries whereas almost the same number of people vote in the first and second round in France. That means almost all of those who voted for a losing candidate will still choose a candidate in the second round. And most of those oppose Le Pen

Macron will win this election and cause Le Pen's popularity to rise to enough of a margin to win next election.

I doubt the socdem Melonchon will win either this election or the one after.

Weird way to spell FBI but alright

i know but its not the same thing here because the french cp isnt degenerated

the PS too

i doubt it, its on the edge of death tho, Hamon is below 10% but i think they'll still be around.

LR will change name, just like they always do when they fail miserably.
they were called UMP before 2012, and some other name i don't remember before that.
they change name every 5 years, to appear fresh and clean.
still the same fucktards tho.

Good. Let the French liberals get as hard a kick up the arse as the Amerifats did. This time as they're French they're even more likely to be radicalised.

Blame liberals

I hope comrade Le Pen wins so that we finally can kill EU

never forget the RPR
if we're lucky they will go to jail

Why can't France have a second French revolution, this time a communist one?

you do know she's porky?

if le pen win it's going to happen

to be fair, so was Engels, but she didn't exhibit a lot of class traitor vibes so far.




she got condemned for embezzlement 2 months ago…

I just donated my life savings and dignity to Melonchon. MATCH ME!

You dumb cunts still thinking Bernie was in it for you? Man of the people and free fucking rainbows for everyone. You deserve all the cancer. All of it.

Yep, that's basically the only thing to care about. Everything else is just theater.

its just going to happen

Yeah all those 'Shy Torys' voting for Melanchon…

Oh hang on.


Trump didn't get a "surprise boost" so much as Clinton just dropped a shit-ton of voters.

True, but the reason why the polls didnt work that out is because for some reason conservatives are less likely to give their opinion to the pollsters.

That was certainly the case in the last 3 votes here in Britain.
In the Brexit referendum and two general elections the polls thought people were a lot more left wing than they actually voted.
hello Holla Forums, how's your cancerous ass doing ?

when will you stop being a mindless propaganda drone?

You're not really understanding my point. It is a liberal delusion that they lost because Trump had some secret, new appeal constructed by a team of brilliant, diabolical racists or some shit. By and large, he got roughly the same numbers every other republican ever gets, proving that the republican voting base is just way more loyal than the democrats'.

If Le Pen wins, will France leave the EU or just try to expel Muslims and institute border controls?

Why does all trap music sound EXACTLY alike?


I was talking specifically about why the polls were wrong.

I guess I didnt get your point because its not related to what I was saying.

If she wins, there will be a referendum, and that vote will decide if France leaves EU or not. If we leave, the EU is finished.
In any case, I'm voting FN in a couple weeks, simply for the chance to get the fuck out of EU.

Why would you vote for a crypto fascist just because you happen to agree with her on this one very point?

I guess you havent been paying attention.
Everyones a fascist nowadays. Either a cryptofascist or a neofascist.


It is related. The polls weren't off because of a shy Tory effect or anything similar. The polls were off because the people who were supposed to vote for Hillary didn't.

Not user, but that's the only point that has some minimum chance of changing anything at all.

Ok? Are you saying Le Pen is not a crypto-fascist?

Because EU officials are not elected by us, and don't represent the will of the people. Whether Marine is any good as a president doesn't mean much to me, since she can be replaced after 5 years (I doubt she can be any worse than Hollande though!) But if the EU government becomes entrenched, they will rule over us as actual dictators. Too much concentration of power is bad, no matter if they're on left or right side.

Not true, lots of people who voted Obama then voted Trump. Loyalty wasn't that much of a factor. Obama was hope but that hope died so it was time for the molotov cocktail Trump.
The reason why French elections can't be perfectly compared to the American ones is that Macron is no Hillary for obvious reasons. That's actually why he's way more dangerous than her.

Nice meme.

Why not vote for Melenchon then?

Just another meme constructed by the liberal media, as surely liberals couldn't have fucked up. It must have been some maneuvering and desertion by their own voters. But the truth is that any Obama → Trump voters are largely variance and the big difference that actually occurred is that Obama voters largely stayed home and refused to vote for that fucking disaster zone of a campaign led by Clinton.

Nevar 4get

nice try Holla Forums, your political relativism bs "everyone is cryptofacist" bs is a bit too much to be subtile.
better luck next time.

mostlikely neither.
how can you expell muslims anyway? thats not even possible without falling blunt racism and generalization

i demand stats on this.
i'v never met an Obama voter who switched to Trump.
al Trump voters i know were longtime Republicans and some libertarians.

Only if she doesnt crypto agree with everything I say.


The "obama to trump voters" were really long time republicans who got taken in by obama's charisma and the negative connotations of being a conservative post-bush years. Obama was the anomaly, not Trump

I've never met a kangaroo. Should I presume they dont exist?

Crypto idiot.

the FN get funded by a waffen ss and the father of mlp and there's a ton of fascist leading the party with mlp but its not fascist huh

Its not necessarily fascist.
Just like If a gay person gives you money it doesnt necessarily make you gay.

You said yourself they got funds from My Little Pony. Thats not really fascist now is it?

WTF is this shit?

I just thought of a good one.

Hillary got funded by Muslims but that doesnt necessarily make her a muslim.

Good troll. Genuinely good. You really got me.

tbh it's crypto-clownish

i never said they don't exist, thats why i demand sauce

Trump has no charisma. He just sounds like an average American grandfather who doesn't like the mexicans that moved in next door. None of the American presidential candidates (including shouting Sanders) had a lick of charisma.

People confuse the fact that ELECTORS that voted for Obama then voted for Trump. Popular vote means nothing. NPR can go around and find the twenty people who went from Obama to Trump but that doesn't mean they mattered. Like the other people said it was low turnout in key districts that shifted the election. Many of those were also lost by a razor thin margin.

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