Rebel, Schnitz and now Catgrill have stopped making content.
Rebel, Schnitz and now Catgrill have stopped making content.
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So much for the tolerant left.
Kek, the old niche community slingshot.
It's better this way, I wouldn't want to read the comics of some retard who's only making them to "reach an audience."
that's actually fine, only rebel is a real loss, I'll miss his video btfo'ing Chowder
He btfod crowder? Link desu~
Who the fuck is Schnitz?
I hope she still comes and shitposts.
You all put this on yourselves tbh
This had better not turn into a Dark Age for us. Schnit
Was going to say I enjoyed Schnitz's work.
I bet the CIA is behind this
if only ;_;
some one needs to take responsibility
No link cause it's gone, that's the point.
at least we still have you
Isn't this like the 10th time she has quit?
Also, look at tomorrow's date
Holy shit you may actually have a point
I want to believe
inb4 she is quitting for jokesies then quits for realsies when reading this thread
Rachel plz
I need your cute artwork to get through life.
By the waters of Babylon, you guys are easily fooled.
Consider tomorrow's date.
I hope it's true, finally that shit-tier western art might get flushed down.
I want to get a sad internet person hug from Rachel.
The reason this is happening IMO is that catgirl stuff is shit for her portfolio, and she needs to make that look good for job and selling opportunities, remember that artists still have to work within the capitalist system.
fucking capitalism takes another soul!
Not every artistic thing you make has to be part of your portfolio.
What will we do without leftcom cat?
I kind of agree with this tho.
I swear to god if this shit isn't just teehee got ya april fools :) im going to write a strongly worded tweet at her
In my personal defense I lose track of time and space for fairly long periods of time, even if I look at a calendar the day before, etc.
if it was just a prank she'd announce it tomorrow
It's pretty understandable, I wouldn't want to put all of my free time into a project that only appeals to an obscure image board, half of which's population thinks the comic is terrible and thinks I'm cringe-worthy.
cat-fag draw girl, U will be missed
31 March is the new April 1st, to catch people off-guard.
I still liked your comics
Its just not the same.
Why is the left so damn WEAK? I'm getting sick of this shit. The right, for right now, hold a monopoly on all forms of communication on television, radio, and most importantly the internet. We really need to buckle down and start producing more content. I guess I have to now as well.
Hey Holla Forums you are to obvious
Yes!! Purge the shit 'left' e-celeb fags now!!
ITS H A P P E N I N G!!!
Seriously rebel the drunk trap and an online comic is not a big loss at all.
Stop being fags.
no fun allowed eh?
fuck. I guess I can't blame her for trying to survive.
turns out satiating internet image board autists isn't a viable option.
If you're reading this, you will be missed.
Fun is bourgeois
No more nazbol cat?
no fun how?? shitty social media discordfags? Fat rebel off crying? Some shit niche comic?
You're mentally retarded.
I could give you catgrl drawfag, but she was pretty weak, especially her tumblroid art which lacked the cuteness of animu Alunya and Rodina.
CGDF is the only person who actually deserves positive attention. Also maybe Schnitz because he's a good clown and knows how to do fun videos.
The pretentious "serious" bunch is just so insufferable with their selfimportance of delivering stupid shit opinions.
The real problems are opinion-tubers and their twitter cancer counterparts.
All good things must come to an end
I got you fam. I'll take over making political ideology catgirls comics from now on.
I am hooked already! When is the next release fam?
the content is actually pretty good, because accurate
I guess I'll try to follow the release schedule she had, on the 1st and 15th every month. So the next one will be on the 15th.
Now you can stop acting like every drawfag is fucking god.
Stop godfaging
even tho u r baiting ego namefag
i love you post
the beard needs to go first though
I don't think the "imageboard autist" look really appeals to the audience
I'll vote for Joona if he promises to officially apologise for Rosa as party leader.
That actually made me giggle like a little girl (thanks for making me feel like a little girl user)
Not this guy again.
Wow rude, this guy is clearly ready for some serious discussion.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
tbh now that I got another look his style is actually very similar to mine, only my beard and hair are both longer - the glasses are similar as well
I'm planning to perhaps join the Left Alliance too. Maybe the imageboard autist was within me all along.
Aw. That's sad. Oh well.
Treasonous cunt
hate this shit.
real artists who are trying to aim beyond this do not have a place because everybody expects to be part of some shitty "community" and make cheap "requests" on tumblr.
Anyne else here who can draw that can take over for her?
What a LARP'ing pussy Rachel is.
good tbh.
catgirls are a product of, and a reflection of consumerist society.
He's not just one guy, famalam. Rodina looks like a tranny now, but no cock.
t. Joe
they're also sexist
wow. no fun allowed eh?
Lurk more, no fun allowed poster.
I was speaking as if I was in her position
not really.
(tbh part of the reason they don't appeal is latent sexism on my part. i simply don't like women.)
if you want to have fun, ride the trashcan down a street. don't eat from it.
i've always liked how every time i say something negative about catgirls as a whole, the sexism thing is brought up.
if anything my objection comes from the inverse angle: it's not antipathetic enough to women. it's not exclusionary enough, on some level.
(you'll appreciate that it's hard for me to strike the right balance in articulating this, because simultaneously i'm too rational to fall into r9k women-hating territory, but remain hostile on many levels and prefer to just ignore them on a personal level. this leads to hostility to most other men falling into the trap of idealizing women they will never have, an act i can only view as pathetic outside a 15 minute wank session.)
how do you fags wear this shit?
it is uncomfortable as fuck
feels like you have a winter hat on all the time
and a beard makes you feel like a filthy animal
t. clean shaved short hair masterrace
Goatee and short hair master race.
I'm pretty sure that an act of shaving can make a human from a monkey :^)
just a cool kid
I hope comrade drawfag papa is still around
I love your work man, keep it up
She did her part when she caused plebbit to have an autistic meltdown.
how can anyone not like catgirls?
cats = good
girls = bad
synthesis = bland.
No offense to her but she didn't really have the chops to popularize theory considering she's read, what, maybe the bread book and some Debord? It's for the best. Hopefully she'll be able to spend more time doing stupid shit with us now.
now say that to her face
"you are a soulless creature of consumerism, a Frankenstein and an idealization of the crudest sort, furthermore you are not sexually appealing. Cease occupying screen real-estate."
you have no soul
What if they have a pee pee tho
word-for-word the same reply tbh.
who's shit talking beards
You are a child of heresy. I award you no points, and may Alunya have mercy on your soul
the one thing i hate the most is that social dynamics are such that a man could never pull off the leftcom cat aesthetic without going into trans* territory. it just doesn't work that way.
there is a 22.819757269281091718751857157151…% chance that this has a statistically significant impact on the Darger-Williams modifier used in calculating the proportion of brainpower expended on fantasies involving the death of all mankind.
why are you so against fun?
bourgeois fun should be abolished.
Not if you shampoo and condition it you filthy autist…
is this loss
Dude… holy heck…
I fucking hate April Fools' just because of shit like this. I can't tell whether or not she's really quitting or if it's part of the holiday.
Why did she make anarcho capitalism into a self absorbed cunt. Could magacat not have been that?
This is a real shame, I loved those comics. Hopefully she still keeps some sort of twitter presence, she's a cool kid.
Best of luck to her in the future.
With all of the other trip-fags gone.
Now is truly the time for the Hoochie-Scott dual monarchy.
Trip-fags will prevail.
The comics we're pretty shit tbh
The jokes at its best when it's a one off image she posts on Twitter
now everyone is expecting a prank on March 31st though. I'm going to pull an epic ruse on Holla Forums on October 9th, and no one will see that coming.
Damn it..
If only I knew she had a patreon earlier…
It wouldn't change much, as se does have to create a "protfolio" or whatever anyway.
Creating things can be really discouraging, and creating things for a niche audience can be even more discouraging. I thank you for the stuff you made for us, and I only hope you still get fun ideas for Holla Forums comics from time to time.
Don't be a dick.
Thanks user, I appreciate it.
Do a comic on the leftypol discord coup
Damn not to try and white knight or something, but her bf kind of sounds like a prick. He doesn't read her comic? It takes like two minutes every two weeks.
We need to commission Lumineko again tbh
I really don't see how catgirls are not "accessible".
What do people want? Spoonfeeding?
No that's dumb
I'm a STEMlord who's never taken a humanities course and found Holla Forums from slapfights on Holla Forums.
I understand the comics.
How the fuck does someone manage to have less understanding of political ideologies than me.
Some normies get really, really triggered by anything even remotely resembling anime.
So, the problem is ideologies, or catgirls?
kemonomimi is a cultural/mythological thing. Capitalism certainly commercialized them and made them mainstream, but that's always been pretty much unavoidable. And while we all do want to advance the world to a state of universal communism, if only to see how cat girls would manifest in that sort of society, there's no harm in enjoying them in their current form.
Yeah seriously, my bf writes short stories and even though I'm not super into them I still read all of them.
there were stories about marrying kitsune long before anime waifu, as an example of what you're saying.
Am I the only one who thinks Rodina is best girl.
No, you're not
awww, she finally grew up
"Ancient Egyptians were furry" tier.
(Everyone knows they were good, upstanding, hardworking, honest, all-American zoophiles.)