Is there a list of what wordfilters Holla Forums has?
Is there a list of what wordfilters Holla Forums has?
Cease this irrelevant shitting you asserist, funny 🍀🍀🍀useful idiot🍀🍀🍀.
Lurk more.
Hahaha, I get it! It's funny because you posted lots of things that get filtered :^)
they're newfag traps for retards like you. lurk more
Thank you for the (you).
I'm happy to share my limited knowledge with you, user.
Those Jew echoes Holla Forums likes to use get replaced with shamrocks.
"Nâtional Socialist" gets changed to "Not Socialist".
"Dêgeneracy" gets changed to "fun".
"Strâsserist" gets changed to "Asserist".
"Prîvilege" gets changed to "muh muh privilege".
I'd really like to know what filters into sinner.
Is useful idiot a filter? What filters to it?
No it's not, I just couldn't think of a word to put there. It should have been "Not Socialist" tho, what a missed opportunity, dunno how I forgot it.
I'll try some of them out.
🍀🍀🍀Jews🍀🍀🍀 fun muh privilege Not Socialist
p r o b l e m a t i c gets turned to excellent
1Q becomes Autism Level.
Why though
The more people they can trigger the better IMO
why is there a word filter for a baseball player?
I agree, that's why it's kinda disappointing we don't have the PoC -> shitskin filter yet.
Don't forget whité génocide is filtered to anuddah shoah
No because then that will make the rightist reactionaries happy. Need something like "I'm afraid to say black" for that or African-American
Colored people would be pretty nice.
Shitskin->i'm afraid of black people
PoC-> Them Coloreds
It's to make /sp/ angry when they claim gets.
ah, makes sense
BO needs to learn regex for some of those repeated filters.
this, except shitskin should translate to BBC
PoC should filter into PoS
"Aryan" should filter to "snow nigger"
go home Holla Forums
Those don't sound funny even a little bit.
also deeply triggering and problematic
t. Holla Forums
5/5 breddy gud
it's time to stop
I know it might be shocking, but you don't have to be a Holla Forumslack to notice those attempts at humour are fucking terrible and point out that everybody defending them should fuck off back to his facebook meme pages.
what if shitskin got filtered to cracker or honkey?
Thanks :)
National socialist Autism Level fun
t. Holla Forums
Holla Forums should be filtered to reddit and reddit should be filtered to Holla Forums
both should be filtered to 9gag
Holla Forums should be filtered to 9gag.
Wouldn't that cause an infinite loop?
Maybe something like:
reddit→Holla Forums\/pol\/→reddit
if that were the case then wouldn't "pr𝗂vilege -> muh pr𝗂vilege" be an infinite loop too
Lurk moar
Fuck off to Holla Forums poltard
Imagine getting so irritable and autistic because I didn't want to have a spooky wordfilter for poc to say shitskin.
deeply triggering and problematic is my favourite one, cracks me up every time
also testingle happy merchant meem
I just now noticed ÌQ gets filtered to Autism Level.
For the longest time, I read that in posts made by Holla Forumsyps passionately talking about race, and got very confused. I ended up thinking the higher the autism in a group, the best overall intelligence they had. I ended up thinking this for real.
God, my Autism Level isn't so high, is it.
Oh I didn't think of that.
At least three other IB softwares used to give me an error when I tried doing something similar with wordfilters in the past.
Cuck = Stallion
Nigger = youths
Holla Forums = Reddit
Tranny/Trap = The mentally Ill
problematic Rated PG Parental Guidance muh privilege evolved plant deeply triggering and problematic glorious uprising torture chamber Not Socialist Asser \/int\/ get Enver Hoxha Nazi Nazi masturbation fantasy anuddah shoah ZOG Occupied Government turd position \/sp\/ G E T EnverHoxha actually reactionary fun Autism Level
Rated PG Parental Guidance: Not Socialism
Dеgeneracy is аnti white, so start a rаce war against the ZОG in the name of Strаsserism!
- EnverHoxha
Trigger wаrning: Nаtional Socialism
Dеgeneracy is аnti white, so start a rаce war against the ZОG in the name of Strаsserism!
- EnverHoxha
"M!sogyny" gets filtered to "hatred of women".
You used to be able to see wordfilters and other board settings at this special page:
It currently 403's though.
These special pages are actually linked in the Holla Forums FAQ:
what other wordfilters do you think should be added?
I definitely recall lots of Holla Forumsnigger posts not all too long ago claiming they had Autism Levels of 1200+. This word filter should make for some interesting threads.
Because of retarded Holla Forumsyps and their insistence that Genetically modified plants (watered with floruride water dontchaknow) are going to sterilize all white people if they eat them. Conspiracy nonsense. They don't even realize all the plants we have now have already been genetically modified by cross-breeding through thousands of years.
They are in fact, perfectly healthy evolved plants, which there is nothing wrong with them and they're safe to eat. Holla Forums can fuck right off. Why don't these assholes go start a fucking garden if they care so much instead of whining? get them outside a bit.
class reduction-/essentialism to 'just social(ism) '
Be glad, it could have been good boy points.
also "brocialist" to "actual socialist" or "non-college socialist"
Shit ideas.