On June 8th
What does it mean for Corbyn? What were the possible motives for the snap election?
On June 8th
What does it mean for Corbyn? What were the possible motives for the snap election?
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Corbyn is fucked, we are fucked, neo liberalism has won.
Well she might not get it she needs 2/3 vote to be allowed to call it, so its down to Corbyn if he wants to risk an election. Which he will probably loose and loose badly. Probably wants it while she is doing well in the polls and labour is in the shit
I predict a massive loss for Labour - the urban liberal/working class coalition the modern party is built on will be eroded further. A notable section of urban liberals will go to their true ideological home in LibDems, spurred to vote for the ideologically pro-EU party. They'll forget all about the university fees betrayal.
On the other hand kipper distress could bring a lot of lost working-class support back home. Kippers are on borrowed time anyway, Brexit is bound to be a disaster and they'll bear the brunt of the blame instead of the Tories. What a convenient fallout guy.
What caused this? Only things I can think of are the EU starting to put the boot to May and Unite and Momentum potentially allying.
Yeah the libdems will do well in the middle class smaller cities especial in the pro remain areas of london as well. At least lib dem have become more left wing to fill in the gap where new labour was. We have local elections on the 8th so I guess seeing how that goes will determine how badly labour are going to do
She's obviously doing it right now because Labour are faltering and Tories are almost certain to win. This would give them governance until 2022, I think? Very sneaky.
His path to victory was to let May fumble her way through tory Brexit and completely own the ensuing disaster. He needed that extra time and now he's fucked
Corbyn confirms Labour will vote for early election
Jeremy Corbyn has put out this statement about Theresa May’s announcement.
Labour confirms it will vote for early election.
To over-ride the Fixed-term Parliaments Act Theresa May needs a two-thirds majority in the Commons.
That suggests 434 MPs.
With the Conservatives (330 MPs) and Labour (229 MPs) voting in favour, May has her majority.
Wtf is this nigger doing?
Conservative rule til 2022 then.
Its time for some militant organizing folks
Which dimension of chess is this?
Not a britbong, but Corbyn has lately been trash tier and I have been disappointed by him.
This complete pussyfooting around Brexit he did to keep his voter base was pathetic.
Labor is the only leftist party right now in Europe in favor of Brexit. And by doing this they completely legitimised both the Torry corporate gangsters and the Ukiper troglodyte bottom feeders.
Any chance there will rise up an UK version of Podemos or Unsubmissive France now that Labour is in shambles? Or is the conservative hegemony too strong?
I wonder what their strategy is.
Tidied it up a little. Corbyn can't risk going into an election whipping people against it, and the Blairites would probably throw him under a bus. Some polling suggests he's clawed back quite a bit of ground and if he gets on TV with May he would destroy her. It's not looking good but he's doing the right thing charging into it.
The UK is a two party system like the US.
liberals please go
Corbyn has been an endless disappointment. No where near radical enough to even be a populist. Centre of the road trash.
We need a George Galloway in these times
Fuck it let's meme this shit. I mean everyone's already expecting the worst anyway
top fucking kek
typical anglo stubbornness.
Brexit means, Britain will become a corporate tax haven with the financier gangsters in the tory government ruling an un-united Britain until 2100
You niggas are some of the most impatient, short sighted people I swear.
Really activated the almonds
Like I said before, there is no leftist party in Europe that is pro-exit from the EU apart from Labor.
So if I am reddit, what are you, and what are your motives?
The EU offers absolutely nothing except neoliberalism, whereas Brexit offers the opportunity of radical upheaval which might produce change in the direction we want. If you think the status quo is worth sticking with you might as well give up on socialism altogether.
You mean spineless socdem.
Please never become a registered Labour member.
This tbh.
That's because we had a referendum on it this year you fuckwit.
Can't wait until Melenchon rips France out of the EU and you feel like an even bigger idiot
Wrong, there is no pro-EU leftist parties. Just a whole lot of fucking liberals
We will have a fourth international people.
wouldn't dream of ever joining Tony Blair's party
There won't be radical upheaval.
The Tories will trash the NHS, corporatize the last remaining havens of social welfare and turns Britain into a tax haven. The proles of Britain will go desperate but they will never rise up preferring their little cozy corporate jobs to the October revolution you fantasise about. Those who will be spared this miserable fate will be the Scottish who will have left the UK by this time.
Melenchon is not pro-Frexit
Right, he's just pro-EU as long as they get on their knees and goatse themselves to france
that's not the annil flag user, just anarchy
That means if May wins the general election, Corbyn has to step down and hand over the reigns to a mild neoliberal.
Unless you do something about it.
Will Corbyn accomplish anything revolutionary if he takes control of the British government. Of course not, but does that mean he can't win? No. I think he has a good chance of winning, I just realize that winning doesn't mean much of anything except compromise with the bourgeois and more concessions to the working class. Social Democracy doesn't accomplish fuck all in the end.
Down 20 points with 6 weeks left - preparing for a big blue UK :^(
Can't be too starry-eyed
Funny because I was hearing 25 before the weekend, then it's "uh, around 17" and I've just found one saying "well maybe it's 9"
Don't get your hopes up, but I'd say it's one of three reasons expanding on that May has called it.
One more point, May is calling the election now because she knows that Brexit is going belly up, and her popularity has nowhere else to go but down.
If Labour finds a way to accelerate the mess that is Brexit, then they'd have a victory on their hands.
She's calling it now because she's getting a hint she may not actually win in 2020. If she thought Labour was going to keep going down the shitter she'd just coast on it.
Corbyn is fucked, he might of had a chance if it wasn't called early.
Corbyn is a fucking retard for doing this, it is a very bad move at the moment.
Fuck yeah you're right he is a total idiot for calling this election!!!!
Sad times we are in when people still have trump/obama supporter levels of delusion just because they fell for the rhetoric and hype.
He'd never live it down if he declined. It's now or never and he knows it. Great move by the Tories tbqhwy.
Fascinating non-argument. Please point me to where in Obama's campaign he made any substantive promise to hold the banks accountable or whatever other thing people get assmad about him "disappointing" them. Obama and Trump for the most part didn't swindle people with fake rhetoric, but with empty rhetoric where they never really promised to do anything good in the first place.
Nobody has to supply you with a coherent reply if your opening post was retarded.
Anything to excuse your own lack of substance I suppose. Nothing I said was untrue, but I'm sorry I hurt your feelings
I'd like to know the blend of weed Corbyn was smoking that made him think that was a good idea.
No, it still looks pretty likely she would have won in 2020 as well, but probably not by as much as she'll win by now. She's 20 points ahead in the polls and it's unlikely she'll be any more than that soon so she might as well call the election now and gain the largest majority she possibly can. It's sheer opportunism but it's bound to work because Labour will look like total fucking idiots if they turn down the election.
You didn't since it's not me, I'm just sick of seeing passive aggressive faggots like yourself post shit and when you get shit posted back you pull a funny ebin molymeme on them.
None of those greentexts are representative of any argument I put forth. But then again, you called me a faggot so your rhetorical genius obviously wins out here.
I made the case that he has obvious euroskeptic tendencies and policies, and all you responded with was basically "SAD!". Try not to think so highly of yourself when all you have in your arsenal is strawmanning and pretension
Jobs, healthcare, taking big pharma down a notch, being "peace" candidates, and the many issues Trump continues to backpedal on in the future. This tier of delusion isn't just with Trump and Obama, but with many politicians and parties around the world currently, like with Maduro, Justin Treudeu etc.
I kinda feel bad for you because you don't understand how much of a disappointment you are setting yourself up for.
That is a shame, you are right about the opportunistic Blairites as they would definitely take advantage. Looks really grim in my eyes currently as I doubt he would win at this moment, I guess we will just hope for a miracle.
As a burger, I'm confused. If Corbyn knows he'll lose and TM just said she wouldn't hold elections why would he agree to hold the elections? Surely he would be better served letting TM completely flail Brexit then run in a couple years and destroy her.
Jobs and healthcare he delivered on (though in the shittiest way possible), and taking big pharma "down a notch" is the most hilarious non-promise of all time. That's what I mean by empty rhetoric. The only promises that matter at this junction are the ones that lead to direct dismantling of neoliberal institutions like the EU, whether intentionally or not. None of these socdems are our saviors, but they can lead to conditions that are favorable to our goals.
If Corbyn fails this he's done. Time to make your last stand socialists.
The sense of urgency that this will hopefully bring among the left in Britain may be enough to create a mass movement.
because if Corbyn refuses May will run with the view that Corbyn is putting himself first before the electorate or something to that degree
Anyway Corbyn been saying he would vote for an election since December.
How will this influence the Scottish referendum? And what about Northern Ireland?
So, anytime the ruling party is ahead in polls they can call for an election?
Left-wing parties should be carrying out exits from the EU on their own terms not the terms of the right. Do like Melanchon, demand a more democratic and less austerity driven structure with the exit as leverage in the bargaining.
If there is one thing the success of Melanchon and Podemos has shown us, its that populism is necessary for victory. Rally people against the elite and paint all the other parties as just the righ and left hand of Capital. Someone mail Corbyn's advisers a copy of On Populist Reason by Lacan asap. I hope Corbyn is at least smart enough to look to Melanchon for inspiration and ask for advice.
Sorry Tony but we control the party framework now.
Usually the country isn't being run by someone who wasn't elected in the first place
When the alternative is to give up on exit completely it's a tough choice. You're probably right, but at the same time there's an argument to be made against letting it fester in favor of a bad short term solution that may lead to long term benefit.
Obama mainly kept his rhetoric nice and vague, but Trump straight up told dozens of bare-faced lies during his campaign.
Melanchon was 15 points back a month ago. Corbyn just needs to call out May as a ruling class tool and adopt populist rhetoric. Also any Britbongs campaign for him, its not over yet.
But was there any consistent promise he really made? I mean, he's clearly got more holes in his brain than the average politician so smooth lies were never an option, but he was all over the place on anything that mattered so it was all kind of a wash.
I see him winning, but through a hung parliament collation with the SNP, it won't make much difference because ya know, capitalism, but it would be an improvement over the Tories.
This is the thing, SocDems can't even legislate any of their policies under the EU because its built from the ground up to stop them from doing so, otherwise they would've done so already.
If they don't leave the EU they're fucked, just wanting to leave the monetary union is just soft euroscepticism, it isn't enough because France will still be under the clutches of the EU.
Except it isn't. The communist part of my country also congratulated the UK for the brexit voting.
Those are all things he flipped flopped on during the campaign itself even. This isn't a defense of Trump, this is me saying if you thought there was a consistent promise being made that you could count on you were kind of a retard.
PM pretty much can call it when they want, actually used to be easier to call a snap general election before a 'set term limit' were introduced. Now the PM either has to engine a vote of no confidence, or get 2/3 of the parlinament to back her dissolving this parliamentary term. Still its there call
It's not that unusual these days tbh. 4 out of the last 7 PMs the UK have only got the PM job because they won the leadership of their party, as opposed to leading it in an election victory
It would be nice if people stop calling the UK a democracy then. It's no different than Saudi Arabia or DPRK
What even is your point? You've gone from "hey stop saying people use rhetoric" to "well he used too much rhetoric for it to count!". The average person does not pay attention and isn't exactly Einstein, they hear what they want to hear and are addled with cognitive dissonance. I get the feeling from your posts you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.
Why so angry? My point was there was no real promise to betray. He said a whole lot of nothing and when he did say anything he immediately contradicted it. My larger point is "never believe anything any politician says ever" isn't constructive or useful and is not the same as saying "politicians lie" which is obvious.
Lead cutlery or thyroid damage?
lol brits
an SnP lab coalition would be unpalatable for most of the english. cant see it happening
Tories were elected 2 years ago. May was just swapped in when Cameron fucked off.
A Conservative/LibDem coalition would be unpalatable to the LibDem voters. Luckily it doesn't much matter what you want when you've already cast your ballot.
but if the polls show a swing to labour but not enough for a majority the narrative will be SNP lab coalition meaning people would rather have tory maj
I thought we were the fifth international?
Pretty much this. She's counting on the people who should be voting labour still being bitter about Brexit.
But expect some of the same people who claimed that Corbyn was only half-heartedly supporting Remain to do some half hearted support of Corbyn (Owen Jones, i'm looking at you).
Expect also "Yes Labour can help the marginilised, but do we really want to vote for smelly old Corbyn?" comment is free articles.
The narrative is always going to be anti-Lab/SNP.
Yeah we can't leave out our main man Posadas.
In some ways an election is a good thing for Corbyn. It allows him to re-(re-re)-introduce himself to the electorate and most importantly talk in concrete terms about what a Corbyn Labour government would actually mean. The negative game that the blairites play of undermining their own party by making their own pet peeves into supposed pressing issues (eg, the fact that the labour left wing dont support the state of israel's expansionism becomes a million unfounded claims that 'labour has a problem with antisemitism') forces the focus on Labour itself and away from the ways in which the tories are being allowed to bleed the country.
Elections constitute a completely different political reality to usual opposition politics, one in which counter-opposition stops being seen as opposition and starts to be seen as siding with different political forces (I'm not saying one situation is better or more truthful than the other, only that this is how things will begin to be seen in the media). This significantly weakens the blairites' position of political immunity. They either get on board, or we all sink.
We gotta throw everything behind Corbyn right now. If he loses to the Tories in June, the right wing of the Labour Party will blame the left, oust Corbyn from the leadership, and put a Blairite in his place.
Idk what the fuck is he thinking, but godspeed you absolute madman
Please copy the shit out of Melenchon's campaign
I wonder how his singing voice is for when he sings the english version of L'Internationale
I wonder what Jon Oliver will have to say about it? I'm wondering how he'll manage to throw Corbyn under the bus without endorsing May
I think Mélechon's type campaign will progressively become the norm in Europe.
If it means the braggs version then no thanks
This is going to be a disaster. But I like how the bill the Tories themselves brought in to stop people calling early elections is going to be made completely meaningless.
It's the Podemos/Syriza type campaigning. Basically, left populism.
I normally like Billy but the lyrics for his are just worse. I am seeing him live a couple of weeks after the election so it should be interesting.
Tbf the original version in english sounds autistic and anachronistic as fuck. I'd feel kind of lame singing the braggs version but the original version is pure LARP
I like the version with the line 'for reason in revolt now thunders'
Ever single leftist should watch this speech but that webm has no sound. Here's the speech someone should make a new webm.
Also side not. Iglesias' windbreakers collar is the colours of the spanish republican flag, it is fly as fuck.
That isn't the original English version, it's the American version. This is the original:
Caribbean version will always be the best.
Arise ye toilers of all nations,
Condemned to misery and woe;
To hell with humbleness and patience,
Give deadly battle to the foe.
Wipe out the rule of wealthy classes;
Arise and smash your slavery chains
Let power be wielded by the masses,
Let those who labour hold the reins.
Proletarians, come rally
For this final big Fight.
The Internationale,
All toiling folks unite!
No god, no king, no politician
Will win for us a better day,
So let us drop the old traditions,
Forge weapons for the coming fray.
Roll up your sleeves all working fellows,
Put fire beneath the melting pot,
Set up the forge, and blow the bellows
Lets strike the iron while it’s hot.
The earth and all its boundless treasures,
Belong by right, to those who toil;
No parasites of wealth or leisure
Shall claim possession of the soil,
We hail the mighty tempest raging,
The flash of lightning through the gloom
For us the dawn of life presaging;
For them the knell of mortal doom.
Weird, I've never seen this version sung anywhere. I agree it's better and now I'm wondering why the fuck CPUSA was full of such autistic LARPers.
I like the militancy, but the chorus is absolute dog shit.
Fifth International when?
What's so bad about it? All I can think of is that the words "final" and "big" should be switched.
That's just taking "first as a tragedy, then as a farce" to a whole new level.
Pretty tragic.
Fuck that shit we just need a nuclear apocalypse fam
Agreed, I hope this country turns to fire. I feel nothing but hatred.
the orginal is good and you are trash for talking shit about it
Turns out I had the wrong original version. Do you really the the CPUSA version is good?
Fucking tops
its not the best but its better than braggs autistic little song
Britain is fucked.
Shit tier tbh
you shut your whore mouth
Idk I feel like I could get normies to sing braggs but CPUSA is tryhard as fuck. Though I guess it was probably more okay to sing about "the international soviet" and use words like "ye" and "tis" seriously back in the 30s
Anyway after listening to the original it's clearly the best so I have no idea why anyone fucked with it
Whats stopping us from doing Holla Forums tier memery and memeing corbyn into power?
Leftist cynicism and infighting mostly
Don't believe Holla Forums stupidity. Trump was not "memed" into power. Trump tapped into already existing anxiety and dissatisfaction. Plus the groundwork for the whole thing was laid by the Koch brothers and Tea Party which Trump co-opted much to their anger.
Pretty much. Feels like it's going to be Thatcher 2.0 for the next decade or so at the very least.
Problem is, this is the tactic: get an election in now before the shit starts to really hit the fan.
The conservatives really are the definition of scummy as they know just how unpopular they're GOING to be in the next couple of years, so attempt to consolidate power as quickly as possible before people start to notice the stench of shit everywhere.
That is a really really good speech actually, bumping so others will watch it too.
Great, one didn't win shit besides Barcelona's city council and the other one just became a regular succdem gubmint!
But they did win their election to be fair, so it's a good strategy for left populism
I think Corbyn wants to go but doesn't know how to do it, getting BTFO in a GE would give him the exit he wants.
what drugs are you on?
His line about "peace and bread" in 1905 in Russia starting at the 6 minute mark gave me chills. It's so fucking true.
wrong thread m80
thanks user
I'm in a Scottish constituency. Should I vote SNP or Labour (if a leftist is the candidate)? Our previous MP was a LibDem
Guessing you're an Orcadian or Shetlander?
Alasdair Carmichael is a lying piece of shit, and Scottish Labour are a bunch of blairite fucks in open defiance of Corbyn 24/7 who are obsessed with trying to out-union the Tories. If you have to vote at all, vote SNP.
y tho
I'm not that familiar with Bong politicis, but what I gleam from various threads is that actual leftist Corbyn successfully kept the blairite hordes at bay, but has fared terribly with the populace, not the least of which because literally the entire British media but Morning Star is against him.