Meanwhile, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave,
Stalin was such a brutal tyrant, he made the prisoners in gulag eat nothing but horrible, tasteless cabbage soup!
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll take the cabbage soup! NO LOAF, NO LOAF
Fun fact. There are more people in US prisons right now than in Soviet Union in 1938 during the zenith of the Great Purge.
Imagine if Stalin wasn't an incompetent.
americas crime is far worse than any other nation
he already do nigga
proves my point
how many people in american prisons are in there because of drug related stuff? Just curious
meanwhile in portugal noone go in jail because of drugs, and apparently it works
More Americans in prison now than there ever were in gulags.
Like, half. Probably more if you count shit like robbery looking for valuables to sell for drugs.
There's 2.2 million burgers in prison and about twice that number on probation or parole.
Here's a list of countries by population. Look at all the counties with fewer people than Americans in prison:
It's hard to know because people can be in prison for multiple things. Generally though, poorer kids get busted for drugs and get much harsher sentences, and turn into hardened thugs in the burger "rehabilitation" (passive aggressive punishment) system
Fuck, look at how many American states and territories have fewer people:
It's worse than that.
Even after you've supposedly "paid your debts to society" they still fuck you over because having a felony conviction means you're effectively a second class citizen.
You can't vote, own firearms, (in spite of it officially being frowned upon) and suffer serious job discrimination because nobody wants to hire or work with an ex-con.
It's a never ending downward spiral.
Dont look at the racial statistics of US prisons or people will call you racist.
At the conclusion of the conference, a tribute to Comrade Stalin was called for. Of course, everyone stood up (just as everyone had leaped to his feet during the conference at every mention of his name). … For three minutes, four minutes, five minutes, the stormy applause, rising to an ovation, continued. But palms were getting sore and raised arms were already aching. And the older people were panting from exhaustion. It was becoming insufferably silly even to those who really adored Stalin.
However, who would dare to be the first to stop? … After all, NKVD men were standing in the hall applauding and watching to see who would quit first! And in the obscure, small hall, unknown to the leader, the applause went on – six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly – but up there with the presidium where everyone could see them?
The director of the local paper factory, an independent and strong-minded man, stood with the presidium. Aware of all the falsity and all the impossibility of the situation, he still kept on applauding! Nine minutes! Ten! In anguish he watched the secretary of the District Party Committee, but the latter dared not stop. Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers! And even then those who were left would not falter…
Then, after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat. And, oh, a miracle took place! Where had the universal, uninhibited, indescribable enthusiasm gone? To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down. They had been saved!
The squirrel had been smart enough to jump off his revolving wheel. That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested. They easily pasted ten years on him on the pretext of something quite different. But after he had signed Form 206, the final document of the interrogation, his interrogator reminded him:
“Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.”
sweet fable sibling
It was on QI so it must be true.
Non-whites are hounded by the police far more than whites.
You fucking idiot. I'd imagine only 0,1% of the criminals being convicted are actual psychos or have done something stupid for purely emotional reasons.
99,9% of crimes are done out of economic reasons, something which is called "greed" in the media but is actually just an attempt to make a living or to reach up to a middle class standard.
People who commit more crime are hounded by the police more often.
Wow that is a huge revelation.
Next up, grass is green and the sky is blue!
This is bullshit as well. Identity politics must go, both left and right
Nice to see both tankies and Holla Forums suckle at the teat of liberal ideology despite their insistence otherwise.
As one of todays foremost thinkers on this topic Jon Jafari skillfully pointed out: there is still quite a difference between the races even after you correct for income.
The police arent neutral. They are heavily institutionally biased against criminals.
Its almost like they spend all their resources chasing or catching criminals and ruining their livelihoods.
Its awful prejudice that I think we could do without.
PS whats a tanky?
When you can make our britbong food look good you know your doing something seriously fucking wrong
You're claiming police are neutral in their pursuit of crime, which is nonsense. The police enforce what they want to enforce, make arrests how they'd like to arrest. This goes back to old liberal ideology that seems to imply that equal rights under the law somehow equates to equal enforcement of the law.
A militant, authoritarian Stalinist
Im fully aware know there are instances where the police arent neutral such as the arrest of a family member or something like that.
What if I told you that the primary function of the police isn't to pursue crime? That they're an agency of state-funded Pinkertons who's primary objective is to enforce order and protect property, not protect the civilian population. They're the armed thugs of the bourgeois state, not the lawmen they dress themselves up as.
I guess I would say that enforcing order, protecting property and pursuing general crime are not mutually exclusive. Since damaging or stealing someone elses property is a crime.
Dont get me wrong the law is bad in many areas. Particularly drugs, prostitution and other victim-less crimes. But if the police are enforcing a bad law, its better to be angry at the bad laws rather than the guys whose job it is to enforce them.
Ii do wish that American police were still cool like in your picture.
One of the rioters has a gun! But the bad ass policemen are giving no fucks, and striking cool poses with their batons.
Yeah, nah, cops deserve only a quick execution at best.
How do we reform the police and prison system?
Purge everything
Property is theft and the means by which the ruling class chains the workers, my dude.
Sure. But beating me in counterstrike is also theft.
top lel it's you who is drowning in ideology. Let me tell you why:
- Police doesn't convict people, judges do. Nobody has been sent to prison by a policeman
- To claim that all policeman are le ebul racists is utterly ridiculous and if you actually went out into the real world you'd know that a few odd occurances of racism amongst the police force are nowhere near as often that it would justify the huge non-white majority in prisons
- Even if a cop holds racist personal views, for him to actual apply them during his duty, he doesn't just need to be a racist, he also needs to be corrupt. Remember that cops are always with a partner. So you don't just need a) a racist cop, you also b) need him to be corrupt and c) having a racist and corrupt partner as well. To prove your conspiracy you now need to align the alleged percentage of cops who fulfill a), b) and c) with the difference between the percentage of ethnic minorities in prisons and the percentage of ethnic majorities in the general population - the numbers quickly become ridiculous.
It's utterly anti-materialistic and decidedly liberal to look for reasons within cultural values instead of engaging in an economic analysis of why the crime statistics are the way they are, you don't even need to be a Marxist to do that, even the most liberal analyst would agree that people overwhelmingly commit crimes because of economic reasons, not because they are blacks who glorious uprising, and also not because white people really evil. We hate the police here because they uphold the current economic state of affairs, because of their socio-economic function, not because they are le white oppressors.
Wordfilter got me
I never said cultural reasons don't play a role at all, just that they are highly exaggerated. There is gang culture etc. amongst ostracized young non-whites, their economic units are often organized in black markets and clans, therefore, what the law defines as crime happens more often.
Still, their superstructure is rooted in their economic base and not in biology.
Step 1 is to change the attitude in poor inner city areas that being a criminal is a prestigious and reasonable career prospect.
As long as you get more respect for slinging crack rocks than for getting an education or a trade then theres always going to be problems with an oversupply of criminals.
Education is for the middle class only in Burgerland and is entirely closed for people with a record. Remember, "having a record" means something like drinking a beer near the campus in some states.
t. Yuropoor who dated an American girl
The problem there is the fact you can make thousands of dollars in one afternoon slinging dope.
Nobody's going to voluntarily become a wage slave as long as you can make more money as a drug dealer.
Reminder that the drug dealing meme also gets glorified by popular black culture even.
Shit like Public Enemy never praised the ghetto unironically the way dumbed-down modern pop music does and always had a social message. So as long as you don't just get the profit out of it, but even become a madly respected hardcore nigga, this will go on. Adorno was right about everything
I agree that its primarily culture. But race does play its part.
For instance black women in particular have higher testosterone than other races. Making them more proactive and assertive. And unfortunately being proactive and assertive are traits which make you more likely to commit a crime.
This is irrelevant. Having testosterone is not that much of a factor. How many crimes did a rich man commit (I mean, legally speaking)? Most of them never even got a ticket.
Show me a poor woman and a wealthy banker and I tell you who is more likely to commit a crime.
But its still not a sensible career when your in jail or dead by your late twenties.
A doctor can earn thousands in an afternoon.
It just takes a lot more investment of work before you reap the rewards. And the advantage is that nobody is going to do a drive by on you.
There are dirt poor Indians and Asians etc who manage to get an education, start a business, or get a career.
We need to somehow transplant that attitude on to inner city black communities.
If testosterone is not a factor in crime then why do men commit far more crimes than women?
Is it the pesky matriachy unfairly targeting men yet again?
The upper levels of the police command structure police is a rather racist way.
I know the police in my area were doing military-style training/drills of some sort in the middle of a poor black neighborhood.
It's true.
Nobody in that situation thinks long term, especially since they figure (rightly, as it so happens) that close to 80% of them will be either dead or in prison by the time they're 25, assuming they even live that long.
They're betting everything on the short term, because they don't see anything else.
[citation needed]
Duh, in the traditional economic unit of a family the man will provide which means committing the crimes to take care of the baby mama. Purely economic.
Are you telling me that men engage in tavern brawls more often? Yeah that might be true, but come on. Again, how many rich people you know who have a record?
They have no incentive to seek a way out.
As you say, school costs time and money, drug dealing doesn't.
There are also cultural pressures involved, as seeking an education is often derided and seen as weakness or "wanting to be white ".
Until that attitude towards education changes, nothing is going to happen.
I'm not condoning that, but come on. They wanted to show them who calls the shots. No reason to mix race into this.
Men are over represented in every crime not just economic ones.
And this even happens in countries where alcohol is forbidden so you cant just say its men getting drunk in 'tavern brawls'.
Exactly so whatever incentive dirt poor Indians and Koreans etc etc have to seek a way out we need to transfer that on to the inner city black community.
Quite a few of them.
They're just more adroit at avoiding penalties, owing mostly to being rich.
Perhaps you just landed on the exact source of the problem.
If a poor black kid wanted to study hard in school, or set up a business or whatever he would be accused of wanting to be white.
An Indian or Korean kid would not have that problem.
But how do we change that attitude? Just ask black kids to stop being racist? Not gonna work.
Economic reasons are not just limited to direct attainment of money or commodities. Living in a shitty ghetto is more likely to make you a violent person.
Have you looked at the statistics of how many people of wealthy backgrounds are in prison? And how many with poor backgrounds? Even if it's true that testosterone makes it more likely for you to rape someone, material conditions outshine these predispositions by far. I'm more likely to rape a girl, okay, doesn't mean I will fucking do it. It's like a vitamin C tabloid which has "this might cause cancer" on the package.
The reason the rich commit crimes is mostly boredom.
You tell them black culture fucking sucks and they need to get a fucking grip. I'm sorry, but this cultural relativism of "we must respect the negro in his natural environment and somehow integrate this into our system" is liberal bullshit. Cultures can be good or bad, and especially when a culture serves as the superstructure for the enslavement of a whole ethnicity needs to be rejected by any genuine Marxist. Tolerance =/= Acceptance
I dont disagree with that.
My point was that all other factors being equal someone with more testosterone is more likely to commit a crime than someone with less because they are more .
If you just look at the statistics you will see that your sex has a larger affect on your likelihood to commit a crime than your race or your income.
But there are a million factors at play. For instance Autism Level.
Very low Autism Level people are much more likely to find themselves in prison. Men have a wider spread of Autism Level than women, so there are more exceptionally stupid men than exceptionally stupid women. Women are grouped closer around the median.
For some weird reason it changed intelligence quotient to autism level.
I never really thought about it like that before but your right.
We kinda treat poor black people like a safari exhibit.
We have no expectations for them joining society. We just throw them our scraps.
Its the whole biggotry of low expectations thing I guess.
Race aside, I refuse to believe that. Most of the "bad" stuff I do is based on my income. I only get dunning letters from time to time because I don't have the funds to pay the bills right away. Not because I'm lazy.
You know, they abused this boy in Asia and locking him up with chickens since birth. And guess what, after he was freed years later he behaved like a fucking chicken. Environmental conditioning is most decisive factor in terms of social conditioning. Only once you eliminated all the material obstacles that prevent humans from developing their potential or their lack thereof we will truly see how the factor of genetics or nature really does affect human behaviour. At this point it's just idle speculation.
Lurk more you deficient newfag
fun fact America has over 3 times the population of the USSR at that time. which makes that stat M E A N I N G L E S S
Except that their job is to protect those people, not show them who's boss.
women commit more acts of violence against children and partners than men do and women are more likely to abuse children and bully each other than men are. women are more likely to commit fraud against men than men are against women and women are more likely to get less jail time and lighter sentences than men are
America also doesn't have civil war, coups, economic turmoil of great magnitude and foreign invasions going on.
I really don't get why people spaz out about Gulags. What's the difference to a prison? That you work? That's some difference
Damn straight.
Well, welcome to capitalism
they work in prisons too
Obviously, one ginormous factor is the absence of the black American father from his kids life.
Children raised by single mothers have far worse outcomes in every single measurable area. Including crime and income.
It takes two people to raise a kid and a boy that is raised without a man involved will not know how to be a man.
Its got to the point where the black American father is expected to leave his kid.
Americlaps treat poorer people like shit what could I have expected
Poorer people are still a part of society
a considerable number of people in the gulags committed no crimes against other humans persons or property nor did they break sumptuary codes against immoral behavior. a large number of people in the gulags were arbitrarily, often with malicious intention, rounded up and then worked to death. Why is it worse than a regular prison? Because, you're indefinitely detained, have zero rights to speak with family or a lawyer, no possibility of exoneration outside the remote possibility you can do a favor for someone powerful, are literally slave labor (as opposed to de facto slave labor), the government does mind control experiments and tortures you etc etc
I used to work in a county jail, and sometimes I'd have to eat what was being served to the inmates and it was just fine.
That is all true and Im not trying to say women arent bitches. Because they are.
Women abuse children more because they are more likely to get away with it.
A poor man is more likely to confront a stranger and rob him.
A rich woman will be much more likely to commit fraud against someone she knows.
But in raw numbers, men commit way more crimes in general.
What's next? Some idiot will pop up saying that "Hitler did nothing wrong"?
fuck this idpol
So you're not detesting the existence of Gulags themselves but rather the law enforcement which was sending people there.
You are making progress.
No such thing
[Citation needed]
Wrong, pic related
When my daddy's jailed it makes me more likely to be jailed if they're not around
It's a vicious cycle and not including the school to prison pipeline
You aren't fooling anyone with moving goalposts
LOL everyone knows Hitler made numerous strategic mistakes.
men commit more crimes because of their social position and their biology. if men were really equal with women (humor me), then the rate of violent crime among men would go down and among women it would skyrocket. Having watched women fight each other over nothing, beat children for no reason, attack men for no reason, steal for no reason its obvious that if they weren't a protected class they would be a criminal class.
But you don't eat jail food all the time
Much anecdotal evidence
I was more referring to the majority of black fathers who are not in jail but they are absent from their childrens lives.
Its something that you would never see in other countries around the world.
Any credible sources on this
Lol you'd see this shit anywhere I go to my home country and see single parents raising their kids and farm animals
Yeah when I originally brought this up I said there were millions of factors.
Having the position and capability to commit crimes is a big one.
Intelligence is a big one too.
Feminazis want to replace exceptionally intelligent men in laboratories and board rooms with mediocre women.
Without realizing the flip side to that coin is that they need to replace the exceptionally stupid men in prisons with mediocre women to keep things equal.
as in you don't know when you will be released and its arbitrary
yes statistically a significant number of people in the gulags would have to have been innocent just like statistically a significant number of victims of US airstrikes in syria have to be civilians and statistically a significant number of inmates on death row are innocent. im just relying on my own intuition and my knowledge of statistics user. stats are unreliable but useful and they all point to arbitrary mass arrests of """""dissidents""""" which with sociopathic NKVD could mean anything from "she didn't accept my advances" to "he said i wasn't really revolutionary" to "i didn't like the way he looked at me when we were beating up his neighbor"
no im a prison abolitionist but its not worth arguing for this position randomly with a tankie. the best i can do is explain that gulags are just barely worse than US prisons because they were staging grounds for brain washing, political repression, torture, slave labor and kafkaesque demoralization of the captured population
i think any time you intentionally lock up a million people and then knowing they will starve, keep them locked up in terrible conditions, you are responsible for their deaths. this is my argument against holohoaxers, even if jews died because supply lines were cut, the Nazis still locked up countless jews in camps knowing they would starve if not looked after instead of just releasing them or not incarcerating them in the first place
The only problem we had with the food was the repetition of meals. Our kitchen manager was always trying to skimp on anything she could to save money, so she'd buy a lot of the same stuff and not a lot of different stuff. Our guys might have eaten chicken nuggets at least 3 times a week, which weren't bad, but like I said, they get boring fast.
feminists want smart women replacing smart men. they just don't care if mediocre women are shoe horned into smart men's positions. They don't literally want to dumb down the STEM fields just like Globalists don't literally want to lower the Autism Level of european countries. That's a Holla Forumsnarrative that only makes sense if you take a gnostic racialist stance that presupposes that Jews would want to kill off all competition racially. So barring that gigantic leap in logic, feminists are doing what they do to promote their own self interest and to feel like they are really alive/participating in history.
Women are capable of scientific work though and are capable of being intellectuals. This is proven a hundred times over by good work done in every field by female researchers. The issue is that these women are mostly genuine born scientists, not gurls who were pushed into STEM by feminists.
Back to our topic, men are not necessarily more violent they are more easily annoyed and less likely to resort to passive aggressive behavior in the face of conflict. I think even if we count their biological propensity to aggress against them, we see the most peaceful people on earth, the holy man who would harm not even a fly are general men. Men are more sensitive to violence than women and can react against it more strongly. I've seen men being more nurturing and empathetic towards animals than i ever have any woman.
In my country (UK) its 1 in 5.
That is terrible actually. But for black males in the USA its more than 1 in 2.
Think about that for a moment. Its more normal for a black boy to not have his father than to have one!!!!
Kids with single parents are more likely to drop out of school, kill themselves, be homeless, commit rape, fail their exams, have drug and alcohol problems, be abused, run away from home, be in prison, have emotional problems, or become gay or some other fun.
should have said, "this is my auxilliary argument against holohoaxers"
there are 3 primary arguments that the holocaust happened:
(1) Hitler and Goebells foreshadow it in their writings and personal papers
(2) There are mass graves in Poland, Ukraine and Hungary in the forests, where every body is riddled with German manufactured ammunition and all the corpses resemble slavs and jews
(3) the Jews who supposedly survived their slave labor, who never returned home, are supposedly living happily in eastern russia despite never being documented by the USSR and literally zero proof that any of these millions of Jews lived a life in Russia after the camps were liberated.
The argument i posed wasn't my primary argument against the holohoax its just an interesting point about the moral complicity and culpability of the Nazis considering they chose to stupidly lock up millions of people right before an armed conflict and didn't ration them enough supplies to outlast a siege.
I guess you didnt read all my post about intelligence quotient distribution.
Ill repeat myself:
Women are more clustered around the average intelligence level.
So there are far more exceptionally smart men in the world than exceptionally smart women.
This is a problem for these feminists because the exceptionally smart women they are looking for dont exist in anywhere near the same numbers as exceptionally smart men.
On the flip side, there are far more exceptionally stupid men in the world than exceptionally stupid women. These people are all in prison for being dumb as fuck.
Dont make me draw you a fucking bell curve because that means you are one of the exceptionally dumb men we are just talking about.
The missing ingredient isn't the father, but the necessary second source of income and the relative stability it provides. A kid could have ten fathers but it wouldn't matter of he's still living in a home disrupted by the sorts of elements that tend to coincide with poverty such as malnutrition, anxiety, drug use, violence, frequent moves, etc.
Im open minded on this subject. But I dont think they killed 6 million people with multiple bullets per person.
I disagree.
I was very poor growing up by the life lessons my father taught me were the most valuable thing ive ever received.
Not like the rest of the population was eating any better under Stalin.
Prison food varies by jurisdiction anyways. Usually bad or just simply bland.
your reactionary anecdotal experience is worthless
as opposed to the land of the free where you get jail for life for having a few grams of weed on you?
Wonder if you still think that when you're in the fucking gulag!
and so is your untested garbage. Only leftists want to deny the importance of child-rearing because it doesn't agree with their sheltered view.
Clearly the downfall of western civilization, you fucking reactionary.
no one denied the importance of child rearing you uncivilized poltroon. but the idea that a child can only thrive being raised exclusively by its mother and father is a fantasy.
abusive fathers(or mothers) in societies where divorce isn't permitted produce far worse outcomes than single mothers(or fathers).
If it weren't for capitalism, parents would have more free time to focus on raising their children, and communities would be disintegrated (communism would have labor done in a COMMUNAL fashion with a COMMUNITY, communities and communal labor are destroyed by capital seeking to expand markets. state socialism =/= communism in this sense)
also hyper policing and corrupt courts bought off by private prisons are the reasons for racial disparities in prisons
I never said it cant thrive under those circumstances just that its a lot less likely.
There is plenty of statistical evidence to support the idea that two parents produce better outcomes for their children than one.
Plus very simple logic tells us that in general two people working together on a job produces a better result than one person doing it on their own.
A kid could have two mums or two dads or something gay like that and there is no evidence to say whether that is better or worse because the numbers are small.
Id like to see your evidence for that one?
I'm fairly sure they were eating better under Stalin.
The population was eating better like in the 1932-1933 and 1947 famine?
Famines were an externality.
This is what Americans actually believe.
Whatever you say faggot.
Autism overload
>lack of rain confiscated food from the most productive areas
It's noted that the drought wasn't even as bad as others they suffered.
Kulak's deserved it, they caused the famine by hoarding food.
2mil were deported a year or two before the famine and deaths from starvation.
If they were hoarding them, why didn't they just redistribute it when they were seized?
Wew lad what kind of tankie are you to shill American prison practices?
it was pretty much the war on drugs thats the problem. It's widely regarded as a failure and it creates massive problems. Who knows if decriminalization is the best answer but it's so much better than the war on drugs that it made a big difference.
I gather that something approximating this is already the case in US prisons.
Something that still haunts me about US prisons is the manner in which innocence in fact can be universally accepted, but they'll keep you locked up if you can't prove such innocence in law. (and indeed, the general structure seems to be a strong trend towards the legal system wanting people in jail and being opposed to attempts to get them out, instead of only wanting the guilty in jail.)
Everyone needs Scottish Law tbqh. "Not Proven" is the best verdict ever.
literal whataboutism