WTF I love spooks now

WTF I love spooks now

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All those things he list aren't even emotions.
Sad he was spooked, because I like him otherwise.

Orwell was a traitor cuck.

he's right you know

His books were… okay.

This fucking board

I know, it's like there are multiple people with different opinions.

Fuck off, 'marxist'-'leninist'. Literally all he did was turn in a list of stalinists so they wouldn't get hired by the propaganda buro. Nobody went to jail or got their house inspected or anything. That's something only stalinists do.

here's the text, but it's like almost two pages long, so you probably shouldn't read it.

No shit. Spooks are useful as fuck. Who would want to live in a Stirnerite society?

It's like we don't engage in unconditional man worship.

People that aren't fucking retarded


Have fun getting clubbed to death by some dude who gets a kick out of it.

Tell that to him, kiddo.

You're a titanic moron

Have fun getting clubbed to death by some dude who gets a kick out of it.

Tell that to him, kiddo.

Well yeah. That's how crime prevention works.

Nothing would have stopped him, not even morals created by the state or religion. What is your point?

Stimer is basically the king of autism.
He's not even a real leftist (muh individualism) and retards on here actually unironically support him

muh patriotism

how very spooked of you

it uses the same logic of self interest, and so neither will protect you from an irrational agent.

how is that spooked? Explain it in detail, prove you know what being spooked (possessed) means.

There is nothing more leftist than individualism faggot

I think you guys are misreading it, as someone who was born into the English working class, many 'leftists' didn't really care about us and would try and distance themselves from all our ideas as such, the English working class where patriotic, the upper class would be anti-patriotic.

By calling him a psychopath you basically disregard his choice of what constitutes his self-interest. You're appealing to fixed ideas of what a person should behave like.


Nah, it was all about muh patriotism.

Different folks, dude. I hate Orwell, because he was a tiny, tory Stalin.
1984 is the best demonstration of this. Much like Stalin was perpetually buttflustered by Trots under the bed, Orwell was convinced Stalin was in every closet. He couldn't purge anyone, but he could rat them out, and did it with just as much pointless abandon.

Did you even read what I said ?

Even if that was the case it would not matter. The egoist is under no obligation to respect other peoples self interest.
the example in shows a dude who "gets his kicks" from clubbing people to death. If you don't want to get clubbed to death, you are in your full "right" to gather a mob and hang him.
He didn't even do that. He merely implied that psychopaths are not the norm. A claim that is more of a truism than a spook.
If your doing something you don't really want to do, because your read Stirner and don't want to be spooked. Then you might want to put some skill points in reading comprehension next time you level up.

Know what, I'll just copy pasta some of the more important parts.

Yeah it's called communism

Yeah, it was a load of old shite.

Hello, SJW.

And social democrats, and unionists. Yeah, totally a cool bro.

No surprises here, I don't even care that he was a snitch, the guy was the least theoretically educated man to call himself a socialist, let alone a Marxist tbh.

When he was starting his writing career he actually went to one paper and called himself a "Tory anarchist" as cringey as that is.


There is no political theorist who had greater autism than Thomas Hobbes

Anarcucks BTFO

Leviathan is irrefutable

He's completely right. Only autists, ideologues and totalitarian/utopian anarkiddies dispute this.

… I tend to think it's more about the societies than the individuals…

he's right, but he'd probably also admit those spooks came back to haunt the brits later on.

this is great