The differences are mainly cultural. Pirates like to sail the sea, and in pirate culture honor is gained by kicking ass and taking names rather than virtuous works. Similar to a Buddha, though, a pirate moves with perfect personal freedom and doesn't answer to anyone. The social hierarchy of pirates, like that of monks, is based on quick wits and applied experience.
A pirate is basically a Buddha
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They are unfortunetely bound and privy to material goods and conditions.
While you can argue that pirates were proto anarchists, not all of them were as based as other crews.
Speaking of buddhism, they're like the only good religion out there. Is there actually anything wrong with it?
They're just as shitty and reactionary as any religion. And like any religion it can also come in a socialist flavour.
I'm gonna need some kind of citation for these hot opinions because it's the first time I've heard something like this
Some of the more esoteric sects are reactionary, but I think he is wrong to treat the whole religion that way.
Why would they be different from any religion? literally why
the only reason the buddha could afford a life of contemplation was because slaves did all he needed in his place.
tibet was a rigid feudal theocracy before china occupied it and the dalai lama is still considered by buddhists as a head of state.
all the "buddhism is good" stuff comes from westerners watering it down so porky can sell buddhist books to help managers meditate or some shit.
Hey! Newfag here, I'm curious what the Pirate flag stands for, is it the Pirate Party? Is it a meme? When did it start? Is it just for fun/shitposting?
Sounds like a bunch of life denying bs to me
Zizek says some interesting stuff about Buddhism being used by the Japs to justify their brutality in the Sino-Japanese wars. Moreover Buddhism and Buddhist monks were often just reactionary clergy who extorted peasantry just as the feudal nobility did, with Japanese Sohei extensively collaborating with the state. In Tibet the Dalai Lamas were quite happy to keep much of the population in serfdom.
On the other hand Buddhist teachings can be understood on a personal level to be compatible with socialism, or even be socially applicable as in the case of the Jodo Shinshu sect which in the 16th century organised leagues of self-governing peasants taking over an entire province of Japan.
Citation needed. Buddha got by by begging, as is traditional for Buddhist monks. With that said, religion by its very nature can be reactionary. Socialist movements shouldn't necessarily be atheist, but they should definitely be secular
Ikko Ikki did literally nothing wrong
religion at its core is basically philosophy and you can extract meaning from it as you would with any other source. even zizek argues for a return to "christian" values. doesn't mean he advocates for cancerous organized religion.
They did some things wrong like abuse their power and blackmail people with religious fanaticism but overall were absolutely based.
1580 worst year of my life.
Religion is an ideological tool. It can be used for pretty much anything.
Ignoring the mercenaries paid to take down ships opposed to the empire, pirates were pretty leftist given the time. They had democracies, were socially liberal and egalitarians, and are symbols of rebellion and anarchy.
Also pirating digital goods is pretty fucking leftist. If only we could do that with things like food.
What's the difference between us judging buddhism based on those that used it for their own nefarious reasons and dipshits who pull the "communism is evil/killed 100 trillions" card? Innocently asking and expecting legit questions, I'm not well-versed in anything.
“The hand that holds the rosary should also always hold a bomb”
There's shitty Buddhists like any religion. But I think a proper understanding of the philosophy, sutras and the non-dual insights gained from meditation can only lead to communist system.
I've seen some say Buddhism is like marxism but replacing materialism with spiritualism.
China is shit and so is tibet.
Because 'communism' or even communists didn't actually do much of the stuff attributed to them. Whereas religion is a hopelessly vague set of principles and often contradictory teaching from many sources which can be used to justify any sort of bullshit from socialism, to liberalism, to monarchism.
I think this is coming from acid Zen hippy shit, so that's the angle of attack that I will take. This isn't the freedom described in Zen, deliberately going out of your way to rape and pillage and murder and war with the authorities and declaring yourself a pirate king and taking slaves and constantly causing aimless, mindless harm to others is just the behavior of somebody who can't tell the difference between up and down or salty and sweet, this is wild fox spirit zen (funny name, excellent description of what you're talking about), its looked down upon by the Patriarchs and golden age Tang masters who are really the only authorities or ancestors whose opinions on the subject matter at all.
Monks aren't living Buddhas and Buddhas aren't living monks, Mahayana and Zen don't have the same relationship with monasticism that Theravada Sangha culture does. Many of the more famous poets, philosophers and masters were wandering hermits who had maybe one or two disciples and some of the most famous Zen practitioners like laymen Pang aren't monks and never were ordained (they have ordinary families and lead ordinary lives, and laymen Pang is much greater of a Zen practitioner than you or I).
Working backwards from your second premise, Bodhidharma laid out two key elements to Zen and they are REASON and PRACTICE, without reason and the ability to SEE things as they are you are not practicing anything at all. Just playing pretend. Similarly if you do not practice you are grasping at hollow words, making Buddhas out of turds (like what you've done with these pirates of yours).
As for the first premise that quick wit is the basis of Upaya or 'skillful means', you are mistaken again because you see things on a surface, animalistic level and don't penetrate into them singlepointetdly (which is in all Mahayana Buddhism, a central method of insight). Adapting to circumstance and not creating karma through attachments and obstructions is the method or skillful means to end the cycles of birth and death or of attachment to mere phenomena. The idea is to not let your mind be stained by the waking or dreaming worlds, to not fall into causality by being compelled by stimuli and thoughts and feelings. You're free when you move organically and spontaneously without regard for your Self (aka not Stirner's egoism or Piracy based Nihilistic Hedonism, in fact Bodhidharma and Buddha shit on Nihlism and Hedonism constantly) or projected images of reality that you are chasing around like "spooks". Its something that you would better understand if you read some Koan books like the Book of Serenity or The Blue Cliff Record or Mumonkan or maybe if you read some of the records of the Chinese Zen Masters which are recorded sayings, encounters and public cases wherein they show this spontaneous natural Self. I don't think the contrived, deliberate, pre-meditated and greed-driven behavior of pirates who again were often slave owners, rapists and mass murderers is analogous to anything Buddha or the Zen masters (who I am guessing you got this from, some Zen website or New Age retard) taught or wrote about at any point. The closest thing I can think of are two different instances: one where a bodhisattva slays a murderer on a boat filled with people and creates no karma in doing so. The other where a Zen monk would spend all his time in brothels and pubs drinking and fucking prostitutes but was considered the holiest man in the whole region. I don't think you are the Zen monk with formless insight and spontaneous nature who creates no karma but breaks all the precepts and I don't think you're the bodhisattva beyond karma and obstruction who sees no man being slain but only a sword's swing and the sound of a body falling (which is how its explained). What you sound like is an immature semi-malicious minded indiivdual who wants to destroy and flee from and run amok upon and consume everything. Which is a symptom of failed upbringing in a cultural milieu that didn't take. So for that I don't blame you, but this is kind of ridiculous. Just saying.
Nah, Buddhism is nihilistic bullshit. Basically the edgy kid's version of Christianity
The Satanist calling other people nihilists
Satanism is a life loving religion. It's basically the opposite of the edginess that comes with eastern woo woo
Didn't expect to see another poster who studied Buddhism without irony - and both as a philosophy and cultural paradigm too.
It'd be hard to plug one into the other and come out with any coherence. They absolutely do share an emphasis on radical transformation and communitarianism. Except Buddhism's transformation begins as a personal one that is bent on pulling the foundation out from underneath the practitioner and creating, for them, a revaluated relationship to the world and other living beings (practice-enlightenment), which would then be the space that radical social change like communism can actually firmly take hold. In a sense, I would say it's aims and diagnosis of the world are far more radical than Marxism, which stops one level short of where Buddhists want to go. Even under communism we would still suffer in our lives.
But yeah, the philosophical chasm aside, there's quite a few nominally Marxist Buddhists. One of the founders of the Indian constitution was a low-caste Hindu Marxist that converted to Buddhism and tried to form a synthesis of the two before he died. Dalai Lama is a self-described Marxist. Thich Nhat Hanh has spoken out against capitalism. Basically the entire project of modern 'engaged Buddhism' is really just naked socialist activism but /w Buddhist characteristics lol.
IIRC from past threads there are a few of us. Obvs leftypol is pretty hostile to religion and idealism.
And you Stirner kids would do well to set him aside and start reading some basic Buddhist philosophy. Then hold on to ur butt and dive balls deep into Nagarjuna (Mulamadhyamakakarika), the commentaries of the post-Nagarjuna Madhyamaka's in general and the Prajnaparamita sutras. You'll love it. Try this on for size: literally everything, abstract or material, is a spook. Then that spook is a spook. Then we hit the limits of language and just have to meditate and shit.
Why is this fucking bumplocked?
I don't know because some interesting conversation did come out of this threads. Mods are faggots.