Questions from a National Socialist

1. What's your issue with Not Socialism? Do you dislike the racial aspect? If so, why?

2. Economically, Not Socialism was just as anti-capitalist as communism/marxist socialism was. Why is the modern left so anti-nazism when there is a sizable overlap in anti-capitalist positions?

3. Do you believe that the traditional family unit / small tribe structure that is hard-coded into our social brains can be replaced by modern constructs such as gay couples with adopted children? If so, why?

4. Are you aware of what happened in Rhodesia and Haiti (and possibly soon in South Africa), when non-white socialists organize for violent revolution against the seemingly oppressive regime?

5. Do you agree that socialism/communism requires the individual within that collective to do his part, e.g. carry his own weight in terms of work? What would you do with physically/mentally handicapped people who are a net drain on your society, with no chance of ever recovering?

Hoping to achieve some uncensored, free discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

natsocs are political and economic illiterates tbh. So much of the German economy was shifted to private hands that it created the term privatization.

Kill yourself fasc scum

Hitler was not an anti-capitalist, but a plain old class collaborationist who had little qualms about working with industrial magnates like Krupp, Thyssen and so on. There was a an anticapitalist wing in the NSDAP, but they got knifed during the Night of the Long Knifes in 1934 because they were a nuisance to him with demands to get rid of the capitalists. Also, just saying in advance: that "We are socialists…" quote of Hitler was actually by Gregor Asser, one of the people that got purged during that night.
This is why Holla Forums likes shitting on Hitlerites so much

Nonsense, it was capitalist to the core: engaging in the production of commodities for exchange on the market, and extolling the virtues of private property. Socialism isn't when the government does stuff. It's the common ownership over the means of production so that they might be used to produce for the actually existing needs of the many.

For propaganda purposes only. In reality, the bourgeoisie loved the nazis because of their profound anti-marxist sentiments, and funded the NSDAP. Once he was in power, Hitler destroyed labour unions and privatized large parts of the public sector.

tl;dr: follow your leader

1) I do not like the racial aspect, racial differences in crime and academic results etc are because of material circumstance, like access to education and nourishment, primarily. Even if it is the case that some races are slightly more genetically predisposed to violence and stupidity, which I refute strongly, there is clear evidence that quality education and a good environment during childhood and adolescence will over ride all of that and produce a functioning person just as capable as any "white" person, whatever you are deciding white is today.

In terms of the jewish question, it is clear that capitalism is carried out by people of all races, and it is clear that jews are but one section of this, admittedly, they are very good at it.

2) Not Socialism was not the least anti capitalist. Hitler handed control of the economy, the factories, the public services to his cronies in the Not Socialist party, not to the people who worked in them. In the is way he PRIVATISED industry and STRENGTHENED the ruling class.

on top of this, his ENTIRE ECONOMY was essentially nothing more than Keynesian re-armament. Because all this growth and job creation took place in the military industries and not agriculture or other consumer goods, while the economy grew overall, the price of essential goods became too high, the cost of living rose.

Besides this, the entire charade was funded off the back of MEFO bills

These bills were promissory notes from Hitler and the Nazi Party (and thereby the people of Germany) to arms manufacturers, promising value of some form in exchange for arms. The idea being that these arms would then be used to accrue value for these manufacturers, i.e. Nazi expansionism, so in time the promissory notes would come to have value.

So this rearmament that artificially inflated the economy and lowered living standards actively funnelled the profits of this work not to the German people, but to a handful of arms manufacturers and dealers.

Like all imaginary economies, this one crashed spectacularly and in its late stage was marked by hyper inflation and astronomical cost of living for the citizens under its rule.

Now, an imaginary currency used to fund endless expansion that fuels a national debt to arms manufacturers….. where have I heard all this before?

Oh right its the exact model the modern US deep state uses.

3) We did not used to act a nuclear family, rather the family had many nuclei and was the expanded family/tribe. The nuclear family of the 50's i.e. mom pop and 2 kids is a direct result of capitalist alienation breaking down the wider community and reducing the tribal unit to a mere nuclear family.

4) Don't fucking talk to me about Haiti. You realise imperialism in Haiti has been carried out by both Obama and Hillary Clinton yes?

5) People who are physically and mentally handicapped to the point where they can contribute nothing are extremely rare. In any case they have families who would care deeply if they were not cared for. Our society can EASILY afford to care for these people, were all the surplus value not in the hands of capitalists.

Our main problem is you're all deluded corporate cock-suckers who despise workers and will do anything to increase the profits of international capital at the expense of the workers.

1, 2) It's capitalism rebranded.
3) I do not care
4) Not an expert but I don't think they even managed to do anything socialist, again just a branding issue
5) In an ideal world it would be fixed with genetic engineering, and parents would be denied the right to martyr themselves because of their spooks. Otherwise they'd be cared for.

1. Yes i dislike the racial aspect. If my opressor is a different color than me I hate him. If my oppressor is my color, I hate him. If the others being oppressed are my color, I love them. If they are not, then I love them. Our material conditions and shared way of life being is closer than I could ever be to someone who shares my genes who extracts my surplus labor value.

2. Because all of the socialist language was a front and in the end fascism was simply a fusion of capitalism and the state

3. People have been adopting children all the time since forever. People who are way more ducked up than your average gay couple can adopt kids. I would rather a kid get raised by some prissy faggots than an ultra religions family that won't take him to the doctor because GOD WILL HEAL HIM!! So traditional, so virtuous.

4. Yes i I am opposed to retarded is lol in all its forms.

5. Yes i do. Find something they can do and have them do that and beyond that take care of them. I don't plan on executi my and steralizing all the sick and old people because they are a drain.

1. It doesn't work. The racial aspect has much to do with it. A nation that is against internationalism and instead allows it's government to control most of the means of production is fucked. Same thing happened with USSR - it was capitalism with a communist face, which allowed the party elites to appropriate much of the country's properties. During Hitler's reign, corruption ran rampant. Nothing was "for the German people", everything was for the party members, with a militarist dolt who could barely into politics as the dictator.

2. If so, why purge the Assers. Your quote sure is cool, but consider what Hitler goes on to say about the working-class: “The great masses of workmen want nothing else than bread and amusement; they have no understanding of idealism; and we can never count on being able to gain any considerable support among them. What we want is a picked number from the new ruling class, who – unlike you – are not troubled with humanitarian feelings, but who are convinced that they have the right to rule as being a superior race, and who will secure and maintain their rule ruthlessly over the broad masses.”
And on class relations: The industrialists: “have worked their way to the top by their own abilities, and this proof of their capacity – a capacity only displayed by a higher race – gives them the right to lead.” And on the subject of reforming the economic system, Hitler offered this not very Left-wing observation: “Socialism is in itself a bad word [if it is used literally]. But it is certainly not to be taken as meaning that industry must be socialised.” So long as industrialists acted in the national interest, they can keep their property. Indeed, “it would be little short of a crime to destroy the existing economic system.” Etc. etc. The idea that Hitler hated capitalism doesn't stand up too well when you consider how many industrial capitalists backed him.

3. Hard-coded into our brains - says who? Sources please, the cavemen barely had a family unit. Our ancestors lived like that for centuries - no small families, just loose collectives that barely made the link between fucking and pregnancies and whipped girls with birch twigs cuz life comes from seedz on dem twigz sso life must come from twigs must put life into girl belly when spring comes. If you think men raising a child is a modern construct I really am not the one to start re-educating you.

4. Yeah, they were oppressive. Apartheid was fucked, see even when you try to play capitalism with a human face shit doesn't work. Leads to poverty, leads to an uprising. But you probably will say it's in the black people genes to be violent etc etc, see, we're probably not going to have a meaningful debate in this thread if you don't learn that the materialist aspect of shit kinda matters. It's simple to go "niggers are inherently violent", but this kind of holism-think was made old by J C Smuts, so it's regressive. I know there is allure in traditionalism because the world is a scary place and so many people want to retreat into a cave with a glorious tradwife and spawn babies while raising goats and pretending to be Varg or whatever, but it's just not that realistic. The capitalists are going to come for you and your goats. And put your children into wage labor. Until you deny them that right via GULAGing them.

5. Communism doesn't "demand" anything from anyone. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. If you are from intelligentsia, you can't be put into a mine quarry, you'd be useless as fuck. As for the disabled question, you know, i'm 37. I was growing up in Moscow, Russia, in then still-USSR. My grandmother was disabled, she lost a foot during the Leningrad blockade - so she was disabled from age 12. Every Summer she could take me, my mom and herself to Evpatoria, or to the Caucasus, or to the Black sea. All expenses paid, sanatorium, food. Of course that all stopped when the country became poor as fuck, but I haven't had a holiday like that, idk, in fifteen years. I hope that answers your question.

I think we have found the source of the problem

Frankly I don't care, mostly since the decay of pre-capitalist family units. I see some support for more "communal" upbringing if that's what you mean
They were more like nationalists who took more socialistic stances because their opposition was backed by the Western power, so they naturally sided with the USSR, simple really. Naturally, race-based discrimination is not something we approve(ironically including affirmative action liberals push)
Socialism is indeed based on "to each according to his contribution", but we're not going to murder people if they are invalids, that would be silly, especially if our goal is a society based on "to each according to his need".

as an addendum to the MEFO bills thing, if this was an honest transaction, why pretend the bills were for a "Metallurgical Research Corporation" and not for rearmament?

and why does the author of this piece describe it as a legal fraud?

How are this an example of a "modern construct" replacing your example?


gtfo nazi trash

1. I dislike the racial aspect because race is a spook and doesn't matter.
2. Dude, literally read the quote you posted. It shows exactly why it's not socialism
3. Families happen naturally and should not be enforced. People should live however they want, whether it's with someone of the same gender or not. Fascism and capitalism only make the family worse by making them unions for financial reasons rather than for actual love
4. Non-white socialists have had plenty of successful revoltuions. Look at Burkina Faso, Cuba, the Zapatistas, Rojava, etc.
5. The individual obviously needs to do his part, but only as much as is needed. Handicapped people will be helped by people that want to. Turns out that a lot of people are altruistic and will want to help them, especially their own families.

with point 5)

I'd just like to point out that Mr Pro Family seems to be suggesting that families should be torn apart by the execution of disabled family members.

Could Mr Pro family please clarify his position on this very troubling of family related issues?

Grammy got the arthritis does she? That's not good for stitching parachutes oooooh no it ain't.

Grammy a useless eater (nazi phrase) I hear

Do you agree that different tribes/nations have existed in different places? And that those places had a unique natural environment which placed certain demands (evolutionary pressures) on the people living there?

Do you agree that negroes have, on average, a smaller brain and more fast twich fibers in their muscles compared to European whites?

How is race a "spook" when there are measurable differences between them? Even the black skin has a different function than the white skin, and this difference is clearly visible.

Fascism is capitalism on steroids that clouds itself in left-wing rethoric.
Whenever capitalism comes into a crisis and working class people start to gain class consciousness (working class vs bourgeoisie), certain parts of the ruling class (mostly those types that are invested in the domestic market) try to prop up fascists, because these fascists direct the anger of the people onto a scapegoat (in nazi germany that scapegoat was the jews), thus creating a false class consciousness and keeping the capitalist ruling class safe with a totalitarian state that destroys any dissidents.

1. Of course because I do not give a shit about a person's race
2. Lol no see pic
3. Nope, read Rousseau
4. Nationalists who pretend to be Socialists
5.With the abolition of private property, then, we shall have true, beautiful, healthy Individualism. Nobody will waste his life in accumulating things, and the symbols for things. One will live. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.-Oscar Wilde

here we fucking go again

Not an argument

Hitler was the first neoliberal

Im just surprised your title didnt trigger the censorship filters on leftypol.

Get it? Trigger? Because everyone on leftypol is easy to trigger?

As absolutely true as that is, it is odd to see that observation come from a guy who is flying that particular flag.

That's not what a spook is. A spook is an abstract concept which makes act in a certain way opposed to your self-interest. For example: "I can't talk to this intelligent black person because he's part of a combination of haplogroups which have been displaying certain phenomena on a vague average basis different to phenomena displayed by various haplogroups loosely associated with my genetic composition." You realize how autistic that sounds?

OP what do you think of pic related?

Actually according to google:

hello r/the_donald

It seems that a lot of people instinctively reacted with "kill urself nazi scum :(", so the last part of your post is probably true. Yet I'm not sure what the purpose of the whole post was.

I genuinely want to understand. So far I have realized that leftypol deems Hitler's "Socialism" too capitalist, because he didn't communize the means of production and because he printed money and engaged in the same kind of pyramid scam that the federal reserve does.

I do understand that leftypol, despite being a very collectivist board in nature, wants to see everybody individually and therefore has no pre-conceived issue with race.

Yes. Which is why I personally don't act prejudiced towards negroes in general, but I'd still rather not interact with them at all, or have them live in my perimeter.

I like the message. And I think it reinforces my point, that the societal model of Not Socialism is against capitalism (but also against communism). Sort of like a triangle relationship.

Hitler didn't say that, actually, it was Asser.

We are both posting on leftypol.

There are of course genetic differences between whites and blacks and intelligence is indeed inheritable, and he environment is indeed an important factor for evolution (marxists don't deny this, look up the base-superstructure relationship it is basically the evolutionary model applied to human society)
But these intelligence differences do not primarily move among racial lines.
Here's something to read for you.


I'm pretty sure it's Holla Forums

Same difference. It was one Nazi or another.

no if it was I would have included the slashes.

You arent allowed to say Leftypol though because the capital L reminds people of capitalism.

But Gregor and his entire political wing of the NSDAP were slaughtered for supporting anything other than Hitlerite capitalism.

Yeah, Straser was purged for his beliefs, along with all the other socialists.

There are a lot of people on here that support nat1ional socialism as their main type of socialism but they dont post very often because they get shouted down by the college kids brigade.

Why not drop Natiоnal Socialism altogether, and embrace Nationalism + Socialism which appears to be far more in line with your specific viewpoint?

I always say what really fucked the nat1onal socialists wasnt the socialism aspect but Hitler going a bit mad and killing all his top dudes.

What is the specific difference between the two?

You realize the ethnic differences between African peoples are bigger than between European peoples and Africa peoples? You realize that you can make the potentionally most intelligent white person dumb as shit by letting him grow up in a trailer park? Environmental conditioning always beats race in terms of producing a valuable member of society. I'm not a Biologist but even if there were average (!) differences between the races, what would it matter? Genetics aren't this simple. You don't have a gene which makes you play videogames or liking dogs. Those personality traits a complex evolution of all sorts of variables working together shaping you the person that you are now, and even the brightest scientists we have can't really pin it down to what makes you who you are.

It's what it is, a message. Fascism wanted to transcend capitalism by leaving capitalism alone and just telling people that economics didn't matter. This is quite similar to what liberal SJWs say. What happens when you're in an economic crisis and your "national goal" you can rally the people behind is not available to you? You'd have to make it up.

Idealism a shit. I don't fly this as a nihilist flag

Natiоnal Socialism is Fascism + Imperialism + Capitalism. Nationalism + Socialism is what it says on the tin.

Can we pin this post and circle the thread so we don't have the same discussion every day

Your not going to convince people by just putting a + in there.

Please explain how Nazism was socialism when it killed off anyone proclaiming to be a socialist in the party, and was funded by the multi millionare capitalists of the era.

I personally do, but the racial fetishism is merely a symptom of an overall disease caused by the decay of capitalism.
To answer both this and 1: no, it was not. It was just authoritarian social democracy, market capitalism with nationalized military industry, bankrolled by the wealthy bankers that Hitler claimed to oppose.
Your pic says it all, actually, it goes to show that the Nazi concept of "socialism" is their own arbitrary definition, not the leftist one.
It's not hard coded, traditional families varied in size based on the needs of people and their children. The nuclear family is purely a product of capitalism.
Yes, niggers hate whitey, we know the schtick. Black nationalism is no different from white nationalism.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. People who contribute less to society will effectively need less.
The disabled are only a net drain on society as it is because people do not work for their own needs, they are squeezed of whatever capital can get out of them and given scraps in exchange. Cripples are harder to juice for labor.

Nationalism is artificial and a spook and does not follow from the natural faimly unit(which is not compparable to the nuclear family at all) or tribe. Its a contrivance hastily justified with those things.
Human family and tribal psychology suggests localism/municipalism at most.
gay couples adopting children doesnt contradict the natural family unit as much as you probably think. I wont say theres no discrepancies at all but gender roles/sexes really arent the most important, prime thing about it.
5)Every individual must do their part insofar as they are capable of doing so. People who cant should be recuperated if possible, and if not possible, supported and provided for. A few physically and mentally handicapped people are not going to bring down your society. capitalists suck a million times more out of society than autistics getting NEETbux.

also, race doesn't matter. Humans have no hard coded understanding of genetics, at all. They dont see other humans who are more closely related to them on a large scale as some kind of extremely extended family. Their conception of family extends singly and soley to their actual family and extended family, and to their immediate social circle, naturally.

I'm not trying to convince anyone to abandon their political ideology because they read a couple of short posts on an imageboard (anyone who "converts" that quickly is going to get flipped again just as fast). I want to entice them with a non-capitalistic alternative that they can then go research themselves, and I think that most of Holla Forums would be highly receptive to that. From there you could work on spookbusting them, and create some useful comrades.

Your better off just saying that people should live up to the ideals of national s0cialism rather than the practical implementation.

Like with communism and leftyopl.
Nobody here argues in favour of the practical implementation of communism that have gone before because they were all bad. They argue for an ideological implementation which only currently exists in their mind.

These are people who believe that both bankers and communists are part of the same Jewish world conspiracy. Abandon logic all ye who enter here.

For the record I dont think the Bankers were part of the conspiracy.

Read Georges Sorel and laugh at the poor imitation that was Fascism.

You mean George Sowell?

You mean the black guy who argued against lowering university entrance criteria for black people?

That's the problem. The "ideals" come with far too much baggage, and in my opinion, the well has been thoroughly poisoned. Nationalism + Socialism, on the other hand, is very easy for one to wrap their head around. We have democratically controlled means of production as our foundation, wrapped up in a tidy package of Nationalism to protect that foundation from foreign forces attempting to destabilize it. Sprinkle in some Isolationism/Non-interventionism and I think you'd have a recipe for getting started on a socialist utopia that even most neetsocs could get behind.

No. I mean the man who the Fascists stole the majority of their philosophy from, then watered down to appease their capitalist support base.

Post after post argued against OP (or you, whoever) point by point.

nah, you're thinking of the other board

Found the guy posting from his phone

Surprise, surprise, words have differents meanings according to context.
In Holla Forums spook refers to the translation of the German "Spük" used by Max Stirner to describe the concept explained here .
Source is, "the ego and his own"

Unless you're volunteering yourself to copypaste and repost the bests posts every two day, it is a terrible idea if you want to avoid Anons to repeat themselves.

t. liberal

Rousseau is closer to the utopian socialists imo.
Voltaire on the other hand is the epithome of liberalism.

When Hitler had Rohm and Asser killed, it was not because he went power-mad. It was to win the support of the wehrmacht and its porky and aristocratic backers.

it's not socialism. i dislike the racial aspect. it's fuckin stupid why wouldn't I?
lmao. I don't really mind the traditional family. I'm not crazy about it either.
you mean that a lot of majority-white countries made an example out of em so to speak? I don't know much about either of them but I remember hearing about how that happened in haiti.
5. Do you agree that socialism/communism requires the individual within that collective to do his part, e.g. carry his own weight in terms of work? What would you do with physically/mentally handicapped people who are a net drain on your society, with no chance of ever recovering?
"his part" what's their part? what if we could have a society in which people didn't have to work under fear of death? In which people just genuinely liked what they did?

I don't know how fashes and nazis actually believe this but the people who spread this nonsense have to be really good. It's like the right wing equivalent of the wage gap, the meme that refuses to die.

The delusion is easy to understand:
capitalists = bankers = jews.
So if communists are against capitalism, it must means they are against jews even if they don't openly admit it! So communists are misguided Nazis we have to redpill with dank infographs.

The enemy is the capitalist system and the class that propagates it. Focusing on what race our rulers are is a total distraction. Also the modern day working class is quite multi-racial so Racism will always undermine any movement against capitalism.

This is totally ahistorical, the anti-capitalist members of the Nazi party were useful idiots who were purged as soon as hitler realized he could just get porkie to place him in power if he dropped the parts of his political program which were threatening to them.

The "traditional family" is actually a relatively recent invention (i presume you mean nuclear family) and by no means hard coded into our brain. Though obviously you'd have the freedom to choose your own family structure under socialism. As for gays if it was established scientifically that raising children in a homosexual family was bad for their mental health then I'd support banning gay adoption.

I don't really see what the relevance of this is. South Africa never actually pursued any type of socialist policies and I don't know much about the history of Rhodesia but I can assure you that the race based expropriation Mugabe implemented is not supported by any socialists.

All able-bodied people will be required to work for the benefit of the collective under socialism, anyone who tells you otherwise is probably a utopian anarkiddie.
What would you do with physically/mentally handicapped people who are a net drain on your society, with no chance of ever recovering?
Support them but I would be willing to sterilize certain groups of people.

So did Stalin, Mao… Hitler had no time for playing with Asser. Germany had to advance fast or 🍀🍀🍀bankers🍀🍀🍀 would completely destroy them (as they did).
Like who? Ford?
Anyway, these people always move their money to where there's money to be made. You could create a cult that wants to wipe all life on earth and someone would still give you money if they think you can double their money. And don't forget they also funded the Russian revolution.

terrible arguments. saying bankers would destroy them when numerous american banks and capitalists were providing material support to Hitler, also every nation involved was capitalist so of course when they're at war banks are involved.

MGM, Dow Chemical, Chase Manhattan, the bush family famously, IBM, GM, Ford, Barclays, the Thyssens through UBC…

sounds you WERE the 🍀🍀🍀bankers🍀🍀🍀 brah

which is precisely why we're not capitalists, it's an inherently evil system. One that your magical fantasy reich fully endorsed, supported and was supported by in return.

1. Race is a spook. There is not modern scientificly accepted categorization of races and the Nazi one is BS.
2. Nazism is not anti-cap. It had capitalism and corporations just fine. ACTUALLY it's capitalism in it's death bed, sucking the blood of other modes of production to survive.
3. "muh human nature"
4. "muh anuddah shoah". Well.. I don't even know if am white, (south europa) so, why do I care?
5. Communism works in abundance and automation. Since we have enough to go around, why not have those that cannot do manual labor do what they can do? Oh.. I forgot.. we need to kill them for ZE PURITY OF ZE RACE!.

Only because that's career suicide. You take fields that can't play pretend and they will not ignore race. If a doctor were to put a Black heart into a White (or the other way around, since very few Blacks are donors) because "race isn't real lulz" when the patient died because of it there's no way the mad doctor could win the malpractice suit.
Pic: she died

Which they can do. FFS, they're working on using organs from pigs for transplants, the difference between white and black is nothing in comparison.

Of course you can, but chances are the body will reject the organ. Ideally you want a twin, then someone from the same family, then the same race. Except for mixed-race, which are a weird situation since they're incompatible with their family. Which works fine for common mixes but, but rare ones are fucked.

Apparently, the filter doesn't apply to titles?

I'm going to have to ask for the source on that picture.


You're an idiot and know nothing of science.
Keep fapping to your ideology.

A crazy elf and a serious orc

That's not how it works you little shit. The immunity markers don't perfectly espouse the limits of ethnic categories. And most of the time you have barely compatible donors, same race or not. Hence why people with transplanted organs almost always have to take anti reject medication for life.


2: unless the workers owned the means of production I don't want to hear it.

3: I really don't give a shit how they are raised. I'm more interested in what they are raised to believe.

4: vaguely

5: No, my number one goal even beyond Socialism is the end of wage slavery. Secondly if we want any chance of survival over the next century a massive decrease in growth is necessary.

I could swear I had a pic listing various Nazi tenets (euphemistically, but still) but I can't find the damn thing right now. Each sentence had a little picture above it. Anyone has it?

Incidentally, kudos to the comr8s who engaged in a civilized manner with someone who came to argue in good faith. That's dialectics in motion.