Is there any hope for the Venezuelan left?
Is there any hope for the Venezuelan left?
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Prediction: Venezuela will stabilize when a neoliberal takes control
Nope Maduro ruined it. Venezuela won't have a viable left for decades and decades after all this shit is through.
None at all for several years. Fucking social democrats.
it wasn't his fault that he inherited this mess
Tbh the only thing that's really Chavez's and the PSUV's fault was not diversifying their economy. You can't really blame them for US sanctions and speculation by private companies.
Venezuela is following the textbook model of the U.S. destabilization strategy that they used in Chile and elsewhere. Pic related.
No, I think I'll stick with "gross incompetence" as the reason, thanks
gonna try and justify that?
I'm not denying that Chavez and co fucked up or had some bad policies, but if you think that the U.S. isn't doing everything it can to undermine the Venezuelan government and economy then you are fooling yourself.
Under Chavez Venezuela experienced it's lowest poverty rate in the nations history. In a mere decade Chavez was able to cut an unemployment rate of 14.5% nearly in half.
The PSUV is more like the authoritarian populist regimes of 20th century latin america, the PRI in Mexico, Perón in Argentina, the early days of Batista's regime in Cuba where he was in coalition with the local stalinist party, in fact many of those governments where in coalition with communists but also with sectors of the national bourgeoisie. You can see that too in Venezuela, a new ruling class made up of state clients. Leftists outside the party are brutally repressed as well.
But those had the support of local elites and the Petty bourgeoisie.
The PSUV is holding on through state power and a few supporters among the populace only.
There is really no reason for them not to go full Sandinista.
One of the most spouted irrelevancies by western social democrats. What the hell does this matter if the state does absolutely nothing to collectivize the economy beyond nationalizing a few businesses which are run for profit? These stats have no importance, other capitalists countries have done the same, but you don't go around praising them because they don't make allegories to socialism unlike south American social democrats.
Your fantasy will never materialize. The PSUV is deeply entrenched with the bourgeoisie, even if you see some of them criticizing the PSUV, many officials profit from many of the government programs, especially the currency control. Stop being delusional.
I don't know if there will be a military coup,
the military said they will remain loyal to maduro.
The military was purged of anti-chavez elements after the attempted putsch back in 2002. Huge difference before and after.
Fucking end me
This is basically my position on Cuba and Venezuela, although I do think it's notable that the leadership actually talk about Marxist ideas beyond the mere social democrat "muh stepping stone" logic in Western Capitalist Social Democracies
Yeah, the money that got sucked by a black hole in projects like the one for cleaning the Guaire river surely wasn't anyone's fault.
Here's an article from someone who got pissed off at the PSUV (government's party) for making fun of people that had to jump into the Guaire sewer to get away from the tear gas, when Chávez launched a $14 billion program to clean it over a decade ago, and in 2005 he even invited someone to take a swim in the Guaire river "next year".
It has sources for everything, for anyone that wants to check them.
Again, I'm sure there were a lot of fuck ups, but to pin it all on the PSUV would ignore US backing of the intentionally obstructionist opposition, sanctions, and intentional undercutting of oil prices by the Saudis in service of US interests.
Again, this is all perfectly in keeping with their previous behaviour to undermine Latin American leftist governments. They did it to Chile and they're doing it here.
Do you have any info on that?
New Jacobin issue "By Taking Power" is gonna be about the pink tide : )
only if its crimethinc anarkiddies since they already boldly claim their hatred of socialist regimes
Fun fact: even the fucking CIA hates the Venezuelan opposition. They are too fucking dumb and incompetent. Not that it stops them from supporting them.
In portuguese cause I can't be bothered to search for an english source.
Most of their articles on Brazil were pretty shit, edgy pseudo-left from PSOL. It's going to be shit.
And it's not the only project made to steal money, it's just the biggest one (Venezuelan international reserves are under 11 billion dollars right now)