Recap: Antifa girl gets punched, her and a group of tanks set up a fund (
Screen related.
Recap: Antifa girl gets punched, her and a group of tanks set up a fund (
Screen related.
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She was /ourgirl/?
The plot thickens. This needs to happen.
Yeah it seems that way
donated $50 in hopes of getting some of that roastie
Im going to need to see a return in my investment, if I'm going to put down capital. Don't you know how venture capitalism works :)
I guess funding papa Wolff had long term effects on the route of history…
>tfw she probably knows about reading bordiga
Sure Mr. Ancap. You'll be paid in child slaves.
Oh… you'll see… you'll see return…
u guize wan me te pin it or somthin? at the least bamp.
Please do! :) that would be amazing
First lets figure out if its cointelpro or not
I call BS this app sounds like Uber for protests
Since when is Antifa getting socked by nazis and starting a labor movement cointelpro?
I want to get punched and setup a gofundme
Uber for labor strikes? I'm down. It's about time we get organized.
I know the girl and others involved and I can assure you that, while very idpol, they're not cointelpro.
Protesting as gig-economy wage labor? Sounds like the Soros meme.
Idpol is cointelpro, idpolers just don't realize it.
Then get back to the cave and tell them they are just shadows.
Something tells me there's a lack of idpol behind the curtains
Fuck yes, she's a goddamn hero is what she is. Good politics, good porn, she got smashed in the face by an angry autistic manlet and lived to tell the tale. This is class struggle in motion comrades.
There is no light to cast a shadow in a cave.
Soros protests revolve around idpol not labor strikes
where might someone procure this porn?
There's a collective behind this. It's not here to run away with.
Sorry but gig-syndicalism is a crap idea.
There's a 90% chance it isn't her.
Remember Slave Ray. Holla Forums is fucking retarded.
Slave Ray was a genius and the most glorious comrade of the AAA. Bless his soul.
These retards are going to get malware'd or fuck up opsec and get fired/arrested and the whole workplace plan falls apart.
wait a second antifa girl actually cares about class struggle and isn't just an idpol "anti-fascist" liberal? is she - dare I say it - /ourgirl/?
Dude, nudes aren't fucking porn.
Go to any left wing org meeting and you will find dozens of those types of women for every blue haired idpoler.
But using a vibrator while being filmed is.
Yeah, but that's like the most softcore of softcore shit.
It's still porn and paying scenes for pornstars. I don't like it either but call it what it is.
Holla Forums, have we misjudge Antifa? Is the Antifa bashing set up to split the left further?
Slave Ray was a true comrade
lets drink for his soul
Slave Ray rose from the dead to fight fascism. If you're not willing to fight beyond death I suggest you watch your mouth.
I think this is where Holla Forums actually does have an opportunity for good praxis, by supporting and bumping people or groups we like. Any chan is basically ground zero for the internet, everything that goes on here runs down hill to reddit, tumblr, twitter, and facebook, this is how Holla Forums accidentally ended up being the backbone of the alt-right. I think that's the kind of shit we should be doing.
Reposting for those asking if Antifa girl is one of us. It doesn't matter. What matters is the collective using this publicity to further benefit /our/ real goals.
She's probably not the one that wrote that.
I guess we'll see what happens when the sponsored ads come up.
What is jata?
Fuck antifa.
Lol bump4RichardWolff
One of the original organizers, who shall not be named due to the namesake's unspeakableness - having been dragged through all the hysterical mud Leftbook has to offer (and a recent penchant for trashing the notion that sex workers can be comrades) has opened a separate bank account out of which antifa girl is going to be paid for her end of the bargain. Relations between the two had imploded early on, reconvergence was struck upon establishment of mutually assured destruction with respect to the fund, terms reconfigured shortly thereafter by cooler heads among the collective of participants.
The remaining contents of the account and the total of subsequent withdrawals will be regularly uploaded as will the transaction history and a public ledger moving beyond the campaign into a non-profit of some sort yet to be determined.
Those of us running this little op are working as a cooperative of ten or so and our intentions are indeed to "gig" a labor movement into being because we think that's about the only way we're going to get one that ISN'T directed by George Soros. (Sustainable activism.) Soros gets fucking results, doesn't he. Maybe we should take a hint and get our shit together hey?
If anyone's got a better idea, we're open to suggestions. We're leftypol fans but we're bigger Uncle Rick fans and we're just damned always looking for a way to make fucking use of ourselves, amusing as that may be to the casual posturecuck. We want results. If we can't have a revolution, we want to have helped establish a culture of resistance to go down swinging with.
Person who came up with this whim passed up on a decent personal payout for themselves where sympathy for the incident in terms of concern for antifa girl (and sinner rage) peaked. This person lives in a car and doesn't give a fuck. Forfeited the majority of the take at that time on faith that our little ML security council of anti-cuck Leftbook group admins could carry on promotion from the new angle and blow this thing up with the use of the brand we opened with (that narrative tho right?) having purposely fed the campaign to the trolls for that initial, inevitable reaction to achieve tending status. We want to see how far we can take it from here and what we might make of the opportunity. Next marketing target - probably normie liberals. (They like their politics vague, so we're not adding all those details about the app into the description yet.) Nevermind the claims about sympathy drying up for her after all the "evidence" came out that she was, like, gonna throw a bottle at someone? Idfk. The difference between day one and the rest has been internal conflict and the marketing effort on standby. That'll all be settled shortly after some paperwork.
Full disclosure: we don't know that [email protected]/* */ will be interested in coordinating with us for sure, we do hope so. We've joined a Loomio chat with an action group to discuss further. Particularly for assistance in our own fledgling cooperative structure - to set up a non-profit and establish a partnership with their organization as we work on our ideas. (No, we're not techies and we're not going to have some rando who say they can code wing it in solidarity - we need big money to commission reliable work to build the app for us. Might look to Mondragon for help at that. Wouldn't mind running sponsored ads for coops on the backend in return for some labor upfront.)
We're moving forward with some strategies we've been mulling over for a couple years one way or the other. Some of them may be a bit devious for open affiliation with [email protected]/* */ We might repost that ghostly description later on (looks like the intrigue died out here pretty quick) … but we figure we should spam liberals with the campaign next and see what we can get out of the anti-Trump sentiment before diverting all the way off topic of origination.
That [email protected] was democracy at work
Are you fucking capitalists starting a "non-profit" in this thread? Do you really need someone to explain to you how apps and gofundmes aren't the answer?
Kill yourself fast
Oh, I see. That antifa who got punched has naked pics and she said our name. Pathetic.
Paying locals to LARP at demonstrations is the worst idea I've ever heard to the point this thread should actually be deleted.
You don't need an app, you need maybe some friends who speak spanish and you need to not be a pussy so scared for their own hide they think the revolution can be conducted over 4G.
You either want to cut the balls or you don't, and none of this shit sounds like snippity snaps to me.
Oh, really?
Then why is it illegal to post pictures of naked underages?
This girl is a larping liberal. Into the gulag she goes.
Not an argument
Did this go down in Berkeley the other day?
she's sexy and we need idols, sell the revolution with cute girls.
It isn't, assuming you aren't fapping to them.
Oh, yeah?
Try posting innocent, not fappaworthy pictures of naked underages anywhere and see what happens.
Also the picture on that album is from a time where people weren't so spooked about this sort of thing. If anyone would use that as an album cover today they would be hang on a public square.
He's right though. Technically, not all underage pics are considered porn. But when you get caught with polaroids in your drawer it's not very convincing to go with the art defense.
Is everyone fucking retarded? The app is about establishing a subscription to sell fucking workers for access to a network of people paid to bankrupt employers who won't meet demands of their workers. - Me again from the fundme. Again, open to a fucking better idea from non-faggots misunderstanding their fucking mouths off. Does anyone even know how an adverse possession claim to a home works btw? How fucking stupid to organize a squat to own network right? Well you've got all the fucking bright ideas, you let us know how we might better exploit the publicity….