everyone is equal right
Everyone is equal right
I'd have to do more research before accepting this as fact, but it is still intriguing.
Regardless though, people deserve to be treated equally regardless of intellect, so its not an argument.
Maybe us men should use all those extra brain cells to surpass their reading scores.
not reading that
Comrades I encourage you to type 'sage' in the email field while replying to such threads.
So according to one study, men have more neurons of one particular type and this proves that men are superior? Seems like you made a few leaps in logic there.
But approximately half the people leading the research in this field are women.
All women.
The southeast asian could go either way though
sucks that you're still dumber than women OP
In a spiritual/philosophical sense we're all equal- people are playing the part they're given to the best of their ability. It's short sighted to hate anyone in their totality as they are merely acting on their DNA/environment/upbringing etc etc
I'm still not going to hire someone with Parkinsons to perform my surgery, let a pedophile watch my kids, or watch a third wave feminist do stand up comedy. Because I want to survive and have a nice time.
le wimminz r dumb ecksdee :DDDDD
thats y we need gonservatism :DDDDDDD
what a surprise
You realize those gorrillions of synapses and neurons are worthless if you stock 'em up with anime, conspiracy theories, and the continuity of visual novels, right?
So what? Outliners don`t change the statistics
how's it feel to never have fucked
Reading is for nerds. I'd rather use my extra neurons trying to get laid.
Back to r9k!
When will you collectively grow up and realize that genders do functionally and socially hold different roles and therefor people should be treated according to these standards?
Holla Forums BTFO