What the actual fuck happened to this place?
It's garbage. Even worse than 3 months ago when it was non-stop Holla Forums bait threads.
What the actual fuck happened to this place?
It's garbage. Even worse than 3 months ago when it was non-stop Holla Forums bait threads.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, quality is kinda dropping
1. We're coming off a spree of autistic Holla Forums raiders who think punching a hippy means they won the culture wars (maybe the culture wars of the 60s)
2. If you have a topic you want to discuss how about making a thread about that instead of this whiney shit
Thank God for this thread, it singlehandedly saved the board and improved its quality tenfold
Pleasr point out whats wrong with it
It's not bad or my perception is getting screwed due to the fact it used to be worse in a way.
Post quality has tanked since the board came back after the hack. There's a lot more crypto-Holla Forums and liberal shilling going on.
This tbqh
This. It short-circuited the board and it's still pissing itself.
It was leaps and bounds better when it initially came back for the first couple days. Better even than it was before. Idk what kind of roaches heard wind of it after that but it's really depressing
All the good posters left for 0ch
We are receiving a huge influx of new posters, hundreds even. There are Holla Forumstards who are disillusioned with Trump, antifaggots who have enjoyed punching Richard Spencer, liberals who keep hearing the word "socialism" and think it sounds nice and nonproblematic, and redditards who go banned for not sucking SJW dick hard enough. On the negative side, this means that we have a lot of posters who have absolutely no idea what the fuck they are talking about and have spent their lives looking at the world through the distorted lenses provided to them by the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
On the positive side, the fire rises. This is what we read books for–people who see the world falling apart and corrupted at all levels by injustice and inefficiency want to know what is so spectacularly wrong. Engage them with reason, and disabuse them of the illusions that they came here with. Some will see, and some will not. Those who do may contribute to the revolution.
there were also all those reddit floods after the mod controversies over there. a lot of those people are probably still here. They're bringing the board-quality down but they're harder to distinguish from us than Holla Forums b8 posters were. That's not to say this board was really high-quality before that. even when our big problem was Holla Forums posters the non-Holla Forums posts were only good when compared to the constant b8. Now that it's more or less just us free of Holla Forums, the low quality of our posts is more apparent.
fuc, left my shitposting flag on
The BO abandoned it and the vols don't step in. Board creation needs to come back up so we can escape the hell hole.
the left cant stop being the worst hypocrites of the world… what did you scum do but cheer when dicky spencer got suckerpunched by one of you?
kys, commie, your candidate lost get over it already
Nice Tu quoque fallacy faggot. Also, I hope you keep celebrating women getting punched because that's going to make you look real good.
So it's find if I celebrate punching men instead?
Where's your gender equality now?
check and mated, white knight. your 1 incher wouldnt even get past her bush! haha!
One I didn't celebrate Spencer getting I thought the video looked funny just by the way it happened on the video I didn't think it was right to punch him. Two it is still taboo for most people even those who oppose feminism to hit a woman because of their small size and weaker strength so it's your still your loss.
How diseased is your brain that you think that was ever an issue of gender? I don't support fascist men in their fight against anti-fascist men or women. I don't support fascist women in their fight against anti-fascist men or women. This could be the most super snowflake gendered person punching a white male and I still wouldn't support the nazi fuck
mmm tasty (2)
I've noticed more liberal/reddit idpol and Holla Forums bigotry under the guise of anti-idpol. It's driving me nuts.
Kinda getting tired of the
meme as well. stop it guys.
is this bait or are burgers actually this retarded?
seen worst
leftypol has its ups and downs
lurk more ;D and kick the socdems out
Should we even allow Esperanto threads? I think we can all agree that English is the language of the proletariat. Any attempt to divide us is pure idpol-cancer.
Well Esperanto and all Frankenlanguages are cancer to begin with really
I've been noticing a lot of "hey what's wrong with fascism" posts and invariably there's a slew of comments defending the "totally actually socialist" fascists or some obscure fascist figure. Really odd.
I bet you faggots think Yui's deep philosophy circlejerk threads were an apex of this board
Don't forget to do your part by saging and reporting
Marx was an idealist
Technically, both Trump and Hillary are your candidates, seeing as they're Kosher puppets
Materialism is idealism
sweet memories
It really is. It's based on the ridiculous notion that things only exist if they're directly in front of you and relies on arbitrary skepticism of everything your masters tell you to be doubtful of.
Isn't materialism based on some notion that a persons material circumstances shapes that person? Or am I completely wrong?
It's part of it, but it's still entirely wrong because consciousness is what forms reality, not the other way around.
materialism is based on the notion that matter is fundamental
materialism is not so solipsistic, jesus
Can you guys, or anyone else, motivate your answers, please? I'd like to learn more, but I don't have time to actually read a few books on it for at least a few months
I've only read the manifesto so bear with me :)
kek kys
someone played too mush Planescape
All you need to know is that most Marxist material is infused with Kabbalistic magic, which is generally the reason why so many fall under its sway, much like the Bible. Avoid them if you can.
If you want some concise answers, check out 666blacksun.com and deathofcommunism.weebly.com
No thank you! I am not interested in some spooky mumbo jumbo. Please don't take this as an insult though!
Don't actually listen to this delusional LARPer.
If you cant be assed to look beyond what's considered "normal", dont come crying to me when you end up used and discarded by these charlatans.
It seems there are different kinds of materialism? What''s the difference between historical, dialectic and just plain materialism? Thank you
Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all phenomena, including mental phenomena and consciousness, are results of material interactions.
Historical Materialism is a theory of history according to which the material conditions of a society's way of producing and reproducing the means of human existence or, in Marxist terms, the union of its productive capacity and social relations of production, fundamentally determine its organization and development.
I'm asking here because I want to know from someone who has read about, not copy pasted from wikipedia
and this invalidates definitions how?
Doesn't invalidate, comrade. I was just asking her specifically because I was told a few comrades here actually study theory. As such it would be nice to speak with someone with a broader knowledge of the subject rather than just getting the vague gist of it.
it is true though, Materialism is the idea that superstructure, (e.g. abstract thought, popular culture) and history are the ultimate result of the material conditions of the world. This basically means that we are products of the real world, even though we may reproduce it, generally speaking, the material base dominates our world.
so is marxian materialism the same as modern scientific materialism or "rationalism"? i.e. "nothing is real unless we-i mean science say it's real"
as promoted by shiteaters like this guy
Ok! Thank you guys for your replies
So it entails that we are product of our enviroments and our enviroments are products of us? Or is the latter excluded from the theory?
Something like that. We do reproduce the world around us, and there is an overdeterministic relationship there. However, the material world must logically be the base of this relationship, and its origin.
because it's a terrible source of infomation
I said the same 4 months ago. And 4 months before that, and 4 months before that…
It seems that I'm out in way too deep waters on this. Maybe I'll understand it in a few years if I acually apply myself to it. English is a third language for me so the academic talk kinda throws me off.
What's your first language?
anyway, histmat is just a logical extension of materialist principle of fundamentality of matter into the realm of social relations
production forces determine social structure
*productive forces
There is only one kind of materialism.
Historical materialism and dialectical materialism are just different interpretations of one core idea.
The "vulgar materialism" Marx & Engels often talk about, is British meme empiricism. It misunderstands what materialism is about.
I agree, this place seems a bit worse off than before the hack (or before the election in general). Has anybody also been noticing that, with the rise of leftist activity, organization, and class consciousness internationally, there has been a slew of posts here that discourage activity in general?
Granted, a lot of these points have been here since the start, but there have been a lot of these posts popping up. Seriously, it's been nothing but religious-tier fatalism, with no other argument supporting them other than misanthropic circlejerking.
I hope you aren't one of the idiots who got mad about the antifa shittalking.
Nope, wasn't me.
Not that user, but you don't have to be antifa to engage in activism. There's not much you can say that will defend that autism as something actually useful to the left.
Don't forget the feds watching you, meme or not.
Oh and also climate change will kill us, even though busting the system will literally save humanity, since all we gotta do is get the carbon out of the atmosphere.
In every online community I have ever been a part of people are constantly discussing how things used to be better.
That just means that we have newfags and lots of them. We wanted to grow, and this is how growth works. They don't come to us already having read everything they will need.
It's been kind of shit.
Not going to lie.
We need more theory and news threads.
Fuck off idpoler. Spanish is the language of the proletariat. English is pure bourgeoise imperialism. It's not a coincidence that not a single revolution has happened in an anglophone country while countless have happened in Latin America and Spain.
they were tbh.
I am retarded American that can barely read Spanish but Spanish will be the ONLY spoken language after the revolution.
Also man with the worst largest penis is Spanish so Spanish > English
Esperanto =/= Español
Fuck off liberal. Spencer getting punched was great, and more nazis should get punched.
As a huezilian and therefore a portuguese speaker, i support this message 100%
Marx's materialism is the idea that society is shaped by nature and material, that society's shape is the way it is to facilitate the process of production, which boils down to doing work to meet the needs that exist in a society.
Same difference. Anything is better than English.
I know. I was making a joke about how people love to support their native language and think it's objectively superior.
That doesn't work. If the other person is happy to argue in bad faith then it's worse than talking to a brick wall. Unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people here are neck-deep in ideology and just want to convert others to their particular brand of id-pol.
I give up. Enjoy wallowing in reddit and Holla Forums's excrement. I'm going to focus on becoming porky instead.
Wasn't it a Canadian?
There was a Thomas Paine quote that's relevant to this
This holds if you're arguing with another person in a vacuum. If there are other people watching, they can be swayed by reason against unreason.
Your time is better spent reading influential Marxists' writings instead of what leftypol people have to say. You'd seriously be better off leaving this place if it meant you read a book.
Thomas Paine was a racist colonizer. Read Settlers.
Nope. Behold 28 inches of Spanish ideology.
Why's it all wrapped up?
Probably because it might get damaged easier because it's bigger
I presume censorship for the sake of the news article I saved this from a while back.
No we shouldn't allow jabbering Soros funded idiots to post
Incidentally right after that in the same article:
Literally keeps him from working because he can't wear company uniforms, run fast, or be on his knees.
Next they'll be demanding that we give them a soros flag to promote their zionist language.
I guess being big would mean it chafes more.
He should do porn. It would be incredible. I imagine if he got a boner he'd die from lack of blood to his brain though.
asking an inevitably threatened population (English Speaking Whites) to abandon the one last part of their heritage, which is really the most harmless (their language) so the hispanics and french speaking africans can feel more comfortable all of which is literally funded by George Soros tentacles and is promoted by """""anarchists""""" who believe in open borders and id-pol shit and anti-fa faggotry. Nah fam that sounds like a good idea, we should paste a Zionist flag on our header and force everyone who posts here to speak Esperanto
That would drive everyone away. Better yet, they would make Esperanto Holla Forums's official language but tolerate everyone else's use of their preferred imperialist language.
I don't even know if this is satire any more.
Soros doesn't advocate for or fund Esperanto.
Samefag, and Esperanto isn't Zionist.
Samefag again, also, you need to ease on the Holla Forumstard rhetoric, otherwise you'll never fool anyone.
This. Every time the board grows it seems to be full of people with shitty views. That's not a problem, that means it's working as intended.